Ming Pao News Agency

The princess of the Diamond Diamond Diamond, which is anchored in Yokohama, Japan, ended the 14 -day quarantine isolation. Passengers who did not signs were allowed to leave in batches. Experts were worried that those who had invisible infections may spread the epidemic.The princess of the diamond was out of control. It was like a replica of Tao in 2003. The Japanese government's handling was criticized. There were unknown cases of unknown sources in Japan, which was also worrying. Some experts even questioned that the authorities concealed the epidemic for the Tokyo Olympics this summer.The ostrich policy and the problem of lighting and avoidance are often the biggest cause of the increasing crisis. From Wuhan in Hubei to the princess of Diamond, all highlight the negligence and negligence of bureaucratic loss, and all parties must learn lessons.The international community does not have clear regulations or agreements on how to deal with explosives. In the face of the threat of epidemic disease, countries must strengthen cooperation and support, and cannot take neighbors.

Cruise isolation a mess

Japanese epidemic hidden worry

Isolation quarantine should be an effective measure to prevent the spread of the epidemic, but the case of the princess of the diamond is the opposite.Japanese officials have repeatedly emphasized the proper response, but the seriousness of the cruise is undoubtedly failed.The Japanese cruise cruise quarantine treatment was slow, and only 300 people were tested in the early stage, and later gradually expanded the scope of inspection.The Japanese government argued that it was limited by insufficient testing facilities.

Kobe University of Kobe's epidemic expert Iwada Kentaro boarded a cruise inspection this week and found that the situation on the ship was beyond imagination. The quarantine personnel, crew, and medical team members did not all put on a protective clothing or mask.He went to the medical office on his own, and he himself had passed with the patient, but the quarantine seemed to be unsatisfactory.He pointed out that isolation arrangements are generally set up red zones limited by patients and medical care, as well as green areas that are not contaminated by viruses, but the princess of the diamond is a mess.It is obviously serious and wrong, making it difficult to understand.

Although cruise quarantine isolation is over and passengers leave in batches, it does not mean that the crisis is over.Many experts questioned that the epidemic on the ship kept bursting and did not rule out those with invisible infections. In this case, some people were allowed to choose to continue to move freely in Japan.From Hokkaido to Okinawa, there are currently more than 80 cases recorded in Japan. There are both hospitals and many unknown cases. The parties have not been to China.The senior advisor of WHO entered Fujinao, described that the number of people in Wuhan has shown a reduction, and it has gradually seen the dawn. Now the world is worried about Japan.

Different from many countries, Japan does not have a central disease and control center.Iwada Kentaro pointed out that epidemic prevention experts cannot decide that everything must be asked first, but the bureaucratic treatment of the epidemic is taken lightly.Get off the boat.The Ministry of Shengsheng has repeatedly reiterated that according to the WHO's guidance, the infection cases of the Diamond Princess cannot be counted as a local case in Japan. Only people questioned that Japanese officials' reactions only reflected that they were most concerned about external images and were worried that they would be regarded as an epidemic hot spot.Olympic Games.

Earlier this month, the Japanese authorities still emphasized that the domestic epidemic was controlled. The people generally did not have much prevention. Large -scale activities such as marathons were held as scheduled. It was not until recently that the authorities changed their tone, saying that the epidemic entered a new stage and called on people to avoid people from multiple occasions.Professor Dan Yuzhen, a professor at Fukushima Prefecture, believes that the virus diffusion is more serious than what the Japanese government said, and it has repeatedly referred to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. Initially, the Japanese government also concealed the truth and insisted that the reactor was not melted.Essence

By the neighbors as the anti -epidemic

The international community must be together

A crisis from accumulation to a big explosion often has a period of brewing. Whether the situation will turn sharply depends on whether the authorities have faced the facts early. This is not necessarily related to the political system or cultural differences.The current Japanese epidemic is of course not comparable to the scale of Wuhan. However, if the Wuhan explosion is said, the problem is that local officials have taken care of and dilute the epidemic in the early days. Japan also seems to have similar problems.Some people think that China and Japan should respond to the epidemic, highlighting the lack of the East Asian governance system, and reflecting the differences in East and Western cultural differences.The result of the problem.Whether it is an epidemic or an economic crisis, it is unwilling to face the problem, and it will eventually only make the crisis out of control.

The Japanese epidemic has deteriorated.Whether Fengguan is helpful for the prevention of this epidemic is that there is no evidence to support any conclusions if compared the situation in various places.Xingzhou has closed down China earlier this month, but so far there are more local diagnosis cases than in Hong Kong and Japan, which have not been closed; the United States has sealing China, but in Canada, but the previous diagnosis of the former is significantly more than the latter.At this stage, the judgment is urgent, reflecting more opinions than factual science.

The princess of the diamond becomes an epidemic wheel. Some experts believe that the Japanese side should not choose to quarantine quarantine at the cruise ship at the beginning, but should arrange passengers to go ashore.But having said that, how many countries are willing to do so now are indeed a big question.In the past few weeks, at least three cruise ships were rejected by many countries for infection on the ship, let alone let the people on board the ships land in isolation quarantine.There is no international agreement now, and explicitly stipulates how to deal with the epidemic wheel, such as which party should be responsible for follow -up and when to allow the personnel to leave the ship.Cruise passengers and crews were regarded as human goals, and WHO could not do it. They could only call on countries to allow ships to enter Hong Kong in the principle of humanitarian principles. This was why Cambodia agreed to accept the Wanderer Cruise Tastan earlier, and was said to WHO.This epidemic was fully exposed to many places with neighbors.To effectively curb the epidemic, the international community must be more united.