Author: Chen Yixin

The US Minister of Defense Esper considers the large -scale cutting of the US military in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. At present, the U.S. military in West Africa may be evacuated to concentrate on dealing with China and Russia.The Pentagon is undergoing a final assessment, and it is expected to make a preliminary decision in January 2020. It is true that the disadvantages may be greater than benefits.

In a speech in Afghanistan in October this year, Esper pointed out that the first priority of the current US strategy is China, and the second is Russia.He asked all commanders to consider reducing soldiers and resources and concentrating on dealing with China and Russia.

U.S. officials pointed out that the U.S. withdrawal operations may start from West Africa, and then in the Middle East and South Asia, and will eventually reduce the scale from Latin America.There are still 7,000 troops in the United States in Africa. Esper has instructed the African Command to propose a preliminary withdrawal of troops and re -deploying the army in January 2020.The entire operation may start from cutting the U.S. military in West Africa, and the United States may abandon a recently spent only $ 110 million in the Nigeri drone base.

The US military's defense vacuum and counter -terrorism missions after the evacuation of West Africa will take over the European Special Forces led by France.The French and European allies will be forced to purchase more US transport aircraft and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in order to respond to the needs of the US military's retreat.Special Forces in France and European Allies will also take over the war of African militia training programs currently in charge of the U.S. military to invest in the future of terrorist organizations such as Islamic State, Gada, and Boko Holy Land.Secondly, Esper plans to reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq from 5,000 to 2,500, and scratch nearly 13,000 U.S. military in Afghanistan into 4,000.

The United States has greatly reduced the US military in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, mainly based on the following three major considerations.First of all, before entering the election year in the United States, President Trump felt that he would no longer perform his promise of withdrawal of his withdrawal campaign, and his withdrawal check will jump tickets.

Secondly, former US Secretary of Defense Matisse has pointed out that the US war -terrorism war has ended and the task should be adjusted to deal with the two strategic competitors of China and Russia.In the Middle East and South Asia, Esper believes that there are too many U.S. troops, but they can only maintain the minimum stability, which is of little significance.

Third, Trump believes that the United States has dispatched military tasks in overseas in the past many years, and it should now be the time when the United States' allies in Europe have taken over.At the NATO summit held in London in early December, most NATO allies agreed to increase the defense budget to respond to the challenges of China and Russia.

However, although military experts basically agree with Trump's withdrawal plan in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, they are also worried that this withdrawal plan may be difficult to last.Because once most U.S. forces evacuate the Middle East, the vacuum of power left may allow Russia, Iran, and Syria.And once most U.S. military evacuated in Africa, terrorist organizations such as Islamic State, Gada, and Boko may be endless, and the spring breeze blows again.Half of the US military withdrew Afghanistan, the Tarban regime may take the opportunity to connect with other terrorist organizations.

The strategic idea of the United States is to draw troops from other regions to concentrate on dealing with China and Russia.The flames were too late to save the US military.

(The author is a lecture professor at the Department of Political Science of China Cultural University)