Source: 21st Century Business Herald

As one of the means to activate the vitality of second -hand housing transactions, "bringing transfer" has been implemented in many places in China.

According to the data disclosed by Zhao Yan, deputy director of the Natural Resources of the Ministry of Natural Resources of China on March 30, at present, more than 100 prefectures and cities in the country have carried out "transferred transfer" to formA more mature processing model will be fully carried out in the next step.

"Bringing transfer" means that in second -hand housing transactions, the seller holds real estate and directly handle the transfer and transfer the ownership of real estate to the buyer.The advantage of this program is that time and cost can be saved.

Zhao Yan said, "After the implementation of real estate 'with the transfer of transfer", the seller does not need to raise funds to return the old loan. The real estate registration agency is handled and registered for transfer, mortgage registration, etc., To achieve the effective connection of real estate registration and mortgage loans, which greatly saves transaction time and reduces the difficulty and cost of transaction. "

"Bringing transfer" makes the transaction process of second -hand housing more concise, and the market accepts and recognizes this.

But according to the interviews with various reporters, at the practical level, "with the transfer of the transfer" is still at a relatively early stage.Many large medium -sized intermediaries in Shenzhen, Chengdu, Wuhan and other cities have stated in an interview that there are few customers who currently carry out this business. In the process of promoting, there are still many "blocking points" to be brokenControl.

Whether the "transferred transfer" can further popularize the inclusiveness, and it depends on whether these aspects can be coordinated and resolved.

Actively implement

"Taking transfer" has long been explored nationwide.As early as September 2020, Zhuhai had taken the lead in launching this service.But the real promotion starts from 2022.Since 2022, "bringing transfer" has been launched in many places across the country.Among them, Shenzhen is the first city in first -tier cities.

On January 5, 2023, six departments in Shenzhen jointly issued a work plan for Shenzhen to promote second -hand houses to promote second -hand housing models. Since then, the mortgaged real estate in Shenzhen may not pay off the loan in advance.Apply for transfer, re -mortgage and issue new loans, and realize the buyer's bank loan to repay the buyer's purchase funds.

One of the backgrounds of Shenzhen's launch of this policy is that the transaction volume of second -hand housing has fallen to the freezing point at that time.According to the statistics of the Shenzhen Real Estate Intermediary Association, in 2022, Shenzhen second -hand housing records (including self -service) 26,853 units, compared with the 44,375 units in 2021, reached 39.5%.The lowest value.

Therefore, Shenzhen's implementation of "transit" at that time was also interpreted by the market as the purpose of actuating liquidity through simple second -hand housing trading procedures.

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center, analyzed that since last year, the transaction volume of second -hand housing in Shenzhen has been hovering around 2,000 sets, a new low of more than ten years.At present, the state has great support for the improvement of housing improvement and demand for housing. To stabilize the property market in Shenzhen, the second -hand housing market must stabilize the transaction situation dominated by second -hand housing.Therefore, related policies came into being.

In addition to Shenzhen, more cities have successively promoted the second -hand housing trading policy of "transferred".

According to statistics from the Central Independence Research Institute, as of April 15, 2023, a total of 145 cities across the country have implemented "transit", including Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, and Chengdu.

Although the localities are actively implemented, at the practical level, there are still few cases of "bringing transfer", but during the exploration process, the business volume has improved.

Take Zhuhai as an example. According to the data released by the Zhuhai Banking Association, in the first quarter of 2023, there were a total of 245 business in Zhuhai second -hand houses, with a mortgage amount of about 338 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about 6500, about 6500, about 6500, about 6500, about 6500, about 650010,000 yuan), the business volume exceeds 2022.At present, there are more than 20 banking institutions that have opened this business.

Zhuhai has been promoted for more than two years, and last year's business volume was only more than 200 sects. This shows that the market's favor for this business still needs to be improved.

Not only Zhuhai, most of the cities that have been promoted in the second half of last year, most of them are still in their infancy.

The relevant person in charge of a Shenzhen head intermediary agency pointed out, "Our company has not yet done a order 'with the transfer'. At present, this business is still in the publicity stage, and there is still a distance from the full implementation."

Dongguan launched the "transferred" business in early April this year, and it is still in its infancy.A person in the four major banks in Dongguan told reporters that now there is a order, and the amount is not very large, and they are still starting.

Remove the blocking point

Where is the blocking point of the "transfer of transfer"?Why is the market ambiguous to the market?

The 21st Century Economic Herald reporter's interviews found that there are still some barriers to be broken during the implementation process of "bringing transfer", and from the perspective of home buyers, there are concerns about the security of the transfer of transfer.There are obstruction in the process.

According to the reporter of the 21st Century Business Herald, the current "transferred" cross -bank processing can only be handled in a few cities, and it is also in the exploration stage.Taking Shenzhen as an example, after several months of exploration, the first cross -bank "transferred transfer" only appeared recently.

Recently, a home buyer in Shenzhen has handled a second -hand housing mortgage loan at the Nanshan High -tech Park Sub -branch of Construction Bank, and successfully completed the registration procedures for the "cross -bank transfer of transfer" in the Qianhai Registration Service Hall of Nanshan Registration Office in Shenzhen.Receiving a new non -active property certificate has become the beneficiary of Shenzhen's first policy of "cross -bank and transfer" policy.

At present, many cities' operational rules have not been clear.A person familiar with the Chengdu market told the 21st Century Business Herald reporter, "There are not many people who run the" transfer of transfer "in Chengdu now, and I don’t know how to do it."

This is one of the blocking points of "transferring".But in fact, even if there are no practical problems, the recognition of the buyers and sellers of the business still needs to be improved.

A intermediary of Wuhan told the 21st Century Business Herald reporter that in the process of communicating with the customer, the customer's attention focused on the mortgage situation of the real estate."Customers will be very concerned about the proportion of mortgage. If the proportion is too high, buying a house will be more cautious. Because the customer will feel that the landlord is risky in finance, the leverage is too high, and the probability of lack of money will be higher, so it will be higher, so it will be a higher probability of money, so it will be more absent, so it will be more absent, so it will be higher, so it will be more absent, so it will be higher.More cautious. "

Wang Yuchen, director of Beijing Gold Prosecutor's Firm, stated that the transaction proposal of "transferring transfer" stated that for the buyers, the entire process of "transferred the transfer", if not successfully achieved the previous mortgage, the buyer's office was not successfully lifted and the buyer's office was not successfully lifted, and the buyer's office was not successfully lifted, and the buyer's office was not successfully lifted, and the buyer's office was not successfully lifted.The houses purchased did not obtain ownership in "complete meaning".If you want to bring the transfer, you must pay attention to the process control. All the processes involved must be refined.

The risks that may exist in the process of transferring the transfer have been paid attention to and valued.In order to eliminate the poor information of the buyers and sellers and reduce the risk of transactions, all parts of the country have been acting.


Shenzhen model is that during the entire process of "transferred transfer", all funds were regulated by the notary office or bank jointly recognized by the buyer and seller, until the transfer procedures were completed.This can be reduced on the premise of ensuring the security of fundsThe seller's "redemption fee" expenditure and improving transaction efficiency.

Li Yujia believes that the technical level is relatively simple in terms of guarantee of buyers and sellers.He pointed out that through forecast registration and notarization, transactions can be locked in advance to prevent one -bedroom and two sale, prevent mortgage rights from falling, and prevent the application of loans from being unable to obtain property rights.In addition, finance and real estate can formulate and improve the transaction process according to their respective demands, and can also protect the rights and interests of all parties.