The Hong Kong Ming Pao's review article pointed out that Hong Kong's in -depth contradictions in Hong Kong are entangled and staggered, and the disparity between the rich and the poor is one of the deadly knots.Government data shows that there were 1.406 million poor people in Hong Kong last year. It was the highest since 2009. Although the poverty rate of children's poverty has improved, the poverty rate of young people has risen.Wheneling, whether the poverty rate will rise in the coming year, is worrying.The problem of disparity between the rich and the poor is the world phenomenon, and it is particularly obvious under the liberal economic model. Factors such as the aging population in Hong Kong are also intensifying the relevant trend.In recent years, the government has invested a lot of resources to strengthen poverty alleviation work, but has a sense of effort. The authorities need to review whether the poverty alleviation measures are in place. At the same time, it is necessary to start with deep -level contradictions to deal with social structure problems such as insufficient flow of upward flow., Can only cure the standards and cannot cure the root cause.

The poor population will increase the effectiveness of poverty alleviation.

The cause of anti -repair storms, although the government has ignored public opinion and pushing the practice, but foreign scholars including Bu Ruizhe also agreed that a series of deep contradictions and unknown situations in Hong Kong society, such as the disparity between the rich and the poor, are behind this crisis behind this crisis.The cause.Hong Kong is often regarded as a model of the liberal economic model. The SAR government also advertises Hong Kong from time to time as the world's most free economy.The coefficient of the coefficient before the transfer of pre -tax benefits of Hong Kong reached 0.539, which reflects the disparity between the rich and the poor in Hong Kong and is one of the worst regions in the world.Last year, a local study pointed out that Hong Kong's richest ten % residents and the poorest 10 % of the residents were nearly 44 times the number of monthly income.The situation of the disparity between the rich and the poor in a place is so serious that it is difficult to govern for a long time.

In response to poverty, the government has indeed strengthened poverty alleviation in recent years and greatly increased social welfare expenditures. The problem is that poverty alleviation cannot catch up with poverty.Last year, the authorities launched two new measures for poverty alleviation, including the establishment of a high -amount living allowance, and the change of low -income job subsidies (low -profile) to on -the -job family allowances (jobs) to relax the income limit and increase the amount of allowances.At that time, officials repeatedly stated that the preliminary results of the relevant measures were expected to be completed at the end of 2019.One year hurriedly passed, and the latest poverty report issued by the government this month did not bring much good news.

The government determines the poverty line by half of the number of residents' income, but the family income is lower than the poverty line, which is a poor population.The latest report shows that last year, the poor population rose to 1.406 million, the highest since the record in 2009. If compared with the previous year's report, it can summarize three trends.First of all, the poverty rate of children after policy intervention has fallen, and has fallen to a new low of 10 years. The increase in children's allowances seems to play some role;The poverty rate rises, reflecting the weakening of the effectiveness of CSSA and elderly allowing poverty alleviation; the third trend is that the poverty of the on -the -job youth has deteriorated, and the poverty rate after policy intervention has risen for 3 years, reaching a 10 -year high;40 % of the work shows that poverty alleviation measures have not effectively assisted in weak young people.

It is true that there are many different factors behind the poor population. Taking the poverty rate of the elderly as an example, because the aging population in Hong Kong has accelerated, there is no income after retiring, and even if there is a certain savings, it will be ranked among the poor.However, the government has to face reality. It cannot often say that poverty data has many limitations and cannot reflect some policies or service results; excessive amplifying young people's naked revenue and other factors.In the ear, it is inevitable that the authorities are losing their responsibilities.

The problem of insufficient flow of upward flow is a characteristic only

As the new report reflects the poverty in 2018, it has not reflected the rapid decline in Hong Kong's economy in the past six months, especially the impact of rising unemployment rates such as retail tourism and other industries on grassroots citizens.Steady response, while strengthening poverty alleviation, review whether various poverty alleviation measures are in place.For example, although the authorities have relaxed the qualifications of vocational Tianjin applications and expanded the scale of allowance, some concern groups have pointed out that the application procedures for vocational Tianjin are still complicated, so many qualified applicants have stepped on.The amount of distribution and review qualifications for CSSA, the elderly allowance, and the living allowance system of the elderly, and whether it effectively assists the low -class elderly people from poverty alleviation.

Hundreds of illnesses in Hong Kong, rising poverty numbers are only a characteristics. In fact, a series of social and economic development structures are actually involved, including accelerated population, stagnant development of the employment market, and insufficient opportunities for social flow.The Hong Kong employment market is not diversified enough, and it focuses on financial, real estate, retail and other categories for a long time. Even if young people graduate from university, it is not easy to find a suitable job. Only by constantly ride cows and horses, they can not see the employment prospects.EssencePoverty alleviation measures can only be cured and cannot be cured. Many scholars in the West have pointed out that today's re -distribution measures such as income tax taxes are not enough to reverse the deterioration of the disparity between the rich and the poor.EssenceThe SAR Government needs the original clear source, deal with deep social contradictions, improve the trend of singleization of the industrial structure, strengthen employment and re -training, create more high -paying job opportunities for young people and low -income families.Cost can really effectively relieve poverty.