Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou celebrated his 73rd birthday on Thursday (July 13), and saw himself promoting the mainland teachers and students to visit Taiwan.

Ma Ying -jeou posted on Facebook that day that they would welcome young students from five universities in mainland China, including Beijing, Tsinghua, Wuhan, Hunan, and Fudan, to visit Taiwan in two days. This is the most important in recent years.Mainland young friends will go to Taiwan to exchange groups. He will receive them on behalf of Ma Ying -jeou Foundation on behalf of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, hoping to have a little effort to restore cross -strait relations.

Ma Ying -jeou mentioned that since the Cai Yingwen government is in power, cross -strait relations are sluggish, coupled with the crown disease epidemic factors, for more than three years.In the event (under the emergence of the epidemic isolation, Wuhan charter disputes and the landmark children who stayed in the mainland to return to Taiwan have triggered the "Xiao Ming" storm).

Ma Ying -jeou pointed out that after being elected as president on March 22, 2008, he decided to open up the three links of cross -strait on the cross -strait, communicating, business, and navigation based on his campaign political opinion.At that time, more than 800 Lu Sheng was studying in Taiwan.By the time he stepped down as president in 2016, the number had reached 42,000, an increase of about 50 times, which shows that Lu Sheng's response was enthusiastic.

Ma Ying -jeou said that after he stepped down as the president, he went to the International Law of the Law School of Soochow University. About half of the students were Lu Sheng and got along well.The Cai Yingwen government did not pay attention to Lu Sheng at first, and did not support Lu Sheng health insurance subsidies.After the outbreak of the crown disease, Lu Sheng came to Taiwan almost completely, which was not good for both sides of the strait.Because youth communication is the foundation of cross -strait relations, and politicians must pay special attention.

Ma Ying -jeou mentioned that this time the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation invited Lu Sheng to visit Taiwan, which was also the idea of visiting the mainland at the end of March and early April.At that time, he went to Wuhan, Hunan, and Fudan University to exchange.After returning to Taiwan, he ordered his colleagues to actively promote it, hoping to continue the popularity of youth exchanges on both sides of the strait.When young people on both sides of the strait increase their understanding of each other and increase more friendship, where do you need to worry about war and conflict?

Ma Ying -jeou bluntly stated that when the mainland teachers and students visited Taiwan this time, the situation was not optimistic at the beginning.Unexpectedly, the peak circuit turned around and ended it successfully.He wants to thank the relevant government departments for their assistance, and to affirm Tsai Ing -wen for their support. In particular, the public opinion community in Taiwan is the most important help.

Ma Ying -jeou finally wrote that today (13th) is exactly his 73 -year -old birthday. He wants to promote the successful visit to Taiwan by the mainland teachers and students. It is the best birthday gift for him.Gifts.They prayed sincerely that they are well -being of the people on both sides of the strait. Cross -strait relations can be rainy and sunny, and they will fully return to normal exchanges.