The Taiwan United Daily News pointed out that a group of independent young people splashed paint to Jiang Gongling in the Twenty -eighth 8th 88th, not only showing off the process of recording, but also held a press conference to promote.On the same day, Mainland China announced that it had sent a measure of Taiwan to be a platform, the project was overwhelming, and it was particularly aimed at attracting young people from Taiwan to go to Lu for learning and employment to open a green channel.The scenes staged on the same day on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are completely in contrast and sighing.

Some scholars described that the waves of waves launched by the mainland were the purpose of attracting Taiwan, poor Taiwan, and stupid platforms to absorb all Taiwanese talents.Although this description is exaggerated, it seems to be in line with reality; when talents continue to flow to the other side, it is of course not good for Taiwan.However, the Cai government responded indifferently and only warned the enterprises and Chinese people who were eager to try to evaluate the risks carefully.To put it bluntly, for the united front methods of the mainland, the Tsai government was unable to stop the old tone of the wolf.

In the era of globalization, it is not surprising that the transnational flow of talents and funds is not surprising; but if it is only a one -way net outflow, it is worrying.Unfortunately, Taiwan's development in recent years has taken a downhill.Just look at how cross -strait students treat each other's international students. One comparison, we can see that Taiwan is unhappy, and the problem that is far from coming must not be underestimated.

Since the opening of Luke and Lu Sheng in Taiwan, there have been many Lukes, and Lu Sheng has been less.Its crux is that Taiwan has three limits for Lu Sheng. It is not allowed to work, must not receive awards, and cannot work in Taiwan after graduation.These regulations have allowed many Lu Sheng to rely on economic assistance in the family and have been deprived of the right to serve as research assistants.Although the conditions have been slightly loosened in recent years, the work of staying in Taiwan has not been relaxed.

On the other hand, the Taiwanese students who went to Luqiu could stay in the local area after graduation and participate in the national examination. This time, the Twenty -Huitai gift can relax that the students can apply for more than 100 professional examinations and apply for various national planning funds projects.In order to facilitate the application of the people in Taiwan, the mainland also promoted the upgrade of talent websites and enterprise recruitment systems.

The main reason why Taiwan has set up heavy restrictions on Lu Sheng is that in addition to the hatred of the Green Camp that has always regarded Lu Sheng and the Chinese Communist regime, he also regards Lu Sheng as a foreign competitor who grabbed Taiwan's educational resources and grab job opportunities, butThe significance of them from a higher perspective from democratic, human rights, and goodwill.

From the early days of studying in Taiwan, overseas Chinese education, etc., it can be found that the long -term residence experience of studying and living in different places often makes international students feel good for studying abroad.Many Hong Kong, Australia, Star, and Maqiao students who came to study in Taiwan have become an important friendly power after returning to their residences.In the same way, the land of Lu Sheng who came to Taiwan to study in Taiwan has a better understanding of Taiwan. Even if you do n’t talk about the platform, you can at least know the Taiwan;Lu Sheng could become a cultural ambassador to Taiwan after returning to the mainland because of his impression in Taiwan.

From a substantive perspective, Lu Sheng is a dedication, whether he is a research assistant or even graduated from Taiwan, will help expand the field of academic research in Taiwan, and can also supplement the manpower required for the employment market.Imagine that if the chairman of Guangda Lin Baili was not a Hong Kong overseas Chinese but Lu Sheng, according to the current regulations, he had no chance to start a business in Taiwan.

However, Lu Sheng's study in Taiwan is not only discriminated against, but even the most basic medical needs have been excluded for a long time. So far, he has not been included in the health insurance of the whole people.Although the Democratic Progressive Party's government is on the surface, it is necessary to give landmarks and other benefits. Compared with foreign students and overseas Chinese, it is included in health insurance.Treating overseas students to protest fake humanitarian.Those who hold opposition believe that Taiwanese students should also pay high premiums to study in the United States. Why should the government subsidize foreigners?This must return to the perspective of the national strategy: Faced with global competitive talents, Taiwan wants to attract more terrestrial or foreign students to study in Taiwan, and it is necessary to propose proper causes.In order to make the primer of the success of the southbound policy, the Cai government has continuously spoiled money to subsidize Southeast Asian tourists to Taiwan for a short -term sightseeing. Can such money be said to be more worthy?

The offensive offensive of the mainland's Taiwan -benefit Taiwan policy will cause magnetic effects to Taiwanese talents.At the ends of the strait, the banks embraced young people in Taiwan on the bank, but on the bank, Lu Sheng, who was yearning for Taiwan as an enemy.As a result, I am afraid that the ability of Taiwanese young people to run away, and the young people who stay can only continue to face the low -paying environment and turn around in the poor whirlpool.