The situation in China and the United States continues to be unstable, and the conflict between the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea seems to be heating up.Coupled with the coming of the US presidential election, it is unknown whether it will be surprising in October, and it is difficult to predict.The opportunities for military conflict between China and the United States due to Taiwan are improving. From military experts, down to ordinary people, it is also comparable to the strength of both sides of China and the United States.Many experts commented that the U.S. military has participated in many practical combats in the past few decades, and has actual combat experience and has been maintained. On the other hand, the Chinese PLA has not participated in the war since the Vietnam War and lacks practical experience. Thereforeone strike.

Practical experience is important, but the premise is that the form of war has changed slowly.The faster the development of science and technology, the faster the development of science and technology, and the military reserve, tactics, and strategy will make great changes.On the 15th of last month, China launched the Long March 11 Huahang successfully shot one arrow and nine stars on the track.After the satellite, the image from one of the video satellite Jilin No. 1 was suspected to be taken by the F-22 stealth fighter owned by the US military.Some comments pointed out that if you can use tracking and monitoring fighters, it will greatly change the battle and even replace radar.Although this is just conjecture, it is too exaggerated to replace radar, but it still reflects an important trend: the status of Aero Pacific Technology in military is becoming more and more important, and its development will change the form of war in the morning and evening.

With the rapid development of technology, the form of actual combat changes is extremely fast, and the experience of the old generation is likely to not be used in the new generation war.There are countless examples in modern history.During the French war in 1870, French military experience was very rich, because since the Napoleonic War at the end of the 18th century, it has participated in the war of large and small.Before the war, military experts from various countries believed that the French army had a slight upper hand, or at least it would develop into a war.However, due to the revolutionary emergence of the rear musket and the reform of Prussia's non -commissioned system, the war experience in the Napoleonic era did not help much of the French army. In the end, France defeated all experts.

Similarly, before World War II, the Japanese Navy had participated in the Sino -Japanese War and the Japanese and Russian War.Especially the number of naval battles in the Japanese and Russian War is the most iconic actual combat in the history of large armored warships.In addition, the Japanese Navy is also the first navy to use the aircraft carrier in actual combat. It can be said that it was a strong trip with the most actual experience in many navy at that time.However, these experiences can not help the Japanese Navy.The Japanese Navy is not suitable for changes in the era of aircraft carriers.In addition to the first coral sea and sea war, the Japanese and American armies were in the nature of the outpost, and the second Midway Naval Warriors were severely damaged by the U.S. Army and lost almost all ship aircraft carriers.When the naval battle in the Midway Island, it was still in the early days of the Pacific War, and the US Navy did not benefit from the strong industrial power of the United States. The strength of the US and Japanese Navy has not been opened. The defeat of the Japanese army cannot be said to be because of lack of strength.

During the Japanese and Russian War, the Japanese Army surrounded Russia's Lushun Fortress. The use of human fleshy tactics in the old age could not attack for a long time, and the casualties were severe.The rejection of the frontline generals said that the monarchs are all experts yesterday, but they are not experts tomorrow.Although this meal is only a novel plot, it is unreasonable from the history of modern war.

From history to the moment, the mainstream tactics of the U.S. forces have been slowly formed since the afternoon of World War II.However, with the changes in science and technology, how much the United States can play in the new era in the new era with aircraft carriers as the core, it is still unknown.In particular, the actual combat experience in the United States is also limited. Except for World War II, it has not started war with the country's country, so there is no experience in the great national strength.Once the century war occurs, the war has evolved into a long -term war, and whether the American society and industry can support it is also a problem.

The only certainty is that aerospace technology is becoming more and more important, and the previous combat experience of the United States will also depreciate with time.The United States does not know the development direction. President Trump established the Space Army at the end of last year to respond.The future war will appear in the form that humans have not experienced, and then gradually develop into normal.Since the past military experience is not enough to be a reference for judging the results of future war, China and the United States should recognize the unpredictable and danger of war in the nature, and to misunderstand the situation without lesserning.If so, the international community may still prevent the outbreak of the war like nuclear deterrent principles.It is what international leaders must do to maintain world peace, control differences, and avoid gunfire.