Author: Liu Jincai

Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of Mainland China, discussed the policy of Taiwan twice when conducting a work report on the National People's Congress.It is worth noting that in 2018, the Taiwan policy did not reiterate what the leader of the President of the State President had previously said that he had previously opposed Taiwan independence. In contrast to the 2017 government work report.any.The government work report for two consecutive years has not fully echoed six any of the leaders of China leaders. Does this mean that the mainland has changed the policy on Taiwan?Or reduce suppression and increase Huairou?

First of all, from opposition to processing, to curb Taiwan independence, gradually strengthening efforts.Chinese leaders proposed to six any of the political reports of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (never allowed anyone, any organization, any political party, at any time, to split any Chinese territory from China).In 2017, Li Keqiang proposed three any (resolutely opposed and curbed Taiwan independence split activities, and he would never allow anyone to split Taiwan from the motherland in any form and any name).In 2018, it was resolutely maintained national sovereignty and territorial integrity.Although government reports are relatively simple and slower than the political reports of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and their strength is relatively low, but its strength is relatively low, but it does not mean that the anti -independence position is loose.

Secondly, adhere to the principles of the first middle school and the consensus of 1992 at the same time in the two government work reports.In 2018, it was mentioned to adhere to the principle of China, and promoted the peaceful development of cross -strait relations on the basis of 1992 consensus.In 2017, it was discussed in China, maintaining the common political foundation of the 1992 consensus, and promoting the process of peaceful and unified the motherland.Compared with the two words, the former emphasized the association between the peaceful development of the 1992 consensus and the peaceful development of cross -strait relations, and the latter emphasized the connection between the 1992 consensus and the unified process of peace.From the process of peace reunification of the motherland to the peaceful development of cross -strait relations, it seems that there is a stronger word to dilute the unity.

Furthermore, it emphasizes cross -strait economic and social integration and exchanges and cooperation.In 2018, it was proposed to expand cross -strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and gradually provided the same treatment as Taiwan's compatriots in the mainland, entrepreneurship, employment, and life as the mainland compatriots.In 2017, it provided more convenience for Taiwan's compatriots, especially young people, especially young people, especially young people, especially young people, especially young people, and especially young people, especially young people.The former further puts forward the same treatment as compatriots in the mainland, and the latter provides more convenience. It shows that the mainland will pay more and more attention to the deepening and specific practice of cross -strait economic and social integration.

Finally, reiterate cross -strait nationalism, but dilute the reunification and the Chinese people.In 2018, it will be proposed to share the national righteousness, and it will definitely create a good future of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.In 2017, we should talk about the national righteousness, unswervingly promote the peaceful and unified process of the motherland, and jointly create the happy life and good tomorrow of all Chinese people.The former did not connect the unity of nationalism and the country, while the latter touched the connection with peace and unity, and replaced the Chinese with the Chinese nation.

Basically, the mainland's policy on Taiwan still adheres to the goal of anti -independence, but it shows more softness, elasticity and tendencies.Overall, the part -time part of the Taiwan is highly goodwill and has not deliberately emphasized six anti -independence. It emphasizes the peaceful development of the 1992 consensus and the peaceful development of cross -strait relations, and has not deliberately proposed a peaceful and unified process; proposed that the Chinese nation recognition rather than the Chinese.In this regard, the Cai government should respond in good faith and actively create a reconciliation atmosphere and foundation.

(The author is assistant professor at the Department of Public Affairs of Fo Guang University)