The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has strongly condemned the actions of the state and organizations unreasonably attacking the Hong Kong State Security Department to hang red and fled overseas Hong Kong people.

The Hong Kong Government issued a journalist on Friday (December 15), which strongly opposed and condemned the State and Organization of the National Security Division of the Police Department (the National Security Department) wanted to fugitives in accordance with the law and make irresponsibilityUnreasonable attack.

A spokesman for the Hong Kong Government said that endangering national security is a serious crime, and no state will stand by the behavior of harmful national security.Public information about fugitives, which was publicly wanted for serious crimes, and required the public to assist the public to arrest fugitives. It is a common practice of Hong Kong police and other law enforcement departments, and it is also in line with international practice.

The spokesman said: "Many countries, including the national security laws of the United Kingdom and the United States, also have extraterritorial effect.It is necessary and legal, and consistent with other countries and regions in the world. Some countries still insist on ignoring their maintenance of national security laws and have exterior effects. They want to make unreasonable criticisms of the exterior effects of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the law enforcement actions made by the police in accordance with the law again and again.And wantonly discrediting, it is obviously a typical operation with dual standards. "

The spokesman emphasized that the wanted person to continue to engage in behaviors and activities that endanger national security after they fled to the country.The Hong Kong Government is never tolerate for these criminal acts. It will definitely investigate to the end and take all feasible methods to arrest people who have escaped overseas to harm national security.Any country or organization should not cover criminals, or try to escape these people with different excuses.

A spokesman added that no fugitive should be delusional to escape from Hong Kong to escape the criminal responsibility.Unless the fugitives surrender, they will be hunt for life.The Hong Kong Government will continue to adhere to the principle of "the law must be dependent on, and the law must be investigated."

The U.S. Secretary of State Brinkee issued a document on Friday (15th) local time, criticizing the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to hang red and wanted to escape from overseas Hong Kong people to ignore human rights.