● Crown disease 19 epidemic

Early North to read

Han Yonghong

The outbreak of the 2019 coronary virus disease will affect China's international image and the outside world's confidence in China's rise?

In China, it has been publicly instructed to do its best to prevent and control work. At the same time, Wuhan Fengcheng has been in Wuhan for nearly a month. Different Chinese and foreign groups have two very different arguments on the above problems.

One opinion believes that the modernization of coronary virus disease reveals the modernization of the Chinese governance system and governance capabilities. 17 years ago, the tuition fees paid by China were paid in vain. Officials were still paralyzed and may still be concealed.The economic and social life of Hubei Province and the whole of China has paid a heavy price, which also caused the virus to spread abroad and abroad.

This group of views believes that after this battle, the international community will see the vulnerability of China, and the optimism of China's rise will be greatly reduced; China's economic giant suddenly rests on the impact of the global industrial chain. Chinese passengers will not go out to the tourism industry in other countriesThe blow will be deeply knocking on the alarm, so that international companies can understand that they should not put the eggs in the basket of China. Chinese companies and elites who lose confidence will also accelerate outflow.

The second view is opposite. It is believed that after the Supreme Leader ordered, China showed strong mobilization, determination, and control.On the one hand, quickly implement the city sealing, restricting the movement measures such as personnel flow into the capillaries of the grassroots, rural areas such as grassroots, rural areas, etc., on the other hand, more than 30,000 medical personnel will help Hubei from all over the country.Two hospitals were built in the sky.In particular, a series of strong and even extreme seal control measures have been effectively implemented in a country with a population of 100 billion, and most people are willing to obey and cooperate.According to the New York Times of the United States, the population of about 760 million people in China lives in a certain seal control. This data is in the eyes of this group of people, which just shows that the strength of the Chinese system and the firmness of the highest leaders' power mdash; MDASH; the American eagle;Pats, Taiwan's independence, etc. are expected to look at the mainland who are out of the country, they must be stunned, they are all hair in their hearts!

The opposite interpretation reflects two different perspectives, as if describing whether a cup is in the air or half, is a controversy that it will never end.

So which one of the two concepts above is more reliable?Objectively speaking, both have a basis.

Some predictions of the former are estimated to be true: international companies will accelerate the re -layout, decentralized investment, and avoid excessive dependence on a single market.EssenceHowever, China's political and social stability will not shake. After the epidemic, the leadership of this storm will fill the shortcomings and vulnerabilities in the public health mechanism with actual work.At the same time, China's current national mobilization system and control methods will continue to be proven to be valid and will continue.

No, after a month of dense struggle, an epidemic in China has repeatedly appeared positive signals. On February 19th, there were 394 newly confirmed cases, which was a cliff -like decline compared to the 1749 cases of the previous day.EssenceBeijing and Chengdu have begun to have long -lost traffic jams this week.

Right now, in addition to continuing the outbreak of the outbreak, the Chinese central and local governments are also imminent.After the end of this year's long Spring Festival, the geography should be resumed on the 11th, but the progress is slow.According to the data generally cited by the Chinese media, as of February 16, the national reinsurance rate was only 42%. A large number of SMEs faced problems such as difficulties in foreign workers, poor transportation and logistics, and difficulty in supporting the industrial chain.

Whether this large machine in China can quickly restore operation and economy to rebound, determines whether it can achieve the goal of building a well -off society in an all -round way this year, and will also affect the international community's confidence in the Chinese market and supply chain.Apple announced a few days ago that it will be dragged down by the Chinese epidemic, which will not reach the revenue target in the first quarter of this year. Apple's foundry Foxconn also denies that the goal of restoring 50 % capacity at the end of this month.This is just the corner of the iceberg affected by foreign companies.

Of course, even without this crown disease epidemic, due to the Sino -US trade war and China's high cost, the re -deployment of the international industrial chain has been in progress.The 2019 coronary virus disease will accelerate the original changes, but it will not cause the general trend of China's development.Just like over the years of twists and turns and disasters over the years, China will turn this page; but as many people have been damaged by innocent people, people who have paid the cost in this epidemic, especially those more than 2,000 deceaseds,The permanent losses and pains they have suffered, no matter what the economic achievements of the individual or the country have achieved in the future, this damage is difficult to make up.