(Washington / Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The United States plans to implement visa restrictions on the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has expressed strong dissatisfaction and condemnation on this, and emphasized that it is not afraid of any intimidation.

U.S. State Department spokesman Miller Miller issued a statement on the official website on Friday (May 31), stating that the United States' guilty ruling involved in violating the "Democratic 47 cases" involving the Hong Kong National Security Law was profoundly concerned.

Miller said that these defendants were prosecuted and imprisoned by political motivation because they participated in political activities protected by the Basic Law of Hong Kong.The U.S. State Department will therefore implement new visa restrictions on mainland China and Hong Kong officials responsible for the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

He said that Hong Kong officials should immediately release these people who have been detained in unfairness, rather than sentenced them to the heavy punishment of people's confidence in Hong Kong's judicial system.He urged the Chinese government and Hong Kong to officially maintain Hong Kong's judicial independence, stop using vague national security laws to target peaceful disagreements, and restore Hong Kong's vitality and competitiveness of Hong Kong as an international business center.

The Hong Kong Government spokesman passed the news bulletin on the same day to express strong dissatisfaction and condemnation of the above decision in the United States.

A spokesman said that the U.S. government proposed to apply for visa restrictions on all of the humble political operations. The Hong Kong government scratched any scolding intervention measures, without fear of any intimidation, and unswervingly fulfilling the responsibility of maintaining national security.

A spokesman pointed out that the court clearly stated in the above -mentioned decision on Thursday (30th) that the behavior of the case was clearly stated, destroying, destroying or overturning the current Hong Kong political system and structure established by the Basic Law and the "one country, two systems".These criminal behaviors that endanger national security have nothing to do with democracy and human rights.

A spokesman said that, under the protection of the Basic Law and the Hong Kong Human Rights Act, all the rights to facing criminal accusations have the right to conduct fair interrogation by judicial organs with independent trial rights.

The spokesman finally emphasized that the Hong Kong government strongly demanded that the US government immediately stopped interfere with Chinese internal affairs and Hong Kong affairs, and stopped maliciously discrediting the ruling on relevant cases.

A spokesman for the Special Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong on Friday also posted on the official website that any noise, scare, and sanctions on external forces will only let people with conscience only distinguish their "disaster Hong Kong" and "Hong Kong to curb China".Daingiving.

Hong Kong's "Democratic School 47 Case" ruling on Thursday, 14 Hong Kong Pan -Democratic signs were sentenced to "conspiracy to subvert the national power" crime.I have pleaded guilty earlier.