Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Wangbao Society Review

Mainland China has lifted the epidemic restrictions in the past three years from the 8th, canceled nucleic acid testing and centralized isolation after the immigration, the control measures for the number of international passenger flights, and restoring the exit tour of mainland citizens.Big data from mainland online travel agencies shows that the number of entry tickets on January 8 increased by 628%year -on -year, the highest amount since March 2020.The lifting control of epidemic has increased the confidence of the international community for the mainland economy. International institutions such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have raised the prediction of the mainland's economic growth in 2023.

The mainland is one of the world's most important outbound tourism consumer countries. In 2019, the number of outbound tourists from mainland China was about 150 million.The "return" of mainland tourists will bring new vitality to the global tourism industry and inject motivation for the global consumer market.At the same time, a large country with a population of 1.4 billion, re -integrate into the world, has positive significance to enhance the understanding and understanding of countries, and promote regional and world peace.

After three years of isolation, the distance between people of all countries and regions is also far away, and the release of epidemic control has brought opportunities to enhance civil exchanges.Whether it is entry -exit tourism, studying abroad, access, think tank exchange or overseas investment, in 2023, these demand will be released, and the number of civil exchanges between the mainland and other countries will be greatly increased, which will help enhance each other's favorability, promote the stability and stability of the relationship between the country and the stability and stability of the relationship between countriesfriendly.

For the mainland, letting go is an inevitable choice for economic recovery and external exchanges.In the three years of the crown disease, in order to protect the health of the people, the mainland has implemented a strict entry and exit policy, but it has always emphasized that its open strategy has not changed.Not long ago, the 20th National Congress of the mainland government reiterated that the mainland insisted on the basic national policy of opening up to the outside world and firmly pursuing the open strategy of mutual benefit and win -win.Although facing the "decoupling" and "broken chain" of the Western world, the mainland officials still emphasize that one of the characteristics of the modernization of Chinese -style modernization is to integrate and integrate the world through a peaceful development method to achieve common development.As a result, the mainland is expected to continue to maintain connectivity and interaction with the world in the future.

But letting go does not mean that you can return to the state of prosperity before the epidemic, and the economic recovery still has hidden concerns and difficulties.First, how to strengthen the coordination of epidemic prevention policies and reach consensus.After the mainland's release, Japan, South Korea and other countries have adopted inbound restrictions on mainland tourists. After communication, the mainland has taken relative measures against these countries.Obviously, these insufficient ways to affect normal personnel interaction, exchanges and cooperation between normal people.

Objectively speaking, although cases have surged in the past for a period of time, the popular coronal virus strains have appeared in other regions, and new mutant strains have not been found.UN Secretary -General Spokesperson Dugrek recently said that member states should follow the guidance policy of the World Health Organization, and all decisions on passenger screening must be based on science.The rational practices of various countries should be to maintain transparency in policies, strengthen the detection of virus mutation and report in a timely manner, and promote mutual trust through cooperative epidemic prevention.

Second, the global industrial chain is still reorganizing.For three years, the global industrial chain interfering withdrawal has intensified, and the vulnerability has become more obvious. Since the second half of last year, the global industrial chain has been accelerating to recover, but it is not satisfactory.Among them, new changes are also bred. The global price industry chain will evolve regionalized, and China, the United States, and Europe are expected to be the three cores of the regional industrial chain.In the context of the increasing importance to national security, how to stabilize the global and regional industrial chain, deepen mutual benefit cooperation, and test political wisdom.

Third, restoring market confidence also needs more active actions.The key to whether the mainland economy can truly recover in 2023 is whether it can recover and improve expectations from all walks of life, and regain entrepreneurial confidence.This not only requires positive fiscal policies and stable monetary policy escort, but also guide the real estate market out of the predicament, and strongly support the platform economy and the development of the private economy.So far the outflow of damage to capital will increase the influx of foreign capital. It is also necessary to continue to create a market -oriented, rule of law, and internationalization business environment, and implement the national treatment of foreign -funded enterprises.At the end of December last year, the Central Economic Work Conference held by the mainland at the end of December emphasized the vigorous boosting market confidence and promoting the overall improvement of economic operation. Related policies should be effective as soon as possible.

For the two sides of the strait, with the relaxation of the mainland epidemic prevention policy and entry and exit policies, restarting tourism, tourism, and employment of studying abroad between the two sides ushered in better opportunities.People on both sides of the strait are looking forward to the first year of cross -strait reappearance in 2023. If the government refuses to conform to public opinion, the 2024 election will pay the price.