China Focus

As the epidemic of coronary virus disease has become more and more intense, social mentality, public opinion, and international relations have become intricate and many follow -up effects.Especially after the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the epidemic was defined as an international public health incident, many countries have begun to introduce policies to restrict the entry of Chinese residents, and many countries have fluctuated or even panic.

Some media warned before that the Chinese people's panic to Wuhan or Hubei people will trigger the international community's panic to the Chinese.Unexpectedly, a word was made. Due to the continuous spread of the epidemic, the number of infected people continued to rise, and the effectiveness of the coronary virus, the pathway, and the treatment method was not clear, which caused panic in the international community; and this panic changed to China to ChinaHuman panic.

In the United Kingdom, France, and the Netherlands, street people have successively appeared on the local Chinese with racialism.The neighbor is more serious with neighbors in China.The Internet in South Korea, Japan and other countries has appeared in petitions that require the government to resist the entry of Chinese residents.Doctors in Hong Kong have chosen to strike at critical moments of the epidemic because the government is unwilling to respond to the demands of fully blocking the gate.

The tide of China seems to be centered on China and spreads around the world.These news returned to China through reports of Chinese media. Naturally, during a critical period, domestic nationalist emotions rebounded and believed that the anti -Chinese heart of the West did not die.

Compared with foreign countries, from the beginning of the outbreak, some people in the country have the possibility of biological warfare.It is reported that Indian scholars have discovered that the virus is inserted into the key amino acid sequence of HIV virus, which is unlikely to exist in nature, and the conspiracy theory for a while is very loud.However, it was discovered afterwards that this article has not yet been published, and it has not even passed the peer review stage.

In addition, by selecting some genome's amino acid expression to evaluate the virus gene, there are many scientific doubts in themselves, and their conclusions are far from conclusive.It is reported that the article has been withdrawn by the author.However, there are no waves of waves.Recently, some people have dug out that Shi Zhengli, a new coronary virus research in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has participated in a new type of coronary virus that can infect the human body in 2015.The research was published in the natural magazine of that year, entitled that a SARS-Like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Potential for Human Emergence was entitled by the natural magazine of that year.

According to the article, the research team uses the SARS coronary virus skeleton and the coronary virus surface protein from Chinese chrysanthemum -head bats through the virus gene reorganization technology to create a new type of hybrid virus that can create a new type of hybrid virus.(ACE2) Combination to infect people's respiratory tract cells, and the current treatment methods are invalid.This caused controversy in the academic community at that time. Many scholars believe that the new virus rashly studies the new virus. If it is leaked, the consequences are unimaginable.

The coronary virus, which is derived from Wuhan, is related to ACE2, so some people suspect that the virus leaks.In addition, Shi Zhengli's cooperation team is the American team. Some netizens suspect that Americans have developed biochemical weapons that used the data of the year, causing this epidemic.

However, conspiracy theory is after all.There are already studies that have studied the difference in gene sequences of coronary virus and Shi Zhengli study virus. The difference is very large, and there is basically no possibility of conspiracy theory.The reason why conspiracy theory continues to have the market or the continuous sources is consistent with the psychological root of international governance, and it is due to the fear of many unknown situations of the current coronary virus.Under the current circumstances, whether it is discharge or conspiracy theory, except for further causeing social panic, there is no positive effect, but discrete people's hearts and obstructing international cooperation.

The Chinese people should consciously stay away from conspiracy theory, and recognize that the priority is to strictly control the spread of the epidemic and restore normal production and living order as soon as possible.At the same time, it should be appropriately reduced to unnecessary international travel and staggered opportunities to conflict with the international community.

The Chinese government should also educate the public of international travel. For those who go abroad for reasons such as studying abroad and work, they should take the initiative to manage themselves for two weeks after arriving at the destination country to reduce their doubts about students and colleagues in the new environment.At the moment of fighting against the epidemic, each citizen shows a high -level citizen quality may be an opportunity to change the image of China.

The author is a doctor of medicine and a master's degree in law

Currently engaged in scientific research in the UK