Zhu Ying

The experience of the Cold War in the United States and the Soviet Union shows that the United States' hostile ideas for the Soviet Union and the challenge of the Soviet Union are the two trigger points that drive the Cold War.The trigger point of the Cold War in the United States and the Soviet Union provides a cognitive perspective for the formation of the New Cold War in China and the United States.

First, the Cold War of the Apocalypse of the United States starts the Cold War.The United States is a Christian country, with anti -communist ideology.Judging from the start of the Cold War in the United States and the Soviet Union, a group of American politicians with anti -communist ideology laid the ideological foundation of the Cold War and prompted the United States to start the implementation of the Cold War strategy.

Since Bolsheviks ruling in 1917, in 1933, the U.S. hypphonia has had a significant impact on American political life and ordinary people's thoughts.In the early days of World War II, with the growth of the Soviet Union's strength and prestige, and the increase in the number of Communist countries, the United States deeply felt the communism and Soviet models, a huge threat to the national security and lifestyle of the United States, thus generating unprecedented fear.

At this time, the United States appeared in the United States, George F. Kennan, who was an instant US diplomat in the United States.On February 22, 1946, he sent 8,000 words to China, accusing the Soviet Union's expansion and promoting the world revolution as the root of Soviet behavior.In the telegram, Kenan proposed and eventually adopted by the US government to deal with the containment of the Soviet Union, but did not use the term curbing.

In July 1947, Kenan's signature published an article entitled Soviet behavior in US diplomatic affairs (The Sources of Soviet Conduct, which clearly stated that the United States uses resistance to resistance and has long -term and patient expansion tendency to the Soviet Union's expansion., Firm and alertly curb.The word containment is used this time.Kenan's curbing ideas played a ideological orientation of the Soviet strategy at that time. His views on the Soviet Union and the awareness of the main government officials including President Truman were consistent.

The China -US New Cold War is also promoted by a group of anti -communist ideology and elites. Only those with hostile ideology can treat each other as enemies.But why did China -US relations after China's reform and opening up have no Cold War in 40 years?China has always attached great importance to ideology, but China's domestic ideological control has nothing to do with the United States. The United States just criticizes China's human rights, the economic profit brought by the Sino -US economic exchanges to the United States, and the conflict of values.

Modern Kenan

After the reform and opening up, China no longer exports communist ideology and ended its funding for the Communist Party of Southeast Asian.Why do American politicians and elites now determine that China's output ideology?On December 13, 2017, the Chinese Committee of the United States Congress and the Administrative Authority held a hearing of the theme of China's stretching long -arms output characteristic authoritarianism. The hearing was chaired by Senator Marco Rubio.

Rubio is Kenan of the New Cold War between China and the United States.The United States has identified China to export authoritarianism overseas and endanger the free democratic values of the West.The Washington Post commented on the hearing that Washington was aware that the Chinese ruling party had a deeper extent and wide range of influence in the United States, and has penetrated into various American institutions.

The phenomenon listed in the hearing is: In the United States, there are almost no Chinese media from being influenced and controlled by China, and mainstream media have also pleased China, and even the Chinese Daily, which occurs in mainstream American newspapers with Chinese English.China's CCTV and the English channel of the Central People's Broadcasting Station have entered the United States Cable TV Network and Radio Broadcasting Frequency.As for the satellite TV from the central government to the local government, it has already entered millions of Chinese Chinese.

There are more than 80 Confucius Institutes in universities in the United States to spread Chinese ideology through the name of Confucius.Research institutions and think tanks in some universities in the United States have received research funds for China, published or provided research reports that are favorable to China.In the American intellectual circles, especially the academic circles that study Chinese issues, most of the leftists in Beijing.At the same time that China reinforced the network firewall, the United States has weakened information spread for China.Voice of America and Radio Free Asia were cut, and VOA was almost canceled against China Broadcasting.

From the perspective of these phenomena, it is to enhance the right to speak and tell Chinese stories, but Americans holding the ideology of opposites regard it as China ’s penetration of American ideology.In February 2019, Dan Coats, the US National Intelligence Director, issued the annual World World Threat Evaluation Report that the Sino -US ideological battle duel is far more intense than the market, technology and geopolitical contest.Cotz stated that China is trying to fight against Western freedom and democracy in preaching authoritarian Capitalism, like a 40 -year -old U.S. -Soviet Cold War replica.

Secretary of State Pompeo is also Kenan, and Kenan is a group of people.From these people's policies for the United States and foreign policies, the new cold war between China and the United States is inevitable.It is also inevitable that Congress will continue to introduce the bill of sanctions in China.Although the U.S. government does not use the word enemy to China, Pompeo's expression of disbelief and verification (Distrust and Verify) is to treat China as an enemy; although the US government does not use the word to China, the U.S. government has introduced for targetingChina's policy measures are actually curbing China.The United States does not trust China, and then starts the New Cold War.

Second, the United States determines that the Soviet Union challenges international order and launches the implementation of the Soviet curbing strategy.The Soviet Union's expansion changes the Yalta System, prompting the United States to implement the strategic formation of Soviet curbing.In the late World War, the United States, Britain, and Soviet Union, which led the Anti -Fascist Union, held a series of summits and private talks to discuss the arrangement of the post -war world.Through the agreement reached in these meetings and talks, the declarations and announcements, and the international organizations formed, the basic framework and operating mechanism of post -war international order were established.Due to the most prominent impact of the meeting of Yalta in the Crimean Peninsula, the name is the Yalta system.

Among the constituent elements of the Yarta system, the most important principle is that the great powers are unanimously cooperated with cooperation, maintaining the balance of the interests of the great powers through dividing the scope of the power, and allowing them to share their responsibilities.However, the nature of the Soviet Union's socialist countries determined that it overthrew the capitalist world as its historical mission.Stalin hopes that the regime of Eastern European countries will be under the leadership of the Communist Party, and they have to closely control and interfere with the internal affairs of Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania.

A series of measures to destroy the Yalta system in the Soviet Union challenged the post -war international order and forced the United States to respond.On March 12, 1947, Truman delivered a speech that began in the Cold War, which was later called Truman Doctrine.Its core view is to curb communism as a national political ideology and the guiding ideology of foreign policies.In August 1947, Soviet marshal Georgy Zhukov announced the worldview of two camps.The framework of the Cold War of the United States and Soviet Union.

Although China has always stated that it is necessary to maintain its existing international order, the United States has determined that China has attempted to change international order.On June 15, 2018, US Secretary of Defense Mattis gave a speech emphasizing that China has a long -term plan and wants to rewrite the existing international order.The view represents the cognition of a group of dignitaries and elites.

Obviously, the formation of the new Cold War between China and the United States is similar to the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, but the expression forms are different, the starting points are different, and the evolution has been different.The process of mutual dislikes to launch the Sino -US New Cold War continued to develop, and there was no way to end Sino -US mutual distrust; the new Cold War between China and the United States developed towards the direction of victory and defeat.

The author is a professor of economics at the Business School of Shanghai Normal University in China

Obviously, the formation of the new Cold War between China and the United States is similar to the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, but the expression forms are different, the starting points are different, and the evolution has been different.Mutual dislikes to start the process of the Sino -US New Cold War continued to sendWith the exhibition, there is no way to end Sino -US and the United States.