The Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi Hou Youyi on Wednesday (July 12) and Hon Hai founder Guo Taiming on the same stage for the first time. Hou Youyi said in an interview the next day that he believed his concept as Guo Taiming.The ground communicates with Guo Taiming.

According to Taiwan reports, Hou Youyi attended the activities of the National Military Police Consumers' Association on Thursday (13th) to meet with the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun, the chairman of China and China, Zhao Shaokang, and the Congress of the Congress of the Blue Camp.On the same stage, actively consolidate the blue camp votes and increase the confidence of supporters.

Hou Youyi said in an interview that he was a grass -roots partner of the military and public education, and the military education was Taiwan's stable cornerstone. They encountered many challenges, and they could be taken care of by the government after retirement.

For the same stage in Taitung and Guo Taiming on Wednesday, Hou Youyi said that he was very happy to be with Guo.Born or dependents, they believe in Guan Gong, and they are also trustworthy. "In the future, they will sincerely communicate with Guo Guo to protect the Republic of China."

Zhu Lilun said in an interview that the Kuomintang will continue to promote cooperation in the future, and will also hold five or six conferences to work hard to get off the unfair DPP.He also admits that some party members have anxiety, but the Kuomintang must turn anxiety into strength and jointly remove the DPP.

Hou Youyi and Guo Taiming were invited to attend the meal of the Federation of True and Deputy Speaker of Taiwan in Taitung on Wednesday night. As Guo Taiming's independent election of 2024 was very arrogant, the two of them interactive preparationsAttention.However, although the two were sitting with the main table, they were separated by four people. Hou and Guo did not shook hands when they met.