01 Viewpoint

On the front of European new crown pneumonia, many people have projected their attention to the Italian epidemic, but the situation in Spain cannot be ignored.At present, in addition to Spain's prime minister's wife Bignia and Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo, the country's death numbers have also surpassed China and only behind the world's crown Italy.Why is Spain's experience in Iran and Italy's failure to borrow the threat of the new crown pneumonia?

According to data from the University of Johns Hopkins, as of March 27, Spain has become the fourth country in the world in more than 57,000 cases, only less than the United States, China, and Italy.Just less than Italy, it recorded more than 4,300.

Spain is neither the birthplace of viruses, but also countries that explode in the first round of South Korea and Iran. However, Madrid did not learn the failure of the above -mentioned national epidemic prevention, and launched a tough countermeasure early to laid a foreshadowing for the current public health crisis.

Spain light enemy

First of all, Spain's geographical location is profitable compared to Switzerland, Slovenia, Austria, and France. There is no land border with Italy. This may cause the Madrid authorities to have no potential risks after the first case of the first case in Italy.When the country recorded the second diagnosis case on February 9, Fernando Simoacute, the person in charge of Madrid's emergency medical situation;In the early days of the epidemic, multinational governments tried to dilute incidents, and the examples of stabilizing people's hearts abound. The follow -up crisis response and policy coordination were the main cause of the trend of the epidemic.

In mid -February, the epidemic in Lunbaidi, Italy, was gradually getting out of control. The Spanish sports department not only did not stop the transnational sports events, but about 2,500 Spanish football fans also went to Baga Mo, Italy to watch the Walmania's UEFA Champions League Cup against the Utran.In the event, the Wallencia player, fans and sports reporters ended their brunt, laid invisible bombs that were difficult to track the spread chain.Just as Mayorgio Gori, mayor of Belgomo, reflected afterwards, the court was quite squeezed, and the same is true in the bar.That night, it will definitely make a strong upgrade between people.

Policy failed to implement

In addition, the government's epidemic prevention policies are not coordinated and have a full -time effect.The Spanish epidemic jumped in early March and became the second largest outbreak country in Europe. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez canceled all flights to Italy on March 10, and ordered that schools in Madrid were also suspended for at least two weeks., Disinfection with a large scale.However, after the measures were introduced, not only did the public not maintain a social distance as the government's hope, but instead went to bars, parks and beaches to feel the holiday atmosphere.In the end, Sanchez had to force the city on March 14 to strengthen the penalty to improve the scary effect in order to empty Spain's lively streets.

The epidemic also exposed the shortcomings of the Spanish medical system.Since Spain has fallen into the European debt crisis, the country's public medical system is deeply affected by a tightening policy. The number of hospital beds available per capita is only one -third of Germany and Austria., The difficulty and time of great increase in rescue.Furthermore, because nearly 20%of the elderly people in the country are 65 years old or more, it is slightly lower than 22.8%of Italy, and the private nursing president faces the shortage of manpower year.Leave the elderly self -reliance and increase the mortality of the epidemic.Although the shortage of medical supplies was caused by Sanchez and its Socialist Party in one hand, if Sanchez had noticed the strict threat of the new crown pneumonia at the beginning, and hesitated to launch measures to block social contact, I believe that Spain may not have a tragic skating rink into a misery between the murmur between the misery between the madage.condition.