The Hong Kong Final Appeal Court has been a very judge overseas in the past week, and has announced his resignation or no longer renewed.One of the resigned judges Cen Yaoxin criticized that Hong Kong is slowly becoming a totalitarian place. Any area that has received strong attention from the government is seriously damaged by the rule of law.

The Chief Executive Li Jiachao responded on Tuesday (June 11), saying that he did not agree with Cen Yaoxin's view.He believes that judges can have personal political orientation, and they can like or do not like a certain political system or a certain law.

Li Jiachao pointed out that in 2021, Cen Yaoxin refused to participate in political resistance by the British government and against Hong Kong judicial institutions.At the time, Cen Yaoxin pointed out that democracy and the rule of law were two different things. They should not be confused, and Cen Yaoxin's recent remarks were contradictory with the statement at the time.

Li Jiachao criticized that the people who intend to destroy the rule of law in Hong Kong are British government officials, politicians, and anti -China anti -Hong Kong media.Before the interrogation, during the interrogation, and after the interrogation, they blatantly threatened to sanctify Hong Kong judges and publicized the rule of law. British officials and politicians tried to weapon Britain's judicial influence to target the Special Administrative Region of China and Hong Kong.

The Court of Hong Kong Final Appeal from Canada was a very judge Mai Jialin. He issued a statement on Monday (10th) stating that she is 80 years old and will retire after the expiration of office on July 29 this year. I hope there will be more time to accompany her familyEssence

Mai Jialin said in a statement that she was honored to have the opportunity to serve Hong Kong. She also continued to have confidence in Hong Kong judges, court independence, and the court's determination to safeguard the rule of law.

announced his resignation on Thursday (6th).The 83 -year -old Hao Lianzi stated at the time that resignation was because of the political conditions involved in Hong Kong, but he said that he had continued to have the most full confidence in the Hong Kong's finals and judges.

Cen Yaoxin published an article entitled "Hong Kong's rule of law in crisis" in the British Financial Times this Monday, saying that many Hong Kong judges have "forgot to be a traditional role as the people of freedom of the people", The ruling of the 47-member case of Hong Kong democratic faction is" unable to stand in the jurisprudence ".

He pointed out that Hong Kong judges must face three major issues, including the National Security Law and Inciting Clause to greatly restrict the judges, the Chinese National People ’s Demonstration can overthrow the Hong Kong court ruling at any time, and the official use of the National Security Law for peace and abnormalities.

Cen Yaoxin described that Hong Kong has gradually changed from the dynamic and political diversification to "totalitarian", and the rule of law has been severely harmed. In the past, he served as an overseas judge of the Hong Kong Court.Essence

At present, there are eight overseas judges in the Hong Kong Court. After McLarie retired, it will be further reduced to seven.

For Cen Yaoxin's writing, Zhang Junneng, the chief judge of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, issued a statement on Tuesday and responded, "It is one thing that does not agree with the court ruling, but it is another thing that the court refers to that the court weaken the basic rights."He pointed out" he pointed out that any statement of the judge's ruling or may be affected by politics or other foreign considerations is seriously accused.

Liu Zhaojia, consultant of the China Hong Kong and Macau Research Association, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that it was not surprising that the resignation of foreign judges in the Court of Final Appeal was not surprised, because the Western government and politicians have continuously targeted and discredited Hong Kong in recent years, including foreign judges in the Court of Final Appeal Court of Court Court.Applying tremendous pressure to force them to resign and slander the rule of law and political conditions in Hong Kong. It is estimated that the number of foreign judges in the court in the future will continue to decline.

Liu Zhaojia pointed out that the judges of the ordinary French world rarely made public remarks. Cen Yaoxin's high-profile voice was a bit strange this time.3894608 "Roth = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> In 2019, there is a history of the largest anti -government movement in Hong Kong in 2019. , if in the UK, there may be the same ruling."

Liu Zhaojia believes that this incident has limited influence on the international reputation of the rule of law in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong people will not feel anything about this, but they will have a new experience in the conspiracy of the West to curb China and Hong Kong.Hong Kong can take this opportunity to develop a general law system that reflects and "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong, and does not have to be constrained by the West everywhere.