Source: Hong Kong 01

Writing: Mao Yongqi

In recent years, the Benefit Corporation has appeared in the United States in recent years, which means that the company is conjlerable). The trend has begun to spread. Except for Europe, Mainland China and Hong Kong, some companies have joined this ranks.In the global capitalist society, the problem of disparity between the rich and the poor and the malaxic gap gradually ferment. The operation of shareholders' supremacy is no longer a king, and the American politics and business circles have blessed the capitalist of the owner.However, will this priority approach is just the empty talk of the Western world, and cannot reverse the evil of capitalism?

The nature and business of enterprises B are endless, and the concepts behind they are no longer only the interests of shareholders, but instead of promoting the people of the society.Jay Coen Gilbert, one of the founders of the B Labs (B LAB) behind the company B, once wrote: We are transforming from the outdated twentieth -century capitalist model MDASH; Shareholder Capitalism (Shareholder Capitalism) into a vibrant twenty twentyThe first century model MDash; Stakeholder Capitalism.

Financial Tsunami Yu Bo? Impressing the CEO of the United States

On August 19 this year, CEOs, which are more than 200 well -known companies dominated by the United States, issued a statement at the Business Roundtable (BRT for short) to redefine the mission of the enterprise MDASH;Decisions must also be considered in the interests of each holder.The president of Morgan Chase, Apple, Amazon, General Motors, Bank of America, Boeing and other companies signed the statement.

The United States has been regarded as a set of theories as a market as a market as a market for the market as a market.(Maximizing Shareholders Values).However, American capitalism has obviously ushered in a turning point. After the financial tsunami in 2008, although the US economy has gradually recovered, time bombs such as disparity between the rich and poor, environmental pollution and climate warming have never been demolished.People are increasingly increasing their dissatisfaction with the gap between compensation and poor working conditions. Demonstration anger has seen the streets of many large cities around the world, and large American companies have to respond.

From the relevant analysis articles published by Harvard University School of Law, Mark ROE, in early November to the capitalist declaration made by the president of the round table meeting, there are two reasons behind it.The first is the pressure from Activist Shareholders, and the second reason is caused by the political situation.

In the current nomination battle of the presidential candidate in the Democratic Party, the two candidates for the two polls are the left -wing Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.EssenceThe political direction forces the president of the enterprise to Fan Zhi, and the society has also risen the thinking of anti -enterprise in recent years. Although Trump's populist policy has not been burned on the heads of a large number of large enterprises, if the presidents first promise the change in the form of public form, it has not tasted it.Not smart.

Responsible Capitalism Law? Still capitalism?

As early as last year, Vallen proposed the responsible capitalist law in Congress as a senator.All employees vote for voting; stipulate that the shares of the company purchased by the directors or management shall not be sold within five years, or the company's repurchase shares shall not be sold within three years;%Of directors' approval.

Wallen, who is competing for the Democratic Presidential candidate, is currently undergoing pressure on large enterprises, and asked the president to respond to the interests of the owner.Joshua Bolten, president of the round table meeting, went to believe in Volaron a month ago, expressed support for raising the national minimum wage standard, and pointed out that members of the round table conference agreed to actively increase infrastructure investment, strengthen vocational training, and urge Congress to pass federal privacy laws.However, Bolton stated in the letter that the responsible capitalist law proposed by the other party believes that the government's regulatory corporate decision -making will weaken the competitiveness of enterprises in the market.

Jeffrey Miron, a professor of economics at Harvard University, pointed out that the bill proposed by Warren is not conducive to productivity capitalism; and this top -down approach will only derive skirt capitalism, and only some honest and law -abiding companies will obeyThese laws will eventually only allow enterprises to migrate to other countries with relatively loose regulations, and workers have changed from low salary to unemployment.

MIRON believes that if enterprises do not meet consumer expectations in terms of social responsibility and transparency, consumers can naturally cup their products, services, and even stocks.In fact, most companies and boards are no longer just considering the interests of shareholders when making decisions. The approach to intervention in enterprises is to do this, and it is not suitable for American companies.

However, the so -called corporate mission has been modified. The interests of shareholders are no longer the only purpose. Whether such a promise can reverse the unfair situation caused by capitalism for a long time is quite doubtful.

Democrats in the Democratic Party? Left and right capitalism

Timothy NAFTALI, an associate professor at the Department of History of New York, described that the central discussion of the preliminary selection of this year's president is the future of American capitalism.Wallen and Sanders's two polls leading Democratic Party liberal candidates are coming towards capitalism. The two are asking how much taxes to the rich, how much federal benefits, whether they are promoted by national health insurance, and enterprises and enterprises and enterprises and enterprises and enterprises and enterprises and enterprises and enterprises and enterprisesOn issues such as labor policy, there are differences in attitudes, but they are all standing on the same end of the spectrum.The faction is obviously different, forming the poles.

American economist Dean Baker believes that Warren and Sanders will turn the Democratic Party into a social party of Social-Democratic, which has changed its essence.Therefore, this primary election must be the most cruel competition in the modern history of the Democratic Party.

Sanders and Warren proposed that the federal expenditure will be greatly expanded in the next ten years, and the number is far from other candidates.Wallen is higher.On the other hand, Vollen, which has a clear attitude of anti -Silicon Valley, advocates spinning the four giants of Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon, so that the technology industry can re -compete and motivate to continue to innovate;Demolition of capital oligarchs, and set up public Internet service providers to open broadband networks.The trend of the two in primary elections became stronger, showing more about Americans' questioning attitude towards capitalism.

The capitalist democratic system that Americans have been believed for many years have always been considered to be flawed, but they are still the best system in front of them.Over the past few years, Western politics and economists have warned that the capitalism manipulated is destroying democracy.At present, one thousandths on the top of the US wealth ladder determine the policy, and the democracy in the United States no longer meets the people, the people, and the people in the mouth of President Lincoln.

Trump's slogan that made the United States great again, when the trade war was set off around the world, looking back at the United States, the problems of social sparse, the disparity between the rich and the poor, and other issues seemed to have not solved it.The Democratic Party suddenly emerged from the public ownership of public ownership, and became the core issue of economic policy within the party.Whether the Democratic Party eventually runs out, whether the person can successfully challenge Trump and will have a decisive impact on the direction of American capitalism.