The former financial affairs and treasury director Ma Shiheng described the Hong Kong National Security Law as the Dinghai God Needle, which allows Hong Kong to be chaos and governance.Mistake understanding.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Radio and Sing Tao Daily reported that Ma Shiheng said on Thursday (June 13) in an interview with "Opportunities Hong Kong" that in recent yearsHong Kong has completely stabilized, and no large enterprises have withdrawn from Hong Kong.

Ma Shiheng said that many foreign media reports are inaccurate, which makes many overseas companies have a negative impression of Hong Kong. Therefore, he believes that the government and business community should add more publicity and do a good job of sales.

For the "Hong Kong Play" view put forward by economist Roch, Ma Shiheng said that if Hong Kong can maintain a stable financial market and independent judicial system, it will not "play".

Ma Shiheng said that Hong Kong has judicial independence and ordinary law systems, which can attract many companies to come to Hong Kong. There are also clean and efficient government, capital, and personnel that can flow freely.Hong Kong also has the Internet that has been freely circulating, many excellent and high -quality universities, and many plans to attract all kinds of talents.

He pointed out that Hong Kong has encountered many challenges, but every time Hong Kong has done well, so he is very confident in the long -term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong in the future.He believes that Hong Kong has challenges and opportunities to rely on the advantages of the motherland to play the characteristics of Hong Kong.

For the consumption of Hong Kong people north, Ma Shiheng said that this is the success of the integration of the "one -hour life circle" in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, but this does also affect local consumption in Hong Kong.He believes that all walks of life, including restaurants, need to transform and re -attract tourists and Hong Kong people to stay in Hong Kong for consumption, otherwise they will be eliminated.

Ma Shiheng said that the current business environment in Hong Kong is affected by the geopolitical situation, and the slowdown of the mainland's economic slowdown has also had a greater impact on Hong Kong, especially in terms of financial and tourism.He believes that Hong Kong must do a good job in the field of goodness and cannot be "flat" with other cities.