(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao warned that if the United States passed the bill, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office was closed in the US Economic and Trade Office.

U.S. House of Representatives passed the Certification Act of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office last week. If the Senate also voted and passed and submitted to the presidential signing of it, the three economic and trade offices in Hong Kong in the United States may be forced to close.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Bloomberg reported that the Li family expressed severe condemnation on Tuesday (September 17), stating that the United States slandered Hong Kong's national security laws, discredited Hong Kong's human rights situation, and was shameless and ugly.

He said that if the United States is lonely, China will implement a tough return measures, and believes that it is the American business community that believes the victim.

Li Jiachao said that these political means in the United States are for the development of Hong Kong and China, and say that the United States has the most severe and widest to scope of the National Security Regulations, and is targeted at competitors.

He quoted the data that the United States has obtained huge profits through trade with Hong Kong in the past.Many foreign companies have set up offices in Hong Kong, including more than 1,200 American companies, and American politicians are their own political interests and affect normal trade relations between Hong Kong and the United States.

Chinese officials stated earlier and urged the United States to stop promoting the above bills, otherwise "China will take effective measures to resolutely countermeasures."China does not explain the measures that may be taken.

Earlier, the US government decided in 2020 Close China驻休斯敦领事馆后,中国采取反System measures requires the United States to close the Consulate General in Chengdu.Bloomberg believes that the United States does not directly correspond to institutions that directly correspond to the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, which will make Beijing a relatively complicated situation if Beijing wants to implement any tit -for -tat movement.