At the Cross -Pacific Trade Agreement Conference on Sunday (July 16), member states will discuss the issue of Chinese and Taiwan joining CPTPP. The member states will have different opinions on this.

According to Reuters on Friday (14th), the Cross Pacific Partnership Comprehensive Progress Agreement (CPTPP) is expected to eventually determine the qualifications of the British member states at this meeting.

After the application for joining the CPTPP in 2021, Mainland China also submitted an application within a week, but these two applications were put on hold, and the British application has been processed.

Charles Finny, a former New Zealand trade and diplomatic affairs diplomatic affairs, said that this may be the first time that I have joined CPTPP's new application for a very serious discussion, and member states have not reached a consensus.

CPTPP is a trade agreement reached by Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam in 2018.Once Britain joins, the total amount of GDP in the CPTPP country will reach 1.1 trillion pounds (S $ 17.9 trillion), accounting for 15%of global GDP.

Costa Rica, Uruguay, Ecuador, and Ukraine also applied to join CPTPP.

For applications in mainland China and Taiwan, some member states believe that the application should be reviewed in accordance with the principles of first -served, which means that China is preferred; other member states hope to focus on the best applicants.

A person familiar with the matter told Reuters that New Zealand and other countries supported the simultaneous review of applications, although the speed may be different, depending on the applicant's ability to meet the high standards of CPTPP, rather than when they submitted the application to applyability.

Reuters said that this may avoid choices between mainland China and Taiwan, or can ignore the application of the two.

Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian was asked during the meeting in Jakarta that CPTPP was a very high standard agreement during the meeting.Meet these high standards.

Reporting pointed out that these high standards are huge for China.CPTPP requires countries to cancel or reduce tariffs, make firm commitments to open services and investment markets, and formulate rules for competition, intellectual property rights and protecting foreign companies.

Aidan Arasasingham, a researcher at the Strategy of Washington SAR, believes that there is a great gap between the current situation of China and the high standards and binding commitments required by CPTPP member states. "There are complexity in economic and political aspects. "