Zhang Forest

No matter men or women, there will be an inherently instinctual desire, but because of the various social and civilized norms, humans must control their behavior, that is, control and depression that the instinctual desire that can be accepted beyond the system.In the past, even if you touch the bottom line of the law, the law will intervene at this time, and individuals need to accept legal trials and sanctions.Once individuals' animal restraint and social constraints are imbalanced, personal behavior restraint cannot suppress animal nature. Instinct desires are not controlled, rape trances will occur.

Whether it is physiological trauma or psychological trauma, or a huge amount of property is stolen, the trauma brought by it is sometimes beyond imagination and lasting.Especially the rape, two major trauma, who is physiological and psychologically, lives under the shadow all day, and feels depressed about the future of life.From a long -term perspective, it is a major loss of human resources for individuals, families, and even national society.

In order to be fast, the criminals brought the pain of the victim for a lifetime.As far as Singapore is concerned, the sentencing standard of rapist is to go to prison for eight years, whipping eight years. When the judge is sentenced, it is based on this standard.The most influential jurisprudence, Joint Morning Post · Daimi on December 19, 1999).

For the punishment for rap prisoners, in recent years, the internationally discussed the most internationally that it seems that chemical castration is not available.The voices of the existing criminal law of more than 50 -year -old male criminals exempt the whipping "also re -entered the field of people's vision.

What is chemical castration?Chemical castration is injecting male criminals into male criminals with inhibitors such as female hormones, causing them to lose sexual impulses without erection, causing men's unique human body to disappear.To put it plainly, it is to suppress the instinctual desire of men with drugs.The side effects of this treatment method include soreness, male breast development, fatigue, depression, and impotence due to reduced bone density.Once the treatment is interrupted, the effect of the drug is generally reversible.

The legal consequences of criminal law are divided into two natures of punishment and security, and punishment, such as prison and whipping, although these two punishments also have preventive security components;And correction.Although chemical castration also has the component of punishment, the positioning in the criminal law should be a security punishment, and the purpose of prevention is very obvious.

between the between the transformation and the non -turmoil

The purpose of

Criminal Law is to protect the vulnerable groups of society, and chemical castration is a manifestation of protecting the protection of vulnerable groups.In 2016, there were many children's sexual assault and gangsters in Indonesia, causing public anger. In May of the same year, Indonesian President Zoko issued a new law to the death penalty to rap prisoners.Chemical castration and implanted chips.

In early October of the same year, the Indonesian Parliament passed this controversial bill.At the time, Zoko emphasized that the Indonesian Constitution respected human rights, but in terms of sexual crime, Indonesia had no room for compromise.He believes that if Indonesia resolutely executes chemical castration, it will reduce and gradually eradicate crimes, especially the crime of eliminating pedophilia.

However, in response to the efficacy of chemical castration, Lena, a spokesman for the Ministry of Health of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, has reserved.In May 2016, Lina, who is also a professional psychologist, said that it was not possible to stop the re -criminals of pedophilia.The bell must also be tied to the bell. She believes that to stop the re -of -crime of pedophilia, she must also take psychological treatment; hormones that suppress the criminals are only cure for the standard, and changing their mentality can be cure.

It is reported that as of mid -2016, 20 countries around the world have chemically castrated sexual assaulters, including Argentina, Denmark, Germany, Britain, Russia, Sweden and Poland.According to World Rape Statistics in 2012, Germany, Britain, and Sweden are one of the 10 countries with the highest global crime rate. In the 2014 rankings, Germany and Sweden are still among the top ten, and Argentina is also on the list.Such data can't help but question the actual effect of chemical castration.

Frankly speaking, if chemical castration is indeed effective in clinical and extensive certificates, it is not only the protection of vulnerable groups, but also a protection of those who cannot control themselves.Some people cannot suppress their own physical needs, so that they violate the law and make themselves trapped, and even face the whipping and death penalty, it is necessary to use legal means to achieve the purpose of "dual protection".

Everything is to protect minors

In the middle of 2016, the Indonesian Ministry of Health implemented a new bill — the death penalty to the rapist, and at the same time, the rapist or pedophiles involved in sexual assault children with chemical castration and implanted chips involved in sexual assault of children.Starting discussions, multiple government agencies participated.Dr. Lina believed at the time that Indonesia's official should do the sexual fantasy object of potential criminals, allowing them to have sexual fantasy to peers rather than children, so as to stop pedophilia and allow them to obey their normal sexual behavior.

The reason why Zoko hurriedly signed a new bill in May 2016, the Indonesian Parliament passed in October of the same year, mainly due to the case of a collective sexual assault in Sumatra -a 14 -year -old girl was 12The famous man pulled into the forest sexual assault and was killed in the end. Indonesia was shocked.Zoko immediately demanded that the government reforms the sexual assault prevention law as soon as possible to avoid tragedy repeat.

Coincidentally, Pakistani Prime Minister Imlan Khan said in 2020 that he hopes to introduce a means of punishment such as chemical castration to stop rising sexual crimes -to Emran Khan, chemical castration is a means of punishment rather than not.Preventive treatment measures.At that time, Pakistan was frequent due to sexual crimes, and a mother was dragged out of the car by two men on a highway by a highway, causing the government to desire to curb sexual crimes as soon as possible.In mid -November 2021, the Pakistani Parliament passed a new bill that allowed the implementation of classic rape of criminals. The bill also required the judicial department to accelerate the interrogation of sex criminal suspects.

I have not heard of Singapore's suggestions on chemical castration. However, when President Halima talked about several recent cases of children at home, President Halima believed that rape criminals should not be exempted from the whipping due to the age of 50.These rated prisoners caused serious and irreplaceable trauma to the victims, but they could be exempted from the pain of whipping, which is very ironic.

On September 30, 1999, when the then judge Yang Bangxiao judged the case of the case of the junior court appeal to the high court together, whether male criminals could avoid whipping depending on whether he was more than 50 years old when he was executed., Rather than depending on whether he was over 50 years old.In other words, the 50 -year -old limited criminal law provisions that have been formulated as early as 1900 were still considered to be appropriate, and they were also interpreted for the accurate time period of 50 years old.

Suggestions about whether the whipping can be applied to a male criminal over 50 years of age, because it involves not only rape cases, but also criminal sentences of other major cases, the official may publicly discuss this issue.It will follow the dispute and debate.

The author is a local amateur writer