International Roaming

Globalization has brought benefits and disadvantages at the same time. We have tasted its sweetness in the past few decades, and we are engraved with their side effects (including various social problems and current crown disease epidemic).

The U.S. Police Police in the United States killed Black Freud during the law enforcement, which caused a demonstration and smashing a conflict with the police and the people in all parts of the United States.Demonstrations even swept the Western countries like viruses, from London to Paris, from Amsterdam to Rome, from Tokyo to Sydney. It seems that the entire Western society has filled with Freud's death.

The demonstrators of various places shouted that I couldn't breathe. I kneeled on one knee for 9 minutes (Freud's neck was pressed by the police for 9 minutes after one knee), and the statue was also pushed down.Explaining the statue is symbolic for anti -racism.The statue is part of history, and history is written by the winner.In European and American history, the winner is white, and they are more or less related to racism.For example, Jefferson, the founding of the United States, is a slave owner, and led Britain to win the second war Prime Minister Churchill to publish racist talks.When the current anti -racial emotions are rising, looking up at these statues is considered to bow to white suprematicism.

In all fairness, the concept of race and skin tone is in everyone's thoughts.We will take people more or less, because our mind's ability to handle interpersonal relationships is not strong, so we must rely on the most intuitive vision.A statistics from the United States concluded that an ordinary American knows 290 people on average, and only 10 of them are good friends they can trust.To deal with personal social circle and larger imagination, we will divide the actual contact and hear people according to some standards. The skin color is one of them. Others also have religious beliefs, income, education level, civilization, etc.Ready.

Therefore, ancient China divided foreign people into barbarians, and it was not my ethnic group. Its heart must be different, which reflects the ancient concepts that are different from the surname of the surname.Human beings have gradually developed from primitive society to feudal, empires, and industrialization. The social structure and interpersonal relationships are becoming increasingly complicated, which also causes the gap between skin tone, belief, civilization, and even conflict.Whether it is the Cold War in the United States and the Soviet Union or the Sino -US game, there is also some extent that I am superior to you.

White supremacy has always existed in European and American society.When Europeans pioneered the American continent, they almost eliminated Indians and Mayan civilizations.Similarly, when the British colonized in Southeast Asia, they adopted a racist policy to divide them in various ethnic groups and control them.Social Darwinism, evolution, and eugenics came from European philosophers and were used to rationalize racism during World War II.Although the extreme thoughts were spurred after World War II, it has actually been integrated into the blood of many white suprematic followers.Therefore, Western countries always like to educate the world with western civilization, and need other society to adopt the Western system.

In fact, white people think that they are superior to black people, and they are a pseudo -proposition in genetic inheritance.Europeans landed in the Americas and planted cotton in tropical and subtropical regions. However, malaria and yellow fever in these areas were raging, and they had no immunity to these diseases.Their blacks in the African colonies have immunity, and their mortality rates are low, so they sell a large number of black slaves to the Americas to help them grow cotton.In fact, African blacks have superior disease immunity and genetic inheritance, but they have become white slaves.The reasons are more complicated, but it is definitely not because of racial superiority.

Although we often see reports from blacks in the United States, racism and discrimination issues are also quite common in Europe. Blacks in the United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, Australia and other places have killed blacks and aborigines by police.Discrimination is also a long -term issue.Nowadays, the crown disease epidemic is spreading globally, and the problems of local Asians have increased the problems of strange vision, discrimination, and even violence.This time, the American BLM demonstration has spread to many Western countries, and it is increasingly increasingly increasingly increasingly exacerbated with social inequality, gap between the rich and the poor, and left and right opposition.Globalization has brought benefits and disadvantages at the same time. We have tasted its sweetness in the past few decades, and we are engraved with their side effects (including various social problems and current crown disease epidemic).

Globalization after the Cold War brought free flow of capital and elite population.Embracing the freedom of capital, the economy has developed rapidly, but there are also more and more social problems, such as unequal, corruption, insufficient personal rights.After the capital was large, politics was ordered to be in capital, unable to correct inequality. Social justice could not be stretched out, and society was full of resentment and suffocation.This situation became more and more obvious after the global financial crisis and the European debt crisis.In European and American society, the middle class has shrunk, low -income groups have expanded, and black people have become weak in the weak. Many people gradually feel that they have lost their dignity as a human.

In the past 20 years, social inequality issues around the world have frequently caused demonstration and conflict.The popularization of the Internet should promote mutual understanding between different groups, but the information cocoons shaped by social media have made society more polarized, and a fuse is sufficient to ignite the common detonation point of different society.The United States and some European countries cannot effectively solve the problem of inequality. Such demonstrations and conflicts may only be more frequent.

Of course, this is not to say that there should be demonstrations.In fact, it is a good thing for young people to actively ask for demands, and they are striving to change their future.Conservatives are satisfied with the status quo and believe that the status quo is the best, and it is the best arrangement for the future. Even if you want to change, you only need to be fine -tuned; the ideal faction and young people hope that the future can be closer to their ideal world.As I get older, the ideal faction becomes conservative, but the society has new blood to join the ideal school.Too ideal is not necessarily a good thing, but moderate idealism is the motivation for promoting society.

(The author is the commentator [email protected])