01 Viewpoint

Recently, a video was widely circulated on the Internet. In a family of Xiaogan City, Hubei Province, the three were playing mahjong. Law enforcement officers wearing the red -sleeved seal wearing epidemic prevention and diligence went straight into the scolding three people to gather regardless of the risk of the epidemic and fell.One of them picked up the mahjong and smashed into the red sleeve chapter to counterattack, and was dragged out of the door with the red sleeves.At the end of the film, the man slapped the man asked: Can't the family eat together?

This film is not a solitary case.In Anlu, Hubei, a family of four was arrested by law enforcement officers at home and was punished in front of the town government's door: we are a family of four, playing poker at home this afternoon, violating those who do not gather and play cards in a very period.Order, we were wrong.A villager in Mengyu Township, Puyang City, Henan Province did not wear a mask during the prevention and control of the epidemic.In other cities, there are also law enforcement departments to connect people who have not wearing a mask with a rope to show the streets.

One -size -fits -all causes overkill

Needless to say, the excessive enforcement of the grassroots is actually the imbalance of the manager's relaxation and grasp.With the purpose as the first without considering the feasibility, cutting the indicators one by one, which has caused tremendous pressure on the grassroots level, which in turn leads to large -scale concentration overkill and rude law enforcement.

Xiaogan is the city with the most diagnosis in Wuhan City in Hubei Province. However, in early February, the suburbs and rural areas around Xiaogan were not strong enough.Local village cadres reported in an interview with mainland media that many people believed that the air was good and far from Wuhan, so the awareness was not strong. There were often three or five in groups of sunburning the sun, and even gathered to play mahjong.According to the rural supervision team, there are even fever patients in some townships and villages.Rural residence was evacuated, not like good cities, and brought great trouble to the prevention work of village cadres.

Under such circumstances, Wu Haitao, mayor of Xiaogan City, Hubei Province, proposed on February 8th that it was good to resolutely prevent the epidemic spread like rural spreads.However, Wu Haitao proposed that as long as there is a village to prevent control and control, the secretary of the township party committee is unconditionally removed, and other cadres sitting unconditionally sitting unreasonablely, it will inevitably make the lower level feel the pressure and the phenomenon of overkill.Therefore, the relaxation of the epidemic prevention requires further exploration and grasp of officials, such as unreasonable simply punishment measures such as unconditional sitting. This kind of instructions that intimidate more than constraints, and indicators that goes first without considering the possibility of operation.Let law enforcement officers be overly rudely enforced out of fear and helplessness.

Building power boundary

Whether it is daily law enforcement or epidemic prevention measures, it is necessary to grasp the scale, and it is not enough to take it.Some quarantine measures in Hong Kong are accused of being too loose. For example, people entering the country from the Mainland can move around in the urban area.In individual provinces and cities in the Mainland, there have been excessive or even over -power law enforcement.In the final analysis, the epidemic prevention is the same as law enforcement. It needs clear power boundary and supervision.It can be seen that if there is no clear division of power boundaries, it will not only easily cause grass -roots law enforcement to over -law due to ignorance, but also may cause law enforcers to lose constraints.In particular, traditional China is a society that pays more attention to collectives, and is lacking in the distinction of personal space and public space.In this environment of epidemic prevention, grassroots law enforcement people are likely to ignore the rights and interests of personal space.Here is not those who speculate on grass -roots law enforcement with the worst maliciousness, but as Professor Shen Yan of Peking University said, the pursuit of beauty and goodness must be carefully taken care of, and this careful care must be obtained in the continuous improvement of the system and system.reflect.

In response to the simple and rude problems existing in the current part of the epidemic prevention and control work, on February 18, the Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi emphasized strict regulation of justice and civilized law enforcement, and it is strictly forbidden to over -law enforcement and rough law enforcement.The People's Daily's WeChat public account Xiake Island also published an article, questioning the brutal operation and rough law enforcement phenomenon in the epidemic prevention work.The official attitude can be described as the shortcomings of the law enforcement system in the Mainland and urgently need to be corrected.Looking back at Hong Kong, what deficiencies do our epidemic prevention work need to be faced?