Author: Lu Wen Duan

Source: Ming Pao

This year's National Day coincides with the Mid -Autumn Festival, Luo Huining, the director of the China United Nations Office, emphasized that the National Security Law brought a major turning point to Hong Kong from chaos to governance on September 30th. The next day, he visited the residents of mortuary and received widespread attention from society.According to the author's analysis, Luo Huining and two deputy directors of Zhonglian and Zhonglian, Chen Dong and He Jing, were visited separately this time, which did have special significance, bringing out three important information: First, it shows that the central government is promoting the implementation of the National Security Law while promoting the National Security Law., Attach great importance to the economic and people's livelihood in Hong Kong, and vigorously support the SAR government to restore the economic relief of the people's difficulties; the second is to show that the central government needs to do a good job in Hong Kong's grassroots work;: The Hong Kong independence, the black storm are tough and high -pressure, and they are never soft.

The biggest difference between this year's National Day and previous years is that Hong Kong implements the National Security Law. The society has finally achieved storms and restraint.In the words of Luo Huining at the National Day conference on September 30, it is: the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress formulated the Hong Kong National Security Law, which allowed Hong Kong to end the turbulent situation of Hong Kong's uniqueness and black violence, and ushered in a major turning point from chaos to governance.

So, what should I do to reply to the stable Hong Kong?Of course, we should pay attention to economic and people's livelihood.In fact, when the Central Committee announced in May this year, when the Hong Kong National Security Law was formulated, Vice Premier Han Zheng in charge of Hong Kong and Macao affairs had clearly stated in the speech of the Hong Kong and Macao CPPCC members that an important purpose of the central government's national security legislation was to ensure Hong Kong in Hong Kong.There is a stable environment to solve the problem of deep economic people's livelihood.Han Zheng said at the time that there were many deep -level economic and people's livelihood problems in Hong Kong that needed to be resolved, but without a stable social environment, many issues could not be on the agenda, and there was no way to continue to discuss consensus in society.The central government dominates the national security legislation and fundamentally realizes Hong Kong's violence and chaos. It is not only to maintain national security and the stability and development of Hong Kong.

In fact, the central government has always attached great importance to Hong Kong's focus on development and solving the deep levels of economic and people's livelihood.President Xi Jinping asked Hong Kong to focus on the development of this first priority in his speech at the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong.After emphasizing that the National Security Law enables the National Security Law to make Hong Kong realize a major turning point from chaos, it has entered the grass -roots community and condolences to Hong Kong citizens. Obviously, when the central government promotes the implementation of the National Security Law, it attaches great importance to Hong Kong's economic and people's livelihood and supports the special zone in the SAR.The government resumes the economy to improve people's livelihood.

Facing the double blows of black riots and the new crown epidemic, those poor citizens living in mortuary are particularly difficult.Luo Huining visited poor households during the festival, understands their difficulties in depth, and cheer up for them.Requirements for grassroots work.

What should be seen is that Xi Jinping's governance of the country has a strong sense of the people.After being elected as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, he has a classic affectionate confession: our people love life, and look forward to better education, more stable work, more satisfactory income, more reliable social security, higher levels of medical and healthServices, more comfortable living conditions, and more beautiful environments, I hope that children can grow better, work better, and live better.The people's longing for a better life is our goal.Xi Jinping will win the battle against poverty and solve the absolute poverty of the Chinese nation for thousands of years as an important historical mission.Xi Jinping also demanded that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government must use people -oriented and rescue difficulties, focusing on solving outstanding problems in economic and people's livelihood that citizens' attention to, and effectively improving the public's sense of gain and happiness.

In the context of the above -mentioned large -scale observation of Luo Huining's visit to the households, it not only can easily feel the special concern of the central government for the grass -roots disadvantaged communities, but also expected that the central government will take strong measures to support the deep level of the SAR government to solve the economic and people's livelihood of Hong Kong.

From the central government's emphasis on Hong Kong's economy and people's livelihood, we can clearly see the central government handle Hong Kong affairs with both hard and hard: on the one hand, adhere to the bottom line of a country, and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development benefits.The problem of being able to stay on the issue of great and non -non -African is stable, so as not to compromise the persistence, the should be undetened, and the promotion should not be relieved; on the other hand, enter the grass -roots community, condolences to Hong Kong citizens, and care about people with difficult life.Express the care of the majority of Hong Kong compatriots, and strongly support the development of Hong Kong to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood.

Luo Huining has been the third time since he served as the director of the China United Nations Office in January this year.The previous two times were: Visit Chinese -funded enterprises in Hong Kong on February 17, and inspected on the spot to understand the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia, market supply, financial rescue and risk prevention;Lea Gate Park and Resort Quarantine Center.Luo Huining's three sets of landing areas not only show the approachable, serious and pragmatic work style, but also to express the central government to support the deep -level problems of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to solve the economic and social and people's livelihood.I remember in 2003, Hong Kong was trapped by the double crackdown on the legislative disputes of Article 23 of the Shat and the Basic Law.The central government launched the measures of Hong Kong in a timely manner, which reversed the situation in a short time.It is believed that the central government will successively deploy a new round of Hong Kong policy measures including housing land, financial infrastructure, trade tourism, innovation technology, employment and entrepreneurship and other aspects, which will fully drive the reconstruction of the people after the Hong Kong epidemic to relieve the people's difficulties.This is also the expectation of many Hong Kong citizens.