Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council of China, went to Hong Kong to inspect. Today, he attended the opening ceremony of the National Security Education Day of the National National Security Education, becoming the focus of all parties.In the past few years, major changes in international climate and small climate in Hong Kong.The struggle of great powers has become more and more important to maintain Guoan and the country.

To do a good job of national security work, the key is to constantly respond to changes in the situation, consider the overall situation from the height of strategic thinking, and better coordinate safety and development.Hong Kong has entered the new stage of "from the rule of governance and prosperity" from the very period of "chaos and rule". The work of Guoan work from strategy to implementation must also keep up with the times.Thinking and practices.Hong Kong is a highly open and diverse city. Maintaining Guoan and maintaining the uniqueness of Hong Kong must be organically combined in order to better promote the development and contributing countries in Hong Kong.

In 2015, the National People's Congress passed the new version of the National Security Law, and it was scheduled to be the National National Security Education Day each year.In Hong Kong, with the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in mid -2020, the National Security Education Day in the past two years, the SAR officials have held large -scale activities. This year is the third year.On the day of the forum, Xia Baolong will attend the opening ceremony and delivered a speech, reflecting the central government's emphasis on Hong Kong's maintenance of national security work.

Take care of the opportunity to governing and Xingxing

In the past, Hong Kong was quite strange to the concept of national security. Some people even regarded it as a "flood beast". In 2003, after 23 legislative fetuses died, even the special government officials on the SAR government also posted "less touch" on national security issues.The attitudes of the anti -repair storm broke out, and Hong Kong experienced the turmoil that had not been seen for half a century that the situation changed.In recent years, the United States has made up to prevent China's rise, and its means has emerged endlessly. The international situation is weird. Maintaining Guoan is not only for Hong Kong, but also for the country, and the two are closely linked.The central government emphasizes that the "overall national security outlook" must be unswerving. The SAR government promotes national security work and must also have such a macro view.

National security is not just to maintain social security, curb separationism and violence activities. Financial, finance, technology, network, supply chain, and even food and other fields are also very important.According to the report of the 20th National Congress of the mainland government last year, maintaining national security, we must take people's security as the purpose, based on political security, based on economic security, with military science and technology and social security as the guarantee.The new security pattern guarantees the new development pattern. "Last month, President Xi Jinping even said that "security is the foundation of development" and "better overall development and security."The SAR government must accurately grasp the relationship between security and development to avoid deviations.

After the anti -repair storm, the central government formulated the Hong Kong National Security Law.More than two years have passed, and Hong Kong has resumed stability. Although it is still necessary to cope with the hostile operation of the Washington politicians and promote sanctions overseas, it is necessary to prevent Hong Kong independence and violence, but it has ended from chaos and governance.The central government and the SAR officials are currently talking about how to "from governance and prosperity", highlighting the internal conditions of Hong Kong. Compared with the early stages of the National Security Law, major changes have been changed.Due to chaos and governance, the first service is to strengthen the criminal investigation work and stabilize the situation as soon as possible. There must be very measures in the very period; from the governance and prosperity, the development and security must be organically combined and promoted to each other.Maintaining the work of Guoan to enter a new period, both strategies and implementation must be advanced with the times, to ensure the new development pattern in a new security pattern, and to use the thinking and way of thinking and doing things in the stages of chaos and governance, it may not be appropriate.

Open diversity is the advantage to maintain the uniqueness of Hong Kong

Maintaining Guoan requires strategic thinking, taking into account safety and development.Hong Kong is a highly open international city. It is based on the unique advantage of Hong Kong and the need for national development.The 14th Five -Year Plan proposes the eight centers of Hong Kong. The International Financial Center, the International Creation Center, the International Mediation and Arbitration Center, the Sino -foreign Culture and Art Exchange Center, etc. Each positioning is actually closely linked to Hong Kong's uniqueness.The central government for Hong Kong's "customized" Hong Kong National Security Law does not directly apply the Mainland National Security Law to Hong Kong, which itself considers Hong Kong's uniqueness; at the end of last year, the SAR government asked for an interpretationThe decision of law, the National People's Congress, actually returned the problem to the SAR government for handling. It did not overthrow the final court's decision, and also took into account Hong Kong's uniqueness.

The uniqueness of Hong Kong lies in diverse and highly open, and all parties are easy to connect with international standards.Taking the rule of law as an example, Hong Kong pursues ordinary law and the rule of law system is mature. It can be said that it is a pillar of a good business environment. If this uniqueness is lost, Hong Kong cannot continue to become an international financial center or become an international mediation arbitration center.The central government has repeatedly emphasized that maintaining the general law system in Hong Kong is precisely because the central government understands its importance that the SAR government's handling of national security matters must be kept in mind this.During the new period of governance and promotion, the SAR government must be refined and accurately in place. In addition to taking into account the international climate and the small climate of Hong Kong, we must also take into account the needs of safety and development."Add Zero" is equal to the best.

Some recent incidents, including regional residents' anti -reclamation parade, need to be identified by the neck, and the film of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology of China to play the mainland winning film hidden in the dust and smoke, but was forced to be a reflection permit for the electrical management office and was forced to be a reflection permit.Cancellation of screening, official treatment is questionable.The demonstration of the demonstration is unique in the open society; the theme of the hidden and smoke is based on the rural situation, and the mainland box office has exceeded 100 million yuan.Misunderstanding.SAR officials do not approve the proof of certificates and have no clear explanation, which will inevitably pay attention to whether the official reflects allergies.The SAR Government wants to tell the story of Hong Kong and maintain Guoan, but also to maintain the uniqueness of Hong Kong.The problem of generalization of national security is still too late, which is not good for Hong Kong to play uniqueness, and it is not beneficial to national development.