Author: Chen John

Source: Sing Tao Daily

In March of this year, Tang Wenliang, a part -time writer of Hong Kong rich man, bet with netizens on social media. The United States will not implement the Human Rights Law within half a year, otherwise the entire File will swallow the entire File. As a result, the United States will sanction Hong Kong this month.Tang Wenliang's promise.In fact, if today, Mo Shuo is a rich man or columnist. I believe that he would go to the United States to lobby the United States on the same day and ask the US against Hong Kong's opponents on the same day.

On August 7, the United States announced that it cited the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts to sanction seven Hong Kong officials and four Chinese Hong Kong officials.At the same time, a continuous blow to Hong Kong, US President Trump announced on the 17th of last month that the Hong Kong Autonomous Law was signed to cancel the special status of the United States' trade with Hong Kong.Made in China.When Trump was interviewed by the US media last Friday, it threatened to succeed in Hong Kong under the control of China. It described the Hong Kong International Financial Center to fall into hell. No one would come to do business. Words are quite polite to Hong Kong.Essence

Not only did the United States sanction, but it was almost different. It covered a wide range of coverage and quickly took effect. There were good netizens who asked Tang Wenliang to perform the gambling of the day and swallow File.Tang Wenliang responded on the Internet: Sanctions are not related to the human rights law because the national security law in the port area.

Tang Wenliang denied the loss, but the episode in the great era.However, we can see how the environmental situation has changed rapidly in the past year.If you look back at the development of the matter, the United States formulates the human rights law of Hong Kong and China to formulate the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District.In June last year, the SAR government formally proposed to the parliament to vote and revise the fugitive regulations, which detonated the anti -repair campaign for more than one year.As the Peace demonstration became a street struggle, and even destroyed the parliament, the police came out of chaos.One of them was a number of opposition members and politicians who ran to the United States more than once, urging the United States to formulate Hong Kong human rights and democratic bills, and directly involved in Hong Kong affairs with sanctions and other means.At the end of September last year, the US Congress passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts.

The establishment of this bill has caused two impacts.First, some Hong Kong people run to foreign countries to interfere with local affairs. In the eyes of the central government, this is a threat to collude with foreign forces and pose a threat to national security.Hong Kong cannot be legislated according to Article 23 of the Basic Law, and cannot resist such behaviors, prompting the central government to establish the National Security Law on its own.The government supports them behind them.Anti -repair has become a street movement. Paralyzing parliament and the riots on the street form a system of inside and outside the system. It has been endless, and even claims to promote revolution and Hong Kong independence, and the voices of overthrowing the central government have gradually become bold.Local security, politics, and even the personal safety of citizens are threatened.

Prior to the official implementation of the Guoan Law in the Hong Kong area on July 1 this year, the epidemic improved slightly, and the street violence on the streets had shocked the rolling.The central government saw that the SAR government could not successfully legislate to stop the deterioration of the situation, and quickly launched the Hong Kong National Security Law to stop violence.Tang Wenliang said that the US sanctions in Hong Kong because of the National Security Law of the Hong Kong area, not the human rights law, and argued in accordance with the provisions of the gambling contract.In reality, this is a problem of chicken and eggs. In Hong Kong people voted for the net and ran to the United States to ask for intervention. Before the human rights law was introduced, no one had mentioned what the Hong Kong National Security Law would be made.Let the implementation?

Most of the people in Hong Kong did not think that Hong Kong would recruit US sanctions half a year ago. The development of the matter may even be unexpected to the US members and politicians who asked the United States to intervene in Hong Kong affairs that day.Last week, Li Zhiying, the founder of the first -pass media who was arrested for violating the Guoan Law of the Hong Kong District and a post -date bail. When he was interviewed by the US Fox TV, he confessed that he had never thought that the police would take such arrest and get bail in this way.Out, it seems that the target characters of many oppositions have not thought about the consequences caused by acting on their own.As Li Zhiying described in the visit, the Hong Kong police politely polite him, and also said that China is a good and efficient country. The economy will become the world's first and leading world.Xiangxiang court.

There are a group of people in Hong Kong who often do things with their own subjective ideas. They never think that in the complex international form of Sino -US battles, it will always make Hong Kong a chess piece for the United States to attack China.Recently, while US sanctions in Hong Kong, the United States has also blocked China's companies in the United States, especially the technology industry.In addition to the previously blocked 5G technology leading enterprise in Huawei, the US Department of Commerce sanited 28 Chinese entities in the export control entity list in October last year.Platform TIKTOK, WeChat owned by Tencent, and Alibaba's Alibaba Cloud.These Chinese companies that have been blocked by the United States are the pioneers of China's advanced technology industry.As an important financing window for these Chinese technology companies, the United States wants to crack down on the mainland's science and technology industry, and it is logical to impose sanctions on Hong Kong.

Trump faced sanctions on Hong Kong without mercy, and crack down on all Hong Kong people, including social movements and sympathy opposition.Trump's behavior is difficult to agree with Hong Kong people, but it is fully in line with the logic of Western election politics.Trump wants to be re -elected, relying on the votes of American voters and the support of the US consortium, so he will not mind the wanton criticism of Hong Kong.These words will make those oppositions who treat the United States as an old friend and a savior. Hong Kong people will feel disobedient, but as his voters and consortiums, they will recognize the values of priority of the interests of the United States.Frankly, the more they heard.Some Hong Kong officials are bluntly stated that the president of Americans is doing things for Americans. What is wrong?Banning the Hong Kong Stock Exchange allows the New Year's Eve to benefit. If it can be done, why not do it?

The United States was invited to sanction Hong Kong, and so far, Hong Kong people who support dictatorship or democracy have clearly divided them.Those oppositions invited them are also a group of hitting.Just as there is a legal community in the United States that urged the United States to implement the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Councilor Guo Rongzheng, which belongs to the law, after the United States implemented the National Security Law of Hong Kong through the Human Rights Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law through the USPassion.Some people in the legal community said that after the implementation of the State Security Law of the Hong Kong District, foreign investment did have a great wait and see for investing in Hong Kong. Some foreign companies are considering whether to move out of Hong Kong. After this situation, one is affected by the legal industry. Among themThe development opportunities of young lawyers are the most hit.Foreign lawyers who want to enter Asia and companies who want to enter Asia are considering that Hong Kong or other countries that use ordinary laws such as Singapore have set up offices.The cost of rent in Singapore is much lower than that of Hong Kong. Even though other living costs are higher, the overall cost is still cheaper.In the past, Hong Kong led opponents with the advantages of one country, two systems, so it has enjoyed a premium in terms of rent and salary. Now, as the United States revokes Hong Kong's special status, the advantages and disadvantages of the two places have been very closer.When Guo Rongzhang ran to the United States that day to ask the United States to get involved in Hong Kong, did you think that this would lead to the rapid formulation of the National Security Law for Hong Kong?

Some people will propose that the United States is a global hegemon. Seeing China has risen rapidly, it has become the world's second largest economy and the world's largest consumer country. It is only sooner or later.This statement has a certain foundation.From the beginning of the United States demanding that Canada's arrest of Huawei's vice chairman Meng Wanzhou, you can see that China and the United States are like a powerful vortex, and gradually involve the neighboring countries. Hong Kong should avoid involving it and insist on making a country and two systems.When you are at this sensitive moment of full -scale wrestling in China and the United States, some Hong Kong people do not know whether they have not considered the consequences or have the intention. They ran to the United States to lead the wolf into the room.In the abyss, all citizens have become losers. The cost of the figurine of the figurine is not just the swallowing File.