A high -level adjustment has appeared in the Central State Security Office of the Central Committee, and two vice deputy heads were added.Among them, the new vice director Lin Jiandong made a public appearance on Monday (September 16).According to the Hong Kong media quoted community leaders, Chen Feng, the Minister of Police Liaison Department of the China United Nations Office, is also promoted to the Deputy Director of the National Security Office.

Comprehensive website and Sing Tao Daily reported that the Central Government's Liaison Office in Hong Kong and Sing Tao Daily reported that the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China on Monday was held on Monday.Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao attended and delivered a speech.Zheng Yanxiong, director of the China United Office, Lin Jiandong, deputy director of the National Security Agency in Hong Kong, and Fang Jianming, deputy special officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong.This is the first time that Lin Jiandong appeared as the deputy director of the National Security Office.

There is no public information about Lin Jiandong's personal information.

In addition, at least two community leaders revealed that Chen Feng, the Minister of Police Liaison Department of the China United Nations Office, was promoted to the Deputy Director of the National Security Office and became a cadre cadre.

Chen Feng, 56, is a native of Lianjiang, Fujian. He graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the University of Chinese Police University. He studied at Kill University in the United Kingdom to study the Master of Crime.He used to be the director of the Intelligence Center of the Fujian Provincial Public Security Department and the director of the police security department, the deputy mayor of Putian City, Fujian, and the director of the municipal public security. He was transferred to Hong Kong to work at the end of 2020.

The Hong Kong National Security Law was promulgated in 2020, and the central government established the State Security Office in Hong Kong.The current director is Dong Jingwei, the former deputy minister of the Ministry of Security, and the deputy director is Li Jiangzhou and Sun Qingye.