Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in the ascendant, and has gradually spread to the public's daily life. The latest applied applied recently, the first "Generation AI" (Generation AI).In the United States, the AI chat robot program set off a trial boom. If the user enters a small amount of information, the system will generate articles by itself; in China, Baidu also intends to launch a similar product "Wenxin's words" next month.The competition is even more intense.The generation AI has a wide range of uses, and it will bring subversive changes to the employment market and many industries. It is possible that after social media, it will set off another life revolution. However, like social media, the generation AI is also a double -edged sword., It may be abused for fraud, plagiarism, and fake information.At the end of last year, the Hong Kong Government issued a blueprint for innovative technology development and promoted new types of industrialization. AI is one of the key points. The SAR must accelerate and start thinking about regulatory issues.

ChatGPT Lifting Tide Tide

Baidu "Wenxin's words" is ready to go

Human society has ushered in the fourth industrial revolution, different from the previous mechanized production (first), large -scale electrification production (second), computerization and automation (third), the fourth industrial industryThe core of the revolution is the combination of virtual reality and intelligence, and the development of AI is pivotal.In recent years, the application of AI has become more and more popular. It has begun to enter the room. People daily life, more and more opportunities to expose intelligent devices and services. However, the shock brought by the appearance of AI chat robot programs is still beyond the imagination of many people.Last April, Microsoft's investment company OpenAI launched a generative AI named Dall-E 2. The user entered some simple languages, and the system can simulate the master's style and generate exquisite pictures. By the end of last year, the company launched the company again.Chat robot program ChatGPT, open Internet users for free trial, the system knows how to answer questions and even compositions according to the prompts, including jokes, poetry, articles, prose, and even long papers. In just a few months, millions of people have tried it.

AI capabilities have continued to improve, and ever -changing like Go, can also defeat the top human chess players. Society is known, but for the average person, you have the opportunity to try to try a strong AI system, experience its power, and look at the media reports as a wall view. Always always look at the wall.It's two different things.The generation AI can "create" various cross -media content, including text, short films, sounds, images, etc. The emergence of AI chat robots will be popularized for generating AI and pushed to a new level and heaven and earth.ChatGPT took the lead in public trial. The AI chat robot Bard, a subsidiary of Google's parent company, is also stepping up internal testing.China's AI development is at the forefront of the world. As a leading AI company in the Mainland, Baidu's AI chat robot "Wenxin said" is also ready to launch next month.Stimulated by the news, Baidu's stock price rose about 10 % yesterday.

As the saying goes, there are clouds. "Three hundred poems are read, and poetry will not be stolen." AI chat robot and subsequent generation AI technology are implemented to a certain extent.Taking ChatGPT as an example, its AI system will learn from hundreds of millions of articles. In response to the user's questions or requirements, it imitates the style and tone of different authors, experts, and even politicians, and writes Tongshun articles.Of course, there are still various deficiencies in the current AI chat robot. For example, it can export texts and answer, but it cannot guarantee that the generated articles have things, and there is no logical refutation.However, some scholars' tests have found that although the content of the paper automatically generated by ChatGPT is not high in content, the grades are sufficient, and they can also pass the university plagiarism software.Although OpenAI has recently released a system for users to distinguish whether articles may be generated by AI, but the company acknowledges that the system's ability to identify short essays is not reliable.

AI Challenge Professional

False information has hidden worry

Water can carry boats and can also cover the boat.The development and application of science and technology have always been a double -edged sword, which can benefit human beings, and can also bring damage and damage. Take the 21st Century Social Media Revolution as an example. On the front, it makes it easier to contact with people.Social media is full of false information, and the phenomenon of heating in the furnace exacerbates social tear, which is also very disgusted. However, technology will continue to develop and change the world, but it is beyond doubt.Global AI research and application. China and the United States are currently two powerful forces. The two countries are fighting against each other. The pace of AI development will only be faster. The generation AI will be one of the hottest research categories in the future. It is expected that it will emerge in the next few years.For more generations of artificial intelligence companies, as well as a large number of related application platforms, some experts and even said that by 2025, most of the contents of the Internet are made by AI.Hong Kong must be prepared for the AI era, including actively participating in development, and follow -up supervision and social adaptation issues.

The public is surprised by the ability of AI to "generate" content, and at the same time feels its threat to various aspects of human work, employment.In the fake time, the AI chat robot replaces human beings, responsible for customer hotline and other services, and then it is not day and night.The essence of the industrial revolution is to pursue higher productivity. In the process of the revolution, some industries, individuals and production models must be eliminated.If mechanization and automation will eliminate low -tech workers, as the generation AI matures, lawyers, accounting, journalism and other majors may be affected.Although the generation AI may not be able to provide original insights, it is more than enough to deal with some of the jobs that can be referenced, which is more than enough to replace professionals with low ability and abuse.The problem.

In addition, the content of AI "generating" is not necessarily accurate, and may even contain fake information, or it violates moral norms. If there is no control or supervision, it may make the online fake message error information.It is necessary to study legislation to deal with relevant risks, and some people are worried that this will hinder the development of AI, and it is not easy to balance it.Companies that provide generating AI services can standardize the generated content, and will not teach people to make bombs as non -crowd, but this also means the content review. Who has the right to ask and how to formulate it, it is controversial.To deepen, the AI systems of different camps can have very different moral ethics and political ideology. The content generated can cause political storms and even become cultural weapons.All these are issues that Hong Kong needs to start thinking.