Source: Voice of Germany Chinese website

It looks like a proud father, North Korean dictatorship Kim Jong -un has posted photos of his eldest daughter Jin Zhuai through the official media in recent months.In November last year, he and her held hands at a missile launch site.Later, her hand was placed on her father's shoulders, standing in front of a group of loyal soldiers.

It is believed that Jin Zhuai was born in 2013 and ranked second in the three children of Kim Jong -un.These three children include one son and two daughters.

The Korean intelligence department believes that these photos indicate that Kim Jong -un intends to let the Kim family's blood generation generation control the country that isolated from the world.

But analysts said that Jin Zhu Ai's power of his father was uncertain.This requires the unprecedented conceptual transformation of male -dominated Korean society, and it will almost cause the resistance of most senior male officials in the country and the military community.

Kim Jong -un is a young woman?

Analysts acknowledge whether to let her daughter Jin Zhuai inherit the big position, only Kim Jong -un knows.

The Korean media published a photo of high -level officials bowing to Jin Zhu Ai, and said she was the "most beloved" child of Kim Jong -un.She was wearing a white trench coat and a black long coat, showing her mother Li Xuezhu's fashion taste."First Lady" Li Xuezhu is a fashion idol in North Korea.

I know very little about Jin Zhuai or her brothers and sisters.

But in a briefing in early January, the Korean National Intelligence Agency told senior high -level politicians that by bringing her daughter Kim Zhu Ai to a public place, Kim Jong -un has laid the foundation for the third hereditary power of Pyongyang.

In December 2011, North Korean dictatorship Kim Jong Il died suddenly, and his son Kim Jong -un took over power.Kim Jong Il's power also comes from his father Kim Il Sung.

For many years before, Kim Jong -un was not regarded as a successor selected by his father.This highlights the complexity of the inheritance of North Korea.

This power originally belonged to his brother Jin Zhengnan, who was his father.In 2001, Kim Jong -nam was arrested at Tokyo Airport for a fake Dominican Republic Passport.It is rumored that the purpose of his trip was to take his family to Disneyland to play.This incident may irritate his father and endorse the long -term dispute over power.

Although Kim Jong -un defeated his father and brother, he still regarded the latter as a threat to the legitimacy of his rule.In February 2017, Kim Jong -nam was assassinated with VX neurotoxic agent at Kuala Lumpur Airport.It is said that the attacker's planner quickly fled to North Korea.

Kim Jong -un is expensive?

Some people think that Kim Jong -un's dragon is inlea.News photos show that he is obese and obviously has the habit of smoking.He is considered to have gout and diabetes, just like his father.

This dictator is only about 39 years old, but the issue of power inheritance may have become a topic in Pyongyang's power circle.

However, confirming who is the successor may be too early.

"I can hardly believe that this girl can take over her father's position, mainly because she is a woman." Toshimitsu Shigemura, a professor at Tokyo Waseda University, and the author of the Kim dynasty.

"North Korea is still a very conservative Confucian society, which means that Jin Zhuai cannot be the successor of her father." He told Germany.

He said: "I think we must assume that he will choose to transfer the control to his son when the timing is mature, but he must be inherited in the family to follow the" white -headed blood "that North Korea said."

Baitou Mountain (China is called "Changbai Mountain") span the border between North Korea and China.North Korea's propaganda claims that the founding leader, Kim Jong -un's grandfather, led the Anti -Japanese guerrilla war in the 1940s.Other materials showed that he spent most of his early years in refugee camps in Russia, and was appointed by Moscow as North Korea's rulers at the end of World War II.

Chongcun Min Chong said: "I believe that Kim Jong -un asked his daughter Kim Zhu Ai to appear in the North Korean media with him, and it was in these symbolic places. The purpose was to show his determination to continue, although North KoreaIt is difficult to suffer from economic sanctions and epidemic blockade. "

The North Korean expert also said: "He tries to divert people's attention, show off his happy family, and even encourage people to praise his image as his father and leader."

Chongcun Min Chong believes that although more and more foreign television programs and movies smuggle to North Korea, weakening the support of young people's support for the Kim family, the older generation of North Korea still generally respects and even worships the Kim family.

Chongzhong Village Min replenishment supplement that Kim Jong -un may also try to prevent the objection by showing the willingness of the inheritance of the power family.

Eunjung Lim, an associate professor of international relations in Gongzhou National University, said that considering that Kim Jong -un's children are still young, they are now guessing who may have the right to inherit the right.

She said, "He really doesn't look healthy, but I don't think the future is predicted, because Jin Zhu Ai is too young."

"I think these news photos are more likely to use signals to the North Korean public, creating a leader image that brings a bright future to the younger generation." She said, "This may be a bit dramatic, but Kim Jong -un in these activities in these activities.With her daughter Jin Zhuai instead of her son, it can be said that it looks more 'advanced'. "

She believes, "But it is too early to make more interpretations now, which is too difficult."