A survey shows that Hong Kong employees require a salary to increase at least 6%in order to abandon the mixed working model.

The survey results released on Monday (January 8), a Bloomberg think tank, showed that more than half of the respondents said that if employers ask them to return to the company for five days a week, they will ask for salary increases or they will ask for salary increases or they will increase or increase or increase or increase or increase their salary or increase or increase their salary or increase or increase or increase their salary or increase or increase or increase their salary or increase or increase or increase or increase or increase their salary or increase or increase their salary or increase or increase or increase or increase their salary.Transfer to work with flexible arrangements.350 people were investigated by Bloomberg think tank.

The survey showed that 27%of the respondents asked for salary increase, most of them demanded at least 6%of salary increase, and 24%of the respondents said that they would transfer to work with flexible arrangements.

The above think tank survey pointed out that the company may adopt a mixed working model to attract talents and reduce the office space will lead to a decline in rent.Bloomberg think tanks said that the rents in Hong Kong's office have been flat for the past three years.

The data released by the World State Wei Shi showed that the vacancy rate of Hong Kong's office at the end of last year reached 16.4%, a new high.

The strong demand of mainland Chinese companies a few years ago made the rents in Hong Kong office soared.Today, the demand for mainland companies has worsened the rental rate of the Hong Kong office.According to the data released by Shibang Wei Shishi, these companies only accounted for 11%of the new contract leased in the Hong Kong Office in 2023, less than 18%in 2021.