01 Viewpoint

It is less than 40 days before the US presidential election, and the latest poll shows that President Trump has been picked up in some key states.According to the US Broadcasting Corporation and Washington Post polls, Trump surpassed the former Vice President Biden in Florida, which must win, and led four hundred percentage points for 51 to 47, for the first time in the past few months.And in another place in Arizona, the polls of Trump also showed the first time for Trump for the first time for the first time with 49 to 48.In terms of national polls, Trump has gradually narrowed the gap with Biden. Even though the average is still about 6.5 percent, it has not been concluded for the entire election.

Florida with 29 election tickets, due to the diverse population distribution, has always been a must -have place for two -party soldiers.In 2000, Boshu decisive Gore, and both sides failed in the election votes. In the end, the results of Florida became the key to the overall situation.The gap between the two votes in Florida was only 2,000 votes. The two parties finally rejected each other. In the end, the Gongtang to the Supreme Court was finally selected by a conservative court.throne.Trump will transfer the registration address from Trump Building in New York to the Haihu Manor in Palm Beach, Florida before this election, which shows its importance to Florida.

For the retirement richest people who enjoyed the 401K retirement welfare plan, Trump's stock market was booming and the economy was prosperous, and Trump naturally chose it.However, a epidemic was inadequate, and even the well -known journalist Bob Woodward broke the news that he deliberately diluted the epidemic, and the most serious elderly ticket threatened by the disease would naturally lose a lot.Earlier polls showed that the ratio of the elderly in the swing state supported Biden, which was 12 percentage than Trump.Although Trump has supported many elderly people in the latest polls, 44%of Bayidon's leader in Florican, over 65 years old, still worse than the previous data.

Multiple states or swing swing

Another group of both sides strives to fight for Latin voters who occupy four people in the state.The Democratic Party has always been a politics as a campaign strategy. It is regarded as a spokesman for ethnic minorities, and the Republican Party is a racial discrimination.However, the Latin population in the United States is by no means a iron board. If a large number of local immigrants have a large number of local immigrants due to the strong position of the local immigrants, they naturally have a more affordable claim for Trump's eagle.Coupled with many Latin voters, they are Catholics, with conservative cultural positions and more controversy on abortion.The vacancies of the highest court left in the death of Kingsberg may also make Latin voters return to the edge.

In this way, there was a strange phenomenon of Trump, who was full of white elders who voted to claim to be ethnic and workers who claimed to be ethnic and workers.The Biden camp also learned about this weakness. Recently, the first time he went south to Florida, he had a lot of Latin, but many locals complained that it was too late.The same situation also appeared in Arizona, which borders the border of Mexico, but the local Latin population is obviously liberal, which has made this a deep red nest of Barry Goldwater, the father of modern conservatives in the United States and McCain, a senior Republican veteran McCain,In recent years, it has gradually turned blue, and even became a swing state.

Except for Florida and Asia, Trump's rust ground belt, which was successful in the last raid in the last session.Trump still lags behind at least five hundred percent in Wisconsin and Michigan. Earlier, Minnesota, who was suspected of being killed by the police, was suspected of being killed by the Minnepius.To stop violent random in order to suck the middle -class suburban ticket, Ruyi's abacus obviously cannot sound.ABC and Huayai polls showed Biden's 16 hundred percentage of Trump.White voters return to the Democratic Party, which makes white people take the most traditional agricultural Hongzhou Aiwa State that the two people have become a tie, and they may have a risk.

The biggest fat for soldiers in the northeast is naturally a Pennsylvania, which has 20 votes.The last Trump successfully attacked the three major industrial states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and created the biggest miracle in the history of American elections. It was due to its new liberal policy for transnational capital for political institutional elites to provide transnational capital, move the factory out of the factory, and dump the cheap goods dumping., Lost local losses in the hearts of 100,000 manufacturing positions, the minds of the Chinese -white workers' class, and voted for Trump for the first time in the voting station for the first time to support Trump.However, Trump's labor cards are not as good as in the past, but on the contrary, they sell the mainstream tax cuts of Republican Party in order to please the suburban voters in the suburbs of the middle class.

The background image of a white worker who was selling with his poor family background, occasionally speaking a few words of sympathy at the grassroots level, it also saved many voters in the Central and Western workers in the Midwest.Not only Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, even the 18th Ohio, Red State with 18 electoral votes, also appeared in the pioneer of Biden.Even though Trump can finally keep Pennsylvania, it is difficult to reverse the defeat once it is missed.Due to the laws of many states in the central and western regions, it is necessary to order votes after the end of the election day. It is expected that it is difficult to complete the voting of postal mailing in a short period of time, which will make the global media no longer suffering from the election results.

However, if Bayeng can only increase only two more than two hundred more in the country under the current advantage, it will not only stabilize Florida to announce the victory early, but even win 38 votes in Texas with 38 votes.There have been more than 400 votes for the votes.On the contrary, if the two hundred points fall on Trump, who is still chasing behind, Trump can keep most of the swing states, which is not hindrance.Therefore, even though the polls of all parties are favorable to Bayen, it seems that the conclusion of the coffin for this election seems to be too early.Regardless of the result, the election territory in the United States will also change greatly, and the large shuffle of American politics is irreversible.