Hong Kong's tourism industry has gradually recovered, but many passengers have not stayed in the hotel.In this regard, the Hong Kong tourism industry proposes to develop deep travel in the future to attract overnight passengers.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Radio Station and Hong Kong Commercial Daily reported that the Hong Kong Travel Development Agency announced that data showed that 34 million passengers visited Hong Kong last year, but many passengers belong to the "daily travel" and did not stay in the hotel.hostel.

Yao Bailiang, a member of the Legislative Council of the Tourism Circles, said on Monday (January 15) in the Millennium of the Radio of Hong Kong, 65 million passengers visiting Hong Kong in 2018, showing that there are still increased capacity of passengers.The problem of manpower, plus some hotels to repair, refurbish and update facilities after the epidemic, have failed to reach 100 %.

He suggested that Hong Kong should develop in -depth in the future and attract overnight travelers.

As for hotel house prices, he believes that compared with major cities in Singapore and Japan, hotel prices in Hong Kong are not particularXinyuan) has not exceeded the levels of 2018 and 2019.

Yao Baoliang said that nearly 80 % of tourists in mainland China, and Japanese and Korean tourists have slowly recovered, or are affected by factors such as poor local economy and geopolitics.