01 Viewpoint

Britain officially left the European Union at the end of last month, but the long negotiator with Brussels had just begun, and among the 27 EU countries, there were also a lot of private goods who wanted to negotiate.Macron, France earlier, has always advocated to kill the British to kill chickens and monkeys. Ireland will try to strive to the greatest benefit on the border of Bei Ai.The marble carving of the Athens Barton Temple at the Da Ying Museum, claiming that it seeks the return of the cultural relics illegally removed to its source country.However, the British government quickly refused, reiterating its legal responsibility for stone carving.

This set of cultural relics, also known as Elgin Marbles, was originally decorated with the wall of the Barton Temple on the Acropolis Mountain in Athens, Greece.The Temple of Patton was built in the fifth century BC, marking the golden age of Delian League.The Tilo League is a Greek city -state as a combination of the invasion of the Persian Empire. It is led by Athens and marked that Athens has become the Aegean Gifum after the war.Although Athens was defeated by Sparta during the Berobenneson War and declined, the Barton Temple still did not reduce its majestic and gorgeous.It is also described as the essence of classical Greece, Athens democracy, and even Western civilization.The Temple of Patton was destroyed in a series of war in the 17th century of Ouman and Venice, and was removed from the Barton Temple to Britain from 1801 to 1812 from 1801 to 1812. Later, he was transferred to the British Museum.Since Greece's independence from the Etuman Turkish Empire in 1832, Greece has claimed that he has the right to owns stone carvings and has returned to Britain. However, under the British government's stance, the Greek government has nothing to gain for nearly a century.

Greek heritage or British exhibits?

The problems of the political, cultural circles, and folks of Yingxi both have always been inconsistent with the problems of Elkin stone carvings.For the most powerful of Soviet Elkin's stone carving, it is the Greek democratic government since the fall of 1974.It claims that stone carving is the cultural heritage of the Greek people, and also represents the spirit of Greece as a modern democratic European country.Of course, there is a problem, because when the Temple of Batonon was built in Athens at the beginning, it was to show off its military and commercial hegemony in the Aegean Sea.Since the beginning of the construction of the Patton Temple, it is a product of simplicity, the products of Greece, Greece, and even Europe. Instead, it is built from a variety of cultures. Its hegemony and the history of slavery are also difficult to represent Athenian democracy.In addition, although the Barton Temple was the temple of the goddess of Athena at the beginning, it was used as a church of Mary and Islam mosque during the period of Byzantine and Ottoman.Daily changes at any time, the Temple of Barton also gives different significance outside the ancient Greek era.

Those who have sustained the sovereignty of Elkin's stone carving are the current British Museum of Tibetan.It has also claimed that it has been an indispensable part of its indispensable part since the stone carving is settled in the Great British Museum.Established in 1753, the British Museum was established in 1753. For the first national museum in the world, the government created a government -created public space to give the civic society a intellectual exchange and education test, and it is an important milestone for Britain and Western Enlightenment.In fact, at the artistic level, it is difficult for art to clarify ownership at all. When the artwork produces it for a moment, it has become an independent individual, creating different stories and history from the contact with different objects.Elkin's stone carving in the British Museum has been closely intertwined with British history.Nevertheless, the British did remove stone carvings from the temple in the way of the same robber.The Great British Museum is the same as the Barton Temple to show off the hegemony of the British imperialist. Many of the collections from all over the world are the stolen goods that have been grabbed when they have invaded other countries for many years.Essence

Johnson and EU wrestling

Whether it is the nationalist description of the Greek or the imperialist stains of the United Kingdom, it is difficult to serve as a powerful argument for Elkin stone carving.And some theoreticals, with the point of view of the national boundary, proposed that stone carving should be regarded as the common legacy of human civilization.Because Elkin stone carving and Egyptian Rosetta stone monument, French Latinus II's avatars, many precious world civilization heritages are the same as one of them, and thousands of visitors from all over the world are exhausted in just half a day.The treasures of all parts of the world have exerted the ability of Athens to play such a scale and convenient cultural education and communication ability. Many people have also advocated that stone carvings are retained in the international metropolis London, and many British Museums with many cultural relics are concentrated.Stone carvings are neither charged in the museum, nor borrowed from time to time to exhibitions from various places to see its openness to the world.However, if you start with restoration theory, since Elkin's stone carving was one of the parts of the Barton Temple, the stone carving was reunited with his mother and other stone carvings, so that visitors can realize that the whole picture of the Temple can play a more cultural and educational role.Conversely, when the mother is in London, which is thousands of miles away from Greece, it is like cutting a few pieces of David statue, and then sending her head to the British Museum, the limbs to the Luofu Palace, and the trunk to the Metropolitan Museum.

In the long discussion of the public reasoning, the parties have been entangled for decades, but there are still no cases.The British people generally agree with Elkin's stone carvings to return Greece, and the leader of the Labor Party Hao Erbin has also said that it will not rule out that the stone carvings will be returned.It claims that, like any cultural relics stolen from colonies or other countries, the British government should return a constructive dialogue with the Greek government to return stone carving.However, when the Labor Party was defeated, and the Conservative Prime Minister Johnson had accused the American actor George Georige's return of stone carving as early as the mayor of London, as early as Hitra, it must be unquestionable.In the end, where the stone carving goes, it will inevitably be inseparable from the diplomacy of Zhenghe River.That is, if Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Greece last November, it stated that he would support its application for stone carvings, and the Brexit negotiations also restarted the issue of Elkin stone carving. Greece has obtained the European Union's multi -national strength.It is located at the foot of the Acropolis Mountains of Athens. It is not far from the Barton Temple. In the Acropolis Museum opened in 2009, there is a vacant exhibition area waiting for this set of stone carving home.It is only a dispute over the concept of history and culture, which is more likely to reflect Britain's political energy after Brexit.