Founder Tang Xiaoou died of illness last week, and the stock price of China Science and Technology Enterprise Tang Technology Hong Kong Stock Prices opened on Monday (December 18).

According to Bloomberg, Shangtang Technology Hong Kong stock price fell 18%after opening the market on Monday, the largest decline since July 2022.According to Huigang Newsletter, the stock price of Shangtang Technology Hong Kong stocks opened by 14.2%.

Shangtang Technology issued a promise on the official WeChat public account last Saturday (16th) in the afternoon, informing Tang Xiaoou's death.

According to the advice, Shangtang Technology founder, artificial intelligence scientist, director of Pujiang Laboratory, director of Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and professor of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tang Xiaoou, was invalid due to illness. On the evening of December 15, 202311:45 separated.

Earlier news reported that Tang Xiaoou died due to jumping off the building. Insiders from Shang Tang Technology responded that it was not true information, please do not pass the rumors.

Shangtang Technology, which was supported by Alibaba Group earlier, was listed in Hong Kong in 2021, becoming the most noticeable listed stock that year.According to Shangtang Technology's 2022 financial report, Tang Xiaoou holds 21%of Shang Tang Technology.Bloomberg Billionaire Index shows that Tang Xiaoou's personal asset value is US $ 1.1 billion (about S $ 1.5 billion).

In the case of increasing competition, the growth of Shangtang Technology has slowed significantly.In 2019, the U.S. government has included Shangtang Technology in the control list in Xinjiang to violate human rights related allegations, limiting Shangtang Technology to obtain capital and key science and technology components in the United States.New control measures recently issued by the United States, such as the prohibition of the sale of advanced chips and chip manufacturing equipment to Chinese companies, worsening the outbound snow from Shangtang Technology.

The United States short -term Grizzlies study reported at the end of last month that Shangtang Technology passed through circular transactions and artificial exaggeration to revenue, which made Shangtang Technology's stock price decline in recent weeks.Shangtang Technology denied the statement.

Before the Hong Kong stock market opened on Monday, Shangtang Technology's stock price was HK $ 1.26 (below, about S $ 0.22), which was one -third lower than the listed stock price.At noon, Shangtang Technology's stock price declined slightly, reaching 11.9%, and the stock price was reported to HK $ 1.11.