Social Theory May 5, 2020

The presidential election of the United States in November this year stood out since the former Vice President Biden, and after defeating other Democratic candidates, the situation was relatively clear.As the mainstream of the social mainstream, Biden's qualifying has a certain threat to President Trump's fight for re -election; coupled with the continuous economic growth momentum of re -election in Trump, because of the crown disease epidemic measures, the urban measures of the outbreak of the crown disease epidemic are closed.The reversal, and his performance in handling the epidemic has been repeatedly criticized, and his political prospects seem to be hazy.However, Biden recently faced the allegations of sexual assault assistants decades ago, but added variables to the election.

Speaking of Biden is the 56 -year -old Tara Middot; Li De. In an interview with the media at the end of March, she said that in 1993 as an assistant to the Biden's office, she was sexually assaulted by the then federal senators.She was 29 years old.Biden's campaign office was silent for this allegations, and it was not until May 1 that he issued a statement denied.Before Tara, many women came out to accuse Biden who touched their bodies in public.Some social media opposed to Biden also published Bai Deng sniffing female hair or touching their news photos in public.

The incident triggered a huge controversy in American public opinion and reflects the political gap of severe tearing in American society.In October 2017, because of the rape and sexual assault of the well -known American film producer Harvey Weinstein, the booming women's rights protection campaign is also (me toO, or Mi Rabbit), accompanied by an extreme stream of extremesPolitics has swept American society.Out of support for female victims and disgusting the patriarchal system, some Mi Rabbit activists even shouted to believe that women believed in the slogan of the victims, which caused concerns about the principle of exercise or subverting the principle of innocence in the United States.

The politics of the Mittu Movement Movement has exacerbated the tearing of the consensus of the American society. The left -leaning Democrats generally support the movement.Regardless of the right and wrong party, the tools of the party.Cavano was raped after being nominated by Trump, but accused Ford later that the female prosecutor designated by the Democratic and Republican parties was identified as not true. His father also publicly denied his daughter's complaint and expressed his belief and support.Cavano.Although the Senate -controlled Senate passed Cavano's appointment, the pursuit of truth and justice has always been difficult to surpass the ideological confrontation between the two parties.

When it was Bayeng's turn to face similar dilemma, this time, Democrats who always advocated that women believed that the victims believed in the victims, but they turned collectively and expressed their confidence in Biden's innocence.Biden and the Democratic Party, which had been slightly optimistic about the election, fell into great passive.For Biden's sexual assault charges, it is still in the initial stage. How to respond to the Bayeng campaign team and the Democratic Party will inevitably affect the development of the US presidential election.

In terms of the current situation, most of the latest poll results show that Biden is leading.After a comprehensive polls of the media, some media found that although Biden's support was not less than half, almost all of them were 5 to 7 percentage points ahead of Trump.Trump said in an interview with Reuters a few days ago that he did not believe in the results of these polls, and at the same time, he even tested.In addition to the disadvantages of national polls, Trump has also begun to lose its advantage in individual key states.Trump's Florida, the opponent of Hillary in 2016 with a 1.2 percentage point, has caught up with Bayeon's polls.Trump's firm ally and Republican governor De Santis in Florida was approved too slow to respond to the epidemic, which affected Trump's support.

As far as sexual assault is concerned, if Trump wants to put pressure on his opponent, he is not enough.After all, he came along all the way, and he could not be completely cleared in the face of the disputes over 20 universal behaviors.However, Trump still holds a trump card.He has recently been constantly coming to accuse the Chinese government to conceal the epidemic, which has led to a serious economic and life loss in the world, and stated that he will hold accountable in Beijing.The five -eye alliance consisting of intelligence in the five countries in the English world has just revealed an investigation report on the epidemic, indicating that the virus originated from the laboratory of Wuhan.The Gallopp poll released last week found that Trump's ruling satisfaction rose to 49%, an increase of 6 percentage points from two weeks ago.If the situation is forced, Trump may not be ruled out to win the re -election by playing Chinese cards.Therefore, in the future, when observing the election of US presidents, it is bound to not ignore the trend of US -China relations.