(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Xia Haijun, former vice chairman and chief executives of China Real Estate Enterprises Evergrande Group, who is deeply trapped in debt mud, recently sold a Hong Kong mansion recently. The price is almost "cut" compared to the buying price.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and Daily Economic News reported that Xia Haijun recently sold one Hong Kong luxury mansion for 82 million Hong Kong dollars ($ 14.21 million), which includes three parking spaces.This house is located in Tianhou Baishan, Hong Kong Island. Xia Haijun purchased from the New World Group in 2019 for about five years.

When Xia Haijun purchased this property, the total price of three parking spaces was about 160 million Hong Kong dollars. The current price depreciated by 47%compared to the purchase price, and the loss was serious.

Before that, Xu Jiayin, the founder of Evergrande, and a luxury mansion held by the Tu Libli Line of Taiping Mountain. After more than one year of sale, it was reported that some buyers were inherited in May to undertake about 470 million Hong Kong dollars.According to news, this price fell by 50 % compared to HK $ 880 million.

Xia Haijun joined Evergrande in 2007 and was the "left and right hands" of Xu Jiayin.In 2017, Forbes released the CEO list of China -owned China -owned shares listed in Hong Kong. Xia Haijun topped the list for 270 million yuan (S $ 50.36 million).

Xia Haijun's current whereabouts are not known to the outside world. Previously, he was reported that he had to deal with Evergrande's overseas debt reorganization and did not return to mainland China.But last year, it also said that he was regulated by relevant departments after returning to the mainland in 2022.

In May this year, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued an announcement saying that it was notified to Xia Haijun in advance, but because he could not get in touch with him, he informed him about the disciplinary punishment in the form of an announcement.

According to the penalty decision of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Xia Haijun organized a fine of RMB 15 million during his time as the vice chairman and president of Evergrande's board of directors and was organized.