01 Viewpoint

North Korea earlier asked the United States to make concessions before the end of 2019, otherwise they would choose a new way of confrontation and give Trump a Christmas gift.The North Korean Society also pointed out on Sunday (December 22) that the Central Military Commission of the North Korean Workers' Party focused on strengthening self -defense and national defense forces.At the same time, John Bolton, a former US President Trump National Security Advisor, bombarded Trump on the issue of abandonment of North Korea and did not practice. He did not take practical actions forced Kim Jong -un to yield.When the route of contact with the United States and North Korea failed to work in the short term, people would inevitably avoid worrying about whether Trump will return to the extreme pressure to pressure the old road and burial the opportunity of peace to solve the North Korean problem.

Bolton's famous eagle representative in the American politics has been tough on the issue of North Korea.At the beginning of the stage, Trump also burst into saliva with Kim Jong -un. Both sides threatened each other with each other's deadly mouth, and competitors have reassed their respective nuclear weapons.At that time, the Korean Peninsula's relations were extremely tight and repeatedly trapped the edge of the war.This extreme pressure applied strategy is exactly the same as Bolton's eagle.After the incident, the incident was reversed in 180 degrees. Trump and Kim Jianxin met in Singapore, promoting the ice -breaking of US -DPRK relations, becoming an international story.However, since then, North Korea has been stagnating.Although the two met again at Banmen Store and Hanoi, Vietnam, the negotiations ended with breaking the situation. The two sides went away. Kim Jong -un will rebuild nuclear facilities and re -test the missiles.

Bolton, who was squeezed out of the negotiating team in the US -DPRK talks, was unwilling.He criticized the United States that he did not continue to put pressure on the negotiations, but just said he couldn't practice.However, Bolton's extreme pressure application strategy is precisely the main reason for the rupture of the US -DPRK negotiations.The Libyan model advocated by Bolton asked Kim Jong -un to abandon the nuclear in order to exchange for economic assistance in the West. It was considered unacceptable by Pyongyang.In fact, at the intimidation of Gaddafi in the United States, he took the initiative to hand over nuclear weapons to obtain Western aid, but he did not get the expected amount. He only took a short time to the United Nations Security Council.However, when the Spring of Arabia swept the Middle East and the Revolution of Libya broke out, Western countries fell to support the rebels.In the end, Gaddafi was arrested by the rebels and died of a fate after being beaten.The ending of Gaddafi made Kim Jong -un full of vigilance. In addition, the North Korean nuclear Wu Bilibia was much more mature. It was calculated that nearly 60 nuclear bombs could be built. To negotiate with North Korea in Libya, it seemed too much to despise Kim Jong -un.

Extremely pressureing farce

Looking at the United States to deal with opponents and opposition forces around the world by extreme pressure strategy, it seems that it does not work much.Trump has adopted a tough sanctions on Venezuela's Maduro regime, threatened by troops, and also supported the President of the State's opposition Juan Guaidoacute to try to create a regime change.Although the economic collapse under sanctions has caused the wave of refugees, the Maduro regime still stands still.Bolton also advocated toughness to Iran. Under its leadership, the United States withdrew from the Iranian nuclear agreement and reorganized sanctions.However, the unilateralist action of the United States not only did not give in Tehran, but also could not be supported by Western allies.Germany and other countries have continued to trade with Iran. Although Iran has demonstrated its influence in war such as Syria and Yemen because of its economic crisis.On the contrary, the White House was different from the Iranian issue, especially in the air strike Iran and mobilizing the army. In the end, Trump and Bolton were parted and separated.

Whether it is North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, or even China, the United States, under Trump to popularize Bolton's extreme pressure, try to intimidate and succumb to the opponent with its indispensable military and strong economic forces.With the expected effect, it is a farce of thunder and little rain.After three years, the Nuclear threat of North Korea is still there. The Maduro regime is still not falling. The influence of Iran in the Middle East has not reduced damage.Foreign transcripts are not good.

Kim Jong -un has previously criticized the Trump administration to solve the problem through dialogue, but the hostile emotions of the DPRK are increasing. It only knows that the limit is pressured. It is limited to the end of 2019.Agreement.From the perspective of the outside world, the United States has not seen the deadlock. The State Council has not contributed to contact with North Korea when Stephen Biegun visited South Korea and Japan in mid -December.Can start.The latter is more or less reflected that the White House has not yet stepped out of the shadow of the Bolton Hawk route, and even thought that the extreme pressure applied strategy can work.However, whether Trownp or his team should know whether the United States pursues unilateralism, the bullies have passed.To reach the long -term peace and stability of the world, it is necessary to build a principled principle based on peering and respecting each other.In the past three years, I have encountered a wall in diplomacy. Maybe I will receive a Christmas gift from North Korea. Will I learn well in the coming year?