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For a long time, Trump has been trying to depict himself as a successful businessman, but the New York Times found that it is a completely different story behind the tax list.The survey showed that Trump's company's long -term losses, he is facing about $ 400 million in debt to expire. It is still a big question if he has the ability to repay debts.

For Trump, which has always spared no effort to make taxi records confidential, the New York Times completely started, which is equivalent to losing the last cover. It is naked than the king of the king's new clothes. At least the king also wore underwear.The first TV debate of the US presidential candidate ended on Tuesday evening (local time on Wednesday morning) ended in a hustle and bustle.

Local media comments generally call this the most chaotic and worst presidential debate in modern history.Foreign media even described the tongue and swords between President Trump and former vice president Biden with the words such as the epic of the circus.

As expected, Trump has adopted interference tactics from the beginning, trying to re -applies the technical re -applied by interpreting, grabbing or synchronizing the mouth, and suppressing Biden's response from the set of Hillary four years ago., Forced the opponent to follow their debate layout.Unexpectedly, Biden was prepared, and he cured his body with his own way, and soon opened a scolding battle.

Media comments pointed out that although multiple topics have been set up, people remember that it is probably no mercy in this debate.

After the debate, the polls generally believe that Biden won the debate, not only because he performed better than expected, but also more graceful than his opponent, but also made people see his tough side.The insulting words such as the clowns and Putin's puppy returned to Trump.

Regarding the debate, the newspapers have been reported in detail these days, and this article will not be repeated.

However, the Democratic Party and Biden caught a new attack route on the eve of the debate, accusing Trump accusing Trump's tricks and breaking news on the tax law, and it is worth a book.

What do you say?

This is a major report from the New York Times on September 27.There are three major priorities in this article from several senior reporters who won the Pulitzer News Award based on Trump and its enterprises in the past 20 years: 1. Trump is not a successful business in his mouthPeople; 2. Trump is suspected of tax evasion; 3. Trump is likely to have serious conflicts of foreign interests.

The Voice of Germany Chinese website pointed out that the New York Times launched this news bomb two days before Trump and Biden's first television debate, which is by no means coincidental. It is obviously looking forward to related information.Essence

It is said that the billionaires have not paid taxes in the past 20 years.

Over the past few months, the New York Times has caused all media means to prevent Trump from being elected again.

Biden also announced the tax declaration form of himself and his wife in 2019 a few hours before the debate.

According to the tax list, the couple paid $ 985,000 in annual income of US $ 346,000. After receiving a tax refund of $ 47,000, Biden's tax amount was $ 300,000.

In contrast, Trump, known as the billionaire, has been incapable. In the past 20 years, he has not paid taxes. He only paid $ 750 for each year and the following year.

Biden's campaign website also launched a Trump tax calculator, allowing people to calculate how much the taxes they paid, and repeatedly emphasized the status of Trump billionaires to stir up their hate.

The New York Times pointed out that Trump mainly achieved the purpose of tax avoidance by acquiring high -risk enterprises and reporting the latter's losses.

It said that Trump has obtained a tax refund of $ 73.92 million due to claiming business losses in the past 10 years.payment.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi said the exposed tax bill enabled the outside world to see how Trump used tax clauses to evade taxes.

For a long time, although Trump has always tried to depict himself as a successful businessman, the New York Times found that it was a very different story behind the tax list.The survey shows that Trump's financial situation is facing long -term losses, and he is facing about $ 400 million in debt.Whether it is capable of paying debts is still a big question.

In addition, Trump's enterprises have suffered losses for many years, but since he announced the election of presidents, it is obvious that political lobbying groups and foreign funds have poured in, causing concerns about the conflict between foreign interests and threatening national security.

According to Cable TV News Network, Trump's commercial empire has gone downhill after 2015. This may also be one of the reasons why he decided to run for the president, using the celebrity effect to drive the development of the Trump Group.

Trump was revealed, and the Democrats were happy. The former staff and confidant of him who were swept out of the street were gloating.

Trump's former private lawyer Kon was sentenced to three years in prison at the end of 2018 for tax fraud and deception.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, he said that the inside story of the New York Times was just the tip of the iceberg.He predicts that Trump will be the first US president to be imprisoned (the highest political figure who has previously been in prison for tax evasion is the Vice President of the Nesheson era).

Kon said: What Trump is most worried about is that there will be a large number of accounting and legal accountant organizations after the tax bill is made public, so he will undoubtedly face huge tax evasion fines and fraud punishment.Judging from my current information, Trump may soon leave the White House to go to jail.

Kon also said that Trump's most painful eldest daughter Ivanka is a co -criminal. As a consultant of Trump to help him evade taxes, he will also face serious criminal charges.

In the memoir of infidelity, Kon mentioned Trump's taxation issues: Every time the IRS is going to check the account, he has to get Trump very poor, as if it is about to go bankrupt.By the name of others or the valuation of assets is low.Whenever the Forbes Rich List came out, he had to blow Trump's wealth high, so that Trump's name continued to linked to billionaires.

He also disclosed a proud look when Trump received a $ 10 million tax refund check from the National Taxation Bureau:

I remember I was sitting in the Trump office on the 26th floor at the time. He raised his check and made me see it. It was surprised and happy.lsquo; Can you believe how stupid the National Taxation Bureau is?RSQUO; Trump asked, who would give me a refund of 10 million yuan, they were so deceiving.rsquo;

Confirm that there is indeed a secret contact channel between Trump and Putin

In the book, Kon also confirmed that there is indeed a secret contact channel between Trump and Russian President Putin.

Trump boasted his biggest label when he was running for the first time.Rich is not only the core label of his campaign, but also the core competitiveness of his business and marketing for decades. Trump has successfully bound his name with money.He boasted that he had a $ 100 billion in net worth, but Forbes ranked in 2020. He ranked only 339 in the US Rich List, with a total asset of only $ 2.5 billion.

For Trump, which has always spared no effort to keep the tax record confidential, the New York Times completely set a completely naked.Essence

In the next two presidential debates, the Democratic Party must pursue the victory and continue to bite Trump's tax dilemma, and tie it with the theme of the theme of the theme and the diplomacy.

Biden's campaign partner Harris has laid a foreshadowing for the vice presidential debate.On the same day of Biden announced the tax form, Harris also announced her tax bill:

The annual income is nearly $ 3 million, with a tax payment of 1.2 million US dollars.

Presidential debt and national security

The New York Times broke the news that Trump was strong in China. After the defeat of Jinyu's defeat, it caused huge debts, which caused Congress and the media to worry that its tax issues would threaten national security and interfere with judicial justice.

Democratic House Speaker Perosi mentioned in an interview with the National Broadcasting Corporation that Trump's huge debt will expire within the next four years. If he is successfully re -elected, it will intervene in presidential affairs or even threatened him.Opportunities constitute a national security threat.

She said that the New York Times reported that Trump's debt of debt seemed to exceed $ 400 million.She wants to know: Who is the debtor?What country from?What handle do they hold?

MIT's strategic professor Nalan and Senior reporter Miller, a senior reporter of the Washington Post, believes that the report of the New York Times has no allegations involving illegal tax evasion, but the ethical vacuum left by the presidential information is hidden, but it is hidden in hidden.The disturbing crisis, among which the upcoming debt and debtor are even more.

Nalan said: The focus of this report is not how much tax it has paid. If he is not the president of the United States, it is probably just an ordinary real estate richest man, and the asset storm of assets in order to save taxes.The true focus of investigation is Trump's continuous debt MDASH; mdash; who holds these presidential bonds?Which creditors will debt in the future?And what threatening or impact these debts have on Trump?Hellip; Hellip; If he continues to be re -elected, what ethical issues may be touched by the US president who owed a huge debt, can it be subject to the people's supervision and checks and balances?

These are all hypothetical issues.

The New York Times columnist Gorber, September 30 why Trump showed loyalty to Putin?Maybe an example of the text in the text, including quoting the king card reporter Woodward, mentioned in the anger of the new book, that is, Trump's first national intelligence director Kotz has always suspected that Trump has been reduced to PutinThings in the pocket.

She said that Trump's charm for Putin has always been one of his mysteries in his office. Even Trump has a good impression on the dictators and strong people who can not explain the doubt.However, the gradual exposure of Trump's huge debts has provided a reasonable motivation for understanding President Putin.

Remember Trump caused a storm in Washington in July 2018 in Herbiny's Private Club Putin?

Due to the ambiguous content of the talks, what did the two talk about?Do you receive it privately?Do Trump sell national interests for personal economic benefits?They are all the answers that Democratic members are anxious to find out, and they almost make trouble for Congress to come to court.

At that time, I also wrote a special manuscript; Topp sneaked in love, the translator lay his gun, criticizing Trump's behavior and the translators who were involved in innocent affected.

According to the New York Times last week, when Trump and Putin met in Helsinki, Trump was in a dilemma of fiscal tightening.He regards Putin as a savior.

Trump's former lawyer Kon said that Trump has always believed that Putin is the richest person in the world and has the ability to rescue his urgency.

During the presidential campaign in 2016, Trump tried to reach a transaction to build the Trump Building in Moscow to set up a $ 35 million giant.But did not talk.

Earlier, Trump had accepted the grace of Russia's oligarch.In 2008, he bought a house in Florida for more than 40 million US dollars and tried to change hands.But I can't find a buyer.In 2008, the Russian fertilizer tycoon Rebolovlev bought the industry at a sky -high price of about $ 100 million, but never stayed in the mansion.Kon wrote in the unfaithful book that Trump believes that the real buyer is Putin.

In 2013, the Miss Global Beauty Planning Club with Copyright was held in Russia. Trump made a fortune, but his Russian partners lost money.Interestingly, the losing partner also helped to do watches and introduced a lawyer with the Kremlin background to Trump's campaign team and burst into the black material of Hillary.

Woodward wrote that Coat believes that Putin has a handle in Trump's hand, so Trump tries his best to sell Russia in the Russian incident, which is likely to be Putin learned of Trump a few years before the Americans know Trump.Pu's real estate operation in Moscow.

It was reported before that Putin had a videotape of Trump's ugly prostitute in Russia.

Gorber said that Trump continued to please Putin while running four years ago. As a result, he won the election and made himself difficult to ride a tiger.

In the presidential debate, Biden satirized Trump's puppy, accusing him of the Russian reward of Taliban to kill the US military to kill the US military.

Bolton criticized Trump unable to separate personal and politics and national interests

In addition, Trump has helped Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad from getting rid of the crime of killing the Washington Post columnist Kashuji.He boasted to Woodward: I can let him let him go.

Former national security adviser Bolton, in the room of the incident: In the White House Memoirs, criticized Trump to be unable to separate individuals and politics from national interests, and was manipulated by foreign opponents.

He interacted with Trump and Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping and Turkish President Erdogan, explaining that Trump hindered judicial justice.

Erdogan asked Trump to come up with Turkish state -owned banks that the bank may face criminal control due to violations of US sanctions on Iran.It is said that the bank has a close relationship with the Erdogan family.

Bolton said: The president once said to Erdogan, lsquo; you see, the prosecutors in New York are all Obama, and when I recruit me, let's handle the incident.

Bolton also said that Trump is actually not as strong as the outside world, but he constantly contributes to Xi Jinping.

The book revealed that Trump pleaded with Xi Jinping during the 2019 summit and hoped that he would assist himself in re -election.

Bolton wrote that Trump asked Xi Jinping: China's economic capabilities will affect the ongoing campaign, and I ask Xi Jinping to ensure that he can win.He emphasized the importance of farmers and the impact of China ’s increase in the results of the purchase of soybeans and wheat on the election.

Trump also told Xi Jinping that Democrats are hostile to China.

However, in the campaign, Trump told Americans that the Democratic Party was weak in China and Bayeng had to learn Chinese in Chinese.

The Nobel Prize winner of Economics, Crugman, wrote in the column article on September 29 in Trump's debt and the future of the United States: Trump's liabilities hundreds of millions of dollars, he has various motivations to engage in illegal behavior.It is chilling that in addition to running its own business, Trump also operates the United States.

But he may lose this special position and all the financial security provided by his position.

Cruggman is worried that Trump will do whatever means to ensure re -election.

Taylor, who served as the Chief of the Ministry of Land and Safety from 2017 to 2019, said in an interview with Cable TV News Network on Monday that Trump has always been consistent with the dictators and did not defend US values, especially for Russia and Putin's intervention in the United States.The officials of the ministry were very discouraged.

He believes that Trump has a friendship with Russia, Turkey, and North Korean leaders in private.He can expand the commercial empire to these countries.

Schriman, vice chairman of Washington Citizenship and Moral Organization, said: Americans should worry about presidential debt issues because it is a national security risk for us.This is a message that the president has repeatedly tried to conceal the public.

In 2016, Gates, the vice chairman of the Trump campaign team, will launch a new book on October 13: Evil Games: a inside of a bureau talked about Trump win, Mueller loses and the United States failure (Wicked Game: An insiderrsquo; sStory on How Trump Won, Mueller Failed and America Lost).Gates later became a star witness of Mueller, a special prosecutor in Russia.

The book has not caused a sensation, because Gates was shocked in the preview that Trump carefully considers Ivanka as a campaign partner in 2016.I believe that the book will shake out of more inside story that Russia has assisted Trump was elected and cast another bomb for the election campaign.