Zhang Bingliang, director of the former transportation and housing bureau and the public administrative consultant of the University of Education, believes that the national security and the uniqueness of Hong Kong are not necessarily conflict, which can be obtained.The Hong Kong government should not use it at will.

Zhang Bingliang said in an exclusive interview published on Monday (October 23) on Monday (October 23) that the content of the Hong Kong National Security Law is not too severe compared with similar laws in other countries or regions.It may involve prejudice, but the National Security Law should be mainly used to deal with unconventional events and cannot be used casually.

Zhang Bingliang believes that the difference is that in the implementation of the National Security Law, whether it is wrongly applied in the category of non -national security, leading to fear of some people.He pointed out that the national security law generally stipulates quite strict, and gives the official great power to deal with extreme problems, not to deal with daily problems such as public security.

Zhang Bingliang said for example, recently there have been some excessive or improper use of the concept of Guoan in the society. For example, the school library, even Lu Xun's books have also been recommended to remove, and some long -established graffiti are just becauseThe theme of using the yellow hat is accused of being removed, etc. "This is Guoan pushed to extremes."

He believes that these behaviors may not be from the official intention, but it will significantly affect the external image of Hong Kong, which is not good for the outside world to be diverse and tolerant."Diversity is the diversity of political opinions. As long as there is no violation of the basic law, there is room for debate."

Zhang Bingliang emphasized that the national security and the uniqueness of Hong Kong have no necessary conflicts to be available. "The most important thing is that don't have a sense of observation and feel that you live under the National Security Law every day. "He pointed out that in order to achieve a balance between the rights of the National Security and Basic Law, it is necessary to show that "although there is a national security law in Hong Kong, some basic principles in the constitutional system are not overwhelming, but they are still an open, free, and inclusive city."

Zhang Bingliang believes that each society has extreme voices, and the government cannot intervene in all. However, when some over -fire incidents occur, it should be expressed to stop these behaviors.

He emphasized that the government, as an institution with public power, must first do these over -fire behaviors. Secondly, they also have the responsibility to stop and stop these behaviors of the mainstream value and interests of the society.