The media around the world almost consistently set the past 2019 years of demonstration.Indeed, a little bit, none of the world's five continents (Asia, Europe, Africa, the United States, and Oceania) were spared.There are dozens of places where people are demonstrating a large -scale demonstration.

Although the incentives are different, in general, the demonstrations of the people are targeted at the government or the governor, that is, the anti -government, even the demonstration of the climate change, the spearr point to the governments from all over the country.If it is classified in nature, some are split, such as the Independence Movement of the Spain's Catalonia; some are related to religious race topics, such as the demonstration caused by the government's recent amendment of the government.But the most common should be a demonstration caused by people's livelihood issues.

The so -called wind rose at the end of Qing Ping, stopped between grass, people accumulated for a long time, and the government could not solve the solution. In addition, corruption and incompetence, the people would think about it for a long time, just like there is always a day of outbreak.And on the streets, the demonstration of the power of the group seems to have become a common means of expressing demands and venting anger in the dissatisfaction status.

The large -scale demonstrations that have erupted in South America countries can be said to be a typical example of the typical people.These countries, including Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, are all countries with economic and politics.The fundamental reasons for the demonstrations of many people in Africa and the Middle East are not as demonstrations.

Since the launch of the trade war and tariff war in the United States, the world economy, which has been slowly slow, has been hit, and the economy of countries around the world has suffered. In countries with poverty or improper governance, people's lives are even more frightened.These countries are usually high debt, the state treasury is empty, and the people have no food overnight.In this case, any government wants to implement measures to reduce fiscal burden or increase taxes, which can easily become the fuse of the public's vent in an instant.

For example, in Lebanon in the Middle East, a large -scale demonstration occurred in November, its inducement turned out to be taxed by the government's plan to use the use of WhatsApp for mobile phones.If the national governance is fine, how can this single measure cause a stir?The root cause is actually political corruption, the people's livelihood withered, and social uneasiness.Some demonstrators said that: We come here (referring to the capital Beirut) are not for WhatsApp. We are for everything: fuel, food, bread, all hellip; hellip;

The Great demonstration broke out in Ecuador, South America, in October, and the fuse was the government's announcement of the end of the fuel subsidy that had been maintained for ten years.This is because the government implemented a assistance agreement with the International Monetary Fund Organization. The agreement requires the government to save and reduce public service expenditure.This change has led to a sharp rise in fuel oil prices.

Another example is Chile.At the beginning of October, the price of Metro tickets in San Diego, the Chilean capital, rose 30 pesos (about $ 0.04). As a result, it caused large -scale protests and riots, causing traffic to stop, social order out of control, and smashing and burning incidents.Similarly, the root cause is also the dissatisfaction of the Chilean people's problems such as political corruption, high prices, inflation, and the gap between the rich and the poor.

Examples of developed countries Moruo France.The French yellow vest movement starting at the end of 2018 is mainly because the public oppose the government's increased fuel tax.The large -scale strike demonstration broke out in 2019 was due to the pension reform plan that the government announced in September.

The demonstrations of the Indian people belong to another category, mainly because the Modi government proposed a citizenship amendment bill a few months ago, and to allow non -Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan to obtain citizenship.This has aroused strong dissatisfaction of the two groups.One of the local residents of several states in the Northeast, they are worried that the new law will make many illegal immigrants get legal status and grab the rice bowl with them; the other is a Muslim, they think that the new law obviously discriminates against Muslims.The Indian government has introduced new measures for citizens and is closely related to the political agenda of the ruling people's party (Hindu party).

Hong Kong's demonstrations and riots are another category.According to the Hong Kong Financial Authority's report in August last year, Hong Kong's official foreign exchange reserve assets at the end of July 2019 were US $ 448.5 billion, which was not a poor society at all.The demonstration broke out six months ago, and the media at the beginning was called anti -repair example demonstration, that is, the measures to oppose the amendment of fugitives proposed by the government. The amendment of this decree was to allow extradition fugitives to the trial of mainland China and Macau.

However, with the evolution of the situation, the nature of demonstrations and turmoils, including the revocation, the nature of the intervention of Beijing and foreign forces is becoming increasingly obvious.Therefore, Western media generally call it the Pro-Democracy movement.

In countries and regions that are protested and social turmoil suffering from demonstrations, they often face the sufferings of foreign intervention.Internal and external pinching, social turmoil is even more difficult to calm down.One of the most common external problems is from Western forces that specialize in the color revolution around the world.In fact, in us, there are also some people who have received external funding, trying to engage in activities such as so -called citizens.This shows that our society does not have natural immunity.

The various demonstration protests really dazzled me.On the time of dazzling, I was hit hard a few times.In October, Yang Guanhua, the owner of a tea restaurant from Hong Kong, held a party in Singapore to invite the public to discuss the current situation in Hong Kong.This was an illegal party, and our police detained him according to law.Yang's violation of the Public Order Act.

After investigation, the police decided to give a severe warning that he would repatriate him to Hong Kong in November, and stipulated that he would no longer enter Singapore if he was not approved by the immigration director in the future.At the same time, another 55 -year -old man who obtained Singapore's citizenship was severely warned for assisting illegal assembly.

Immediately after the news report, a 32 -year -old Indian man participated in the public rally held in Binhai Bay without a legal permit to express his demands against the Indian citizenship amendment bill, and the police immediately involved in the investigation.Singapore police also issued a statement afterwards, emphasizing that the police will not issue any permits to the assembly of the political claims of other countries. Foreigners visiting or living in Singapore should abide by our laws.

The above incident reminds us that in such a turbulent and uneasy world, it is not easy to settle down in the dark and turbulent world, and it is impossible to be alone.Our economy depends on the world market, and it is impossible to be independent of the world at all.As an open and diverse society, we can't hide from all kinds of foreign storms.Therefore, we must always be vigilant, we must strictly prevent all kinds of foreign chaotic infections, and we must do well in internal unity.

(The author is a former member of the former journalist)