Source: Voice of Germany

Author: Liu Wen

The US House of Representatives' Foreign Affairs Committee voted in early March to approve the draft of Tiktok's ban. Tiktok CEO Zhou was found in the US Congress last week to prove that Tiktok's use in the United States will not threaten US national security.All these disturbances do not seem to reduce young people in the United States' obsession with this popular social software.

"Of course I will not support Tiktok, I watched it to relieve boredom every day." Giriguri, who worked at a technology company, told reporters.At the age of 30, he served as a product manager. In his work, he often used Tiktok to learn about the popular culture, music, and stalks in young people.Regardless of whether it is a lengthy meeting, or the stress in the work, it needs to be relieved, or the time to pass the time when waiting, he habitually opens the funny videos of TIKTOK to see the emotions.

He said that he is not an indulging person in social software, but the advantage of Tiktok is that there are all kinds of content on it, whether it is a funny video, a cute pet, or a useful fitness skills, cooking, cookingThe trick is everything.Looking at it when you look at it, you forget your time.

"Disabastating is not the optimal solution"

When talking about the security threat from China that may encounter using this software, Grigeria told reporters: "I have not entered the important personal information of my bank account on Tiktok. If the Chinese governmentKnowing which videos I like to watch and which bloggers I have paid attention to, let them know. Anyway, I am very happy when I use Tiktok. "He also said that supporting the government to block the security loopholes of these software through legislation to block the security loopholes of these softwares.And to prevent these companies from profit -making on the privacy of users through legislation, but do not support the banning Tiktok in the United States.He believes that simply disability is not the optimal solution.

Griger's point of view represents many young people in the United States. They use Tiktok like Instagram and Facebook, and they will not have special concerns because of this software from China.

In the past few years, Tiktok's users in the United States have increased sharply.In January 2018, Tiktok had more than 11 million monthly active users in the United States. By August 2020, the number of monthly active users exceeded 100 million.The data released by Tiktok on March 21 this year shows that 150 million Americans are using Tiktok.

A survey shows that 67%of American teenagers use Tiktok.Another survey made by the investment company Popper Sandler showed that in the spring of 2022, TIKTOK surpassed Snapchat and became the favorite social media of American youths.In the previous six years, Snapchat was the champion of this survey.

The average age of Tiktok users in the United States is also very young.25%of Tiktok users are under 20 years of age, 22.4%of users are between 20-29, and 21.7%of users are 30-39 years old.

Although 61%of the CBS public opinion surveys support the government to ban Tiktok, young people who have heard of Tiktok at the ageTiktok is forbidden.

When the videos of members asked members at the US Congress in the weekly, the videos of members of the US Congress spread, many people made videos on TIKTOK, imitating the questions of the questions in a ridiculous tone, to ridicule these members of these members of these members of this.The popular social software in young people does not understand, and this expresses its dissatisfaction with the bill that prohibit Tiktok.

"What Chinese government, security threats, I don't know much," dancer Brook in Texas said he had not paid attention to news related to Tiktok's ban.But she has been a loyal Tiktok user in the past few years.

"You know, learning dance and teaching dance is not a career that is easy to make money," she said.Especially during the epidemic, all offline courses stopped, and she had to find other means of living.At the end of 2020, her students came to ask her to make a dance challenge video on Tiktok. She also took this opportunity to start creating some dance works: sometimes it was imitating other stars, sometimes it was the original dance played by her own improvisation.Careful rehearsal paragraphs.At the beginning of the video, there were only dozens of viewing volumes, and then there were thousands or even tens of thousands of viewing volumes.She said that she was not a fire at all compared with other online celebrities, but also attracted some dance enthusiasts locally.She later concluded experience. Before the start of class, if video was posted on Tiktok and Instagram, she would go to her class three or four times more than a video promotion."Tiktok is concerned about me. Generally, some students are generally. Instagram is usually a person who has already worked," she told reporters.

Brook said that he did not understand the security threat behind Tiktok, and it was difficult to give a deeper answer, but she felt that Tiktok was a very useful social software that could be connected to strangers, or it could help her take herself to herselfThe dance shows more audiences.She recently released daily life videos other than dancing on Tiktok, and also interacted with her followers.

Not just tiktok

Ryvena from Ohio believes that the Chinese government behind Tiktok is indeed likely to bring personal privacy threats to users.She said: "Tiktok is problematic, we can make Tiktok better protect the privacy of users, but I don't think all the members who ask questions at the hearing care all the privacy." "Our state government goes to askFacebook wants the information of women's abortion, this is personal privacy, but Facebook is still given to the state government. "

The incident she quoted occurred in June 2022.A 17 -year -old girl in Nebraska is more than 20 weeks of pregnancy, and in the state, abortion is prohibited after 20 weeks of pregnancy.Facebook provided the police with a private message between the girl and her mother how to get an abortion medicine.The mother and daughter were also facing criminal charges because they were suspected of illegal abortion.This incident also made Ryvenna question whether government officials really care about the privacy of the netizens so much.

She said that she had discussed this with her friends and thought that members of those who raised problems at the hearing would hope to take this opportunity to show her tough attitude towards China.But she felt that in order to protect social media users, companies such as Tiktok and Facebook should be standardized to the government's disclosure of government privacy information.And she also hopes that after these behaviors are regulated, people can still enjoy the convenience brought by these software.

Most young people in the United States are not disgusted with Tiktok, a software from China.The survey made by economists also shows that young Americans have less hostility to China than their parents.Only about 25%of Americans between 18-44 years old regarded China as enemies, and this proportion is as high as 52%of Americans who are 45 and over.