
Ji Yan Chunqiu

The US President Trump has been diagnosed with crown diseases and caused various voices in China.Many netizens believe that this is Trump's disregard of the epidemic harm and the retribution of China. Some ridiculous paragraphs have spread across.

However, Chinese officials have not been affected by network emotions.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying in October 2shy; Nikko Trump was pushed in English on the same day: I learned that the test results of the US president and the first lady's new crown virus were positive and sad.I hope that the two of them can recover as soon as possible and everything will get better.

On October 3, China stated in the condolences to the Trump couple that they learned that Mr. President and Ms. Melania were infected with the new crown virus.Essence

It should be said that China's official response is more decent.Since the 2018 Sino -US trade war, especially after the outbreak of the crown disease, the United States has been pressing on China step by step, Sino -US relations have fallen into the bottom, and Chinese officials and society have undergone tremendous pressure.In this context, even if Chinese officials remain silent about Trump infection, it seems that it can be said.

But the crown disease epidemic is the public enemy of mankind, and condolences to patients are commonplace.After the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs wished the Trump couple to recover as soon as possible, Xi Jinping also showed condolences to the Trump couple.This kind of humanity is obviously more conducive to the national image than keeping silent.

As for many netizens' expressive remarks, it is a personal emotional vent.Most of the Chinese people have personal feelings or pain in the impact of the impact of the United States and the impact of the crown disease.Now Trump is finally recruited, and it is inevitable that someone cheers and applaud.But this is not the attitude of Chinese mainstream public opinion.

Chinese public opinion is more concerned about the impact of the Trump infection on the US election, especially the trend of Sino -US relations after the election.Some people think that the Trump's Chinese recruitment does not affect him to continue his campaign, and may even be a bitter plan, and will finally help Trump's re -election in the current disadvantaged election; some people analyze that Trump's China Middle School will enable the Democratic Party Presidential candidateIf a person wins, Trump may be selected.

Wang Hongguang, the former deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region, posted an analysis that the Trump infection is the first step in the plot; the second step, Trump will fight against the illness and win the extensive sympathy of voters; the third step, Trump passes throughTruth, overcome the disease, and Trump, who is in his 70s, has once again proved that the crown disease is the large flu in Trump; the fourth step, Trump proves that the public does not have to worry about the epidemic as the person of the person.The United States can defeat the epidemic under the leadership of Trump and recover the economy.In the end, Trump reversed Bynden and won the election.

Sanlian Life Weekly posted yesterday that the most direct impact brought by Trump's diagnosis is to increase the uncertainty of the US election.If you continue to develop in the current election situation, a month later, Biden wins and the Trump election is a relatively high probability event.But expecting Trump's election, China's external environment will improve, which is just unrealistic fantasy.

The article believes that during Trump's term, the relationship between the United States and the European traditional allies is gradually drifting away due to the diplomatic style of acting well.The Biden team tried to re -block the traditional allies to block China. In a sense, threats to China may be greater than Trump.If Biden is elected president and can successfully block China with European countries, it will be a situation that China is even more unwilling to see.

For Sino -US relations, no matter Trump's re -election or Bayeng elected, it is impossible to return to the state before the Sino -US trade war in the short term.On the issue of China, there is no essential difference between the United States and the Republican parties, and they will suppress China as the main means to policies against China.This is not only the consensus of the American elite, but also the consensus of the Chinese elite.

In fact, not many people in China believe that as long as the US president is replaced, Sino -US relations will be dark.Sino -US confrontation is not only a reflection of the contradiction between the values and systems of the two sides, but also the result of the conflict between the interests of the rising power and the great power of the perseverance.

But on the other hand, people don't have to be too pessimistic about Sino -US relations.As the world's top two economies and large nuclear powers, no matter how big the contradictions between China and the United States, it is difficult for both sides to be completely decoupled, and they will not easily embark on the road of war.