Source: United Daily News

The dispute between the preliminary nominations of Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin and the legislators Fei Hongtai has intensified. In addition to the disputes over pushing, Xu Qiaoxin even became Fei Hongtai's "side wings" four years ago to help him attack the challenger Wang Hongwei.The "Feixin War" was originally a dispute between generations. Nowadays, adult attacks have also risen into a scandal of mutual fighting within the party, which is extremely ugly.In this regard, the mayor of Taipei Jiang Wanan has taken the initiative to discuss how to mediate with Huang Lu Jinru, the chairman of the Party Department of Beishi. Party Chairman Zhu Lilun ignores it. Doesn't it care about the damage to the party's image?

On the surface, the "Feixin War" is only a preliminary dispute between Fei Hongtai and Xu Qiaoxin; in essence, it is related to the adjustment and transformation of the Kuomintang's ecological structure;And image.In addition to the "Feixin War", there are similar situations in other constituencies, which need to be resolved.Jiang Wanan asked Huang Lujinru to make a business. Obviously, he noticed that the incident had affected the party's image and unity, so he hoped to do his best.In contrast, Zhu Lilun seated the incident to expand fermentation, but did not do any risk control.

Zhu Lilun may think that the Party Central Committee has set up the "30 % of the party members and 70 % polls" primaries. As long as the candidates show their own ability, they can achieve fair competition.However, compared to the DPP's "whole polls", the Kuomintang's primary method is obviously beneficial to the currentcomers, and the young generation is naturally dissatisfied. This is also the main reason for the "Feixin war" to stop fire.Besides, in addition to the rules of the formulation, there are many things that the Party Central Committee can do, including the mediation of both parties or requesting restraint; of course, they need to be handled delicately.Including external suggestions, senior legislators with excellent performance should be renamed for no partition nomination, which is also a reasonable coordination.However, the Party Central Committee watched the "Feixin War" intensified, but it was not handled. Do you think he is just a member of the play in the audience?

If this is the case, Zhu Lilun's leadership style is too problematic.As a party chairman, he ignores the major controversy within the party. He is ashamed of the role of the event that affects the image of the party.Of course, the current work of the Kuomintang chairman is not easy. Zhu Lilun must think about the nomination layout of the president and legislators. In the case of insufficient resources, he must try to raise funds and settle the different needs of local forces. The work must be quite heavy.But since Zhu Lilun chose to serve this heavy responsibility, in addition to playing a good leader role and leading the Kuomintang to pursue the biggest chance of victory, what else has he retreating?

From the end of the 9 -in -one election at the end of last year, all the way to the present, the Kuomintang has lost a lot of original support and self -confidence unknowingly.Among them, Jingzhou, including Nantou's re -election, was planned in improperly planned by the Election Council, and the civil strife of the battle of the core was one of the reasons.At present, the Kuomintang's priority is three urgent: one is to curb the "Feixin War" and similar internal fighting fires to continue to spread, which requires the help of veterans to mediate; the other is to avoid adding internal consumption and call the strongest presidential candidate as soon as possible.Then do the best of the party to provide strategic and discuss support; the third is to strive to win any form of cooperation in Guo Taiming, which still requires the help of the old veterans and even party members in the party.

The reason why the Kuomintang Central Committee has not been involved in the mediation of the "Feixin Wars" may be afraid of being consumed by the parties or doing a lot of articles on the one hand; on the other hand, it may feel that there is nowhere to start and simply ignore it.Such a mentality is not only too much more ostrich, but also too negative.In fact, the elders, elites and rookies in the party abound. As long as you find the right candidates and come up with enough sincerity, you should have a way to let the two sides rest.The question is only whether the host has the intention to solve it, and whether it has enough wisdom.

At present, the personnel structure of the Central Party Department seems to be weak, and the qualifications and connections of several party affairs are not enough. If you want to play the above -mentioned "three major responsibilities" shuttle and the head of the locomotive, it may be difficult to compete.Therefore, Zhu Lilun must keep his eyes far and lower his body. Please go out of the party who are capable and influential in the party to fight this election campaign together.The DPP's army has taken shape, and the Blues still have room for self -confusion?