Source: China News Weekly

Author: Sun Xiaobo

Ordos "out of the circle" again, this time relies on the per capita GDP that stands out.

Recently, the Ordos City Bureau of Statistics released news that in 2022, the city's regional GDP (GDP) was 561.344 billion yuan (RMB), and the price factors were deducted by 5.4%year -on -year;people.

From this calculation, in 2022, the per capita GDP of Ordos exceeded 250,000 yuan, reaching 25,6908 yuan, and the average exchange rate of RMB in 2022 was converted to $ 38,196.

The aforementioned data not only allowed Ordos's economic aggregate in 2022 to ranks first in Inner Mongolia, 45th in China -level cities in China, and per capita GDP also ranks first in the country.

This data also shows that Ordos per capita GDP in 2022 has surpassed first -tier cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou, which is about 1.4 times that of Shanghai and Beijing.Looking at the international GDP level of $ 38,196 in Ordos, it has also exceeded Japan and South Korea.

Per capita GDP is one of the important macroeconomic indicators. It is an effective tool for people to understand and grasp the macroeconomic operation of a country or region.Essence

So, how did Ordos achieve such results?


Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region's 2022 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin shows that in 2022, the per capita GDP of Inner Mongolia was 96,474 yuan, an increase of 4.2%over the previous year.Ordos's GDP of 561.344 billion yuan, pushing the capital of Inner Mongolia's capital Hohhot and traditional industrial cities, leading Inner Mongolia.

The per capita GDP exceeds 250,000 yuan, which also allows Ordos per capita GDP to surpass first -tier cities such as North, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and ranks first in the country. It is about three times the national average.

Data show that in 2022, the national GDP nationwide was 85,700 yuan, an increase of 3.0%over the previous year; of which, Beijing's per capita GDP reached 190,000 yuan, Shanghai per capita GDP was 180,400 yuan, and Guangzhou and Shenzhen reached 150,000 yuan, respectively.And 180,000 yuan.

In addition, last year, Shenzhen's per capita GDP was 183,100 yuan, Suzhou was 186,500 yuan, and Wuxi was 198,600 yuan. Compared with these three cities, Ordos also had obvious advantages.

It is worth mentioning that in October last year, a report issued by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted that the per capita GDP per capita in Japan in 2022 was US $ 34.36 million, and South Korea would reach US $ 33.59 million.Ordos per capita GDP in 2022 has also exceeded the level of countries such as Japan and South Korea.

Ordos can stand out, which is closely related to its unique resource endowment."Ordos has a faster economic growth rate and a higher per capita GDP level, which is determined by its special resource endowment." Niu Fengrui, a regional research expert and director of the Small and Medium City Research Institute, analyzes China News Weekly.

"There is a mine at home" is Ordos's largest label, "sheep coal and earth" -the cashmere, coal, rare earth, and natural gas are Ordos' "golden signboards".Ordos, which is rich in resources, has 1/6 of the country's coal and 1/3 of natural gas reserves.

Data show that Ordos proves that the coal reserves reached more than 149.6 billion tons. On the city's 87,000 square kilometers of land, 70%of coal was buried under the surface.

"In 2022, Ordos produced 1/5 of the nation's coal, completed 1/4 of the nationwide confession tasks, and solved the" coal -coal -coal "of 25 provinces, autonomous regions and cities across the country with the power of a city." OrdosCity Mayor Du Huiliang said.

Inner Mongolia Statistics Bureau data shows that in 2022, the production of raw coal in Inner Mongolia reached a record high, reaching 1.174 billion tons, an increase of 10.1%over the previous year, accounting for 26%of China's total coal output.Among them, Ordos ’s annual cumulative production of raw coal reached 779 million tons, an increase of 11.7%over the previous year, accounting for 66.4%of the production of raw coal production in the region.

According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the production of raw coal in 2022 was 4.56 billion tons.This means that the production of raw coal in Inner Mongolia accounted for more than a quarter of the country, while Ordos's raw coal production accounted for 17%of the country.

In addition to coal resources, Ordos also has rich resource reserves such as natural gas, petroleum, rare earth.Data show that in 2022, Ordos transported nearly 20 billion cubic meters of natural gas to more than 40 cities including Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei.

With the rise of energy prices, Ordos, like other resource cities, has become the most direct beneficiary.

In addition, the standing out of Ordos's per capita GDP is the relatively small population.

From the perspective of the country, cities with a larger economic volume than Ordos, or a considerable number of cities, are far greater than that of Ordos; cities with fewer people (or similar) than Ordos, and the total economy is far less than Ordos.

For example, in 2022, Taiyuan, Shanxi (557.117 billion yuan) and Zhejiang Jinhua (556.247 billion yuan), which are similar to Ordos's economy, have a permanent population of 5.435 million and 7.127 million, which is much higher than the 2.07 million people in Ordos.Essence

"There is a mine at home" is also worried?

There is a cloud: there is mine at home, and you don't worry about eating.But in fact, Ordos, who has a mine at home, also has "happy troubles".

On the one hand, the "soaring" of GDP has brought a strong help to urban development.Niu Fengrui said, "The higher the GDP, the stronger the local public financial resources, and the promotion of the prosperity of the urban economy. The city will be more livable and available, which is conducive to improving the quality of life of the urban population."

The strong city financial resources have indeed brought "confidence" to Ordos.In 2010, the city of Ordos took the lead in implementing a 12 -year free education; in 2021, Ordos launched a free HPV vaccine project from 13 to 18 years old; in the same year, Ordos made an annual salary of 600,000 recruitment of Tsinghua University and Peking University.In recent years, Ordos has frequently had a "out of circle".

Ordos, which is "strong at home", is at the forefront of public services such as education, culture, and medical care, and the comprehensive well -off index has entered the top 10 nationwide.

But on the other hand, Ordos coal industry accounts for nearly 70%of the total economic volume, and nearly 50%of total financial revenue.The danger of the economic structure brought by "one coal" is also urgent by Ordos.

Economics has a "curse of resources", saying that countries or regions with abundant natural resources often rely too much on resource development, and ignore the investment in talents and other industries., Eventually, stagnation or even backward.

In the past, many cases of resource -based cities showed that long -term dependence on the mining of resources, ignoring the diversified development of the industry, and technological innovation, with the depletion of resources, will inevitably decline.Niu Fengrui said, "Ordos may not have reached the stage of resource exhaustion, but it should be planned."

He said that the rapid growth of GDP such as Ordos and other resource -based cities is a specific stage of development and the result of the rise of energy prices. This is a series of domestic and foreign economic and social factors, which is not universal.

In fact, Ordos also trapped in trouble because of the cycle of energy prices.2011, OrdoThe per capita GDP surpassed Hong Kong and ranked first in the country.However, since the second half of 2011, with the cut of coal prices, a series of chain reactions have been triggered in Ordos.At that time, Ordos borrowed from the property market to the private lending, and there was a chain reaction, and the economy of the entire city was covered with shadows.

Niu Fengrui believes that for resource cities such as Ordos, through the adjustment of industrial structure and getting rid of a single energy industry dependence, it is the key to maintaining sustainable development in the future.

In fact, Ordos has already realized the problem of "one coal unique", and has been committed to getting rid of the dependence on the coal industry ten years ago.

In recent years, reducing coal dependence and industrial transformation is the theme of Ordos.

During the National Two Council of the country this year, Du Huiliang said in an exclusive interview with China News Weekly that Ordos was a systematic system system to systematically reshape the industrial system and build a modern industrial system with multi -point support, multi -business coexistence, and diverse development.

Earlier, Du Huiliang also went to Hangzhou, Zhejiang Hangzhou to attract investment with the theme of "Chain".He summarizes the system of Ordos's industrial system with the "seven chain", including: Jianqiang Energy Industry Chain, Perfecting Modern Coal Chemical New Material Industry Chain, creating a new energy industry chain, strengthening the emerging industry chain, and doing excellent modern agriculture and animal husbandryIndustrial chain, industrial chain of modern service industry, and cultivating innovation chains.

At the China Merchants Promotion Conference, Du Huiliang invited the majority of Zhejiang businessmen and experts and scholars to "go to Ordos to take a look and take a look, bring more projects, funds, technology, talents to Ordos, and to Ordos."

Zhou Haifeng, vice chairman of the Inner Mongolia Economics Society and deputy dean of the Qingcheng Research Institute of Pangu Intersection, told China News Weekly that the growth cycle of Ordos is not long. After the reform and opening up, the demand for energy for the rapid development of the national economy has led to OrdosThe rapid growth, Ordos's starting depends on resources, relying on "sheep coal and rustic" and "warm the world".

"In the past, everyone described Ordos, which may be 'sheep coal and rustic', 'Warm the whole world', which represents Ordos' resource endowment, which is a development model dominated by resources."In terms of observation, Ordos "did a lot of work" in the industrial upgrade and the improvement and extension of the industrial chain.

In his opinion, Ordos has exceeded 250,000 yuan per capita GDP. In addition to being closely related to coal -based energy advantages, it also benefits from the improvement of Ordos's overall investment environment and business environment, as well as industrial upgrading, industrial industryChain extension and emerging industries.

He said that through the accumulation of resource advantages, Ordos has "stood on a step", has a certain development advantage, and has "done better" in government governance and business environment. This is a guarantee.In the future, how to achieve breakthroughs in the systematic reshaping industrial system and promote urban transformation and development is critical for Ordos's sustainable development.