01 Viewpoint

The 2010s were about to end. Looking back at the past ten years, the international situation has surged.Geopolitics quickly heated up after the mid -2010s, and the wrestling of great powers intensified.Among the issues of many international relations, the most notable changes in the past ten years are the changes in the changes that meet in the narrow road of China and the United States.At first, China and the United States exhibited each other in good faith, trying to reach a new type of major power relationship between China that allowed China to rise peacefully.However, with the increasingly rising trend of anti -China eagle in the United States, this effort was quickly proven to be unsuccessful.Where does Sino -US relations go?From this point of view, the changes in Sino -US relations in the 2010s can be described as an important turning point in the changes in international order after World War II.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1979, relations between the two countries have been good.Especially in 2001, China joined the WTO (WTO) with the support of the United States, which has also played a key role in China's rapid rise in recent years.Ten years after China joined the WTO, in 2010, GDP increased by almost five times, and became the second in the world's sixth surpassing Japan.The rapid rise of China's economy also means the growth of its national strength on influence, and this will inevitably threaten the status of US leadership after World War II.

Blossom G2 and C2

Regarding the threat of China's rise, some visionary American scholars and experts have proposed the concepts of the two countries (G2) in 2005. They believe that China and the United States will develop into the world's top two, and relations between the two countries will become the world's largest issue.After experiencing the hitting the 2008 financial turmoil, the Obama administration initially hoped to allow China to rise peacefully and coexist peacefully, and develop a peaceful coexistence relationship between China and the United States with the G2 framework.The Chinese side, who hopes to rise peacefully, responded positively, and held the fourth round of Sino -US strategic and economic dialogue in May 2012, and further proposed the coordination of the two countries (C2), emphasizing coordination, cooperation, and fateCommunity (Community) proposes a win -win development blueprint for China and the United States.In June 2013, the new Chinese President who took office was not long ... and the US President Barack Obama talks in California, and then put forward a new type of great power relationship to reiterate that China and the United States should not conflict, fight against each other, respect each other, and win a win -win cooperation.

Although the Sino -US dollar capital has hoped to live peacefully, the anti -Chinese eagle in the United States has caused Sino -US relations to go on a way.The rise of China will inevitably hurt some of the vested interest groups in the United States. In addition, some elites with old -fashioned thinking that the United States should look at all countries that threatened the United States with the mentality of the United States, and gradually put the United States on the road of anti -China.In 2013, issues such as the South China Sea Arbitration and the installation of Sade System in South Korea became the fuse, and the gunpowder's gunpowder was ignited.Although the Chinese government and the Obama administration have always wanted to promote Sino -US relations, the effect is inadequate because of the hawk thinking.For example, the Secretary of State of the Obama administration Hillary, on the issue of the South China Sea, insisted on pushing back to Asia's policy on China. In the people, Peter Navarro, who was later used by Trump as a trading consultant, in 2011Completed its anti -China Death By CHINA.During the mid -term elections in the 2010 US midterm, some politicians who supported Chinese natural trade were attacked by Wenzhuang.

Can't avoid the trap of Xiupu?

U.S. President Trump took over the president in 2017 in this wave and further launched a tough policy for China.Its style of the Hua Eagle School has rarely broke the barrier of the American party to get political comprehensive support.Trump launched a trade war that shocked the world in 2018. Not only has it been completely resolved so far, the trade war has derived the US science and technology wrestling of Huawei in the United States.This year, the United States touched the bottom line of China's sovereignty on national sovereignty on the issue of Hong Kong and Xinjiang, and further made China -US wrestling fierce.

American political scholar Graham T. Allison once proposed the theory of Xunxidd's trap with the story of the ancient Greek city Starbarta and Athens, pointing out that the old hegemonic rights will inevitably fight between the emerging forces.Although this theory is not necessarily inevitable, as the Sino -US conflict is becoming more and more serious, there are indeed many voices in the world that there are already many voices that Sino -US is developing in the direction of the New Cold War.It can be expected that China -US wrestling will not stop suddenly in the 1920s, and may even intensify.It can be seen from the trade war of more than a year that China and the United States comprehensively confront them not only harm the interests of the two countries, but also threatened the stability of the world.If the situation of the Cold War deepened, or even evolved into a hot battle, it would be a disaster since World War II.Whether China and the United States can obey and coexist in peace in the next ten years depends on the courage of political leaders of the two countries.