(Hong Kong News) A polls from the Chinese University of Hong Kong show that nearly 308 % of Hong Kong citizens intend to move to overseas and 20 % of citizens have plans to move to mainland China.

The Asia -Pacific Institute of the Chinese University of Hong Kong issued a press release on the website on Thursday (December 14) to announce the above polls.

According to the polls, about 37.7%of the citizens interviewed stated that they intend to move to the outside world, which is 9.3%higher than the last round of surveys (28.4%) conducted in September last year.58%of the respondents did not intend to move overseas in this round of survey, and 4.3%answered "I don't know / It's hard to say / I didn't think about it."

Except 28.3%means that the destination that the most interviewees mentioned by the respondent are Britain (14.2%), followed by Australia (12.2%), Canada (11.0%), and Taiwan (10.6%)) List third and fourth.

The survey also asked the willingness to move to mainland China in mainland China. 20.3%of the citizens expressed their plans, which was 9%more than the last round of surveys (11.3%) last September last year.This round of investigations did not intend to move to the mainland account for 73.3%, and 6.4%said "I don't know / it's hard to say / I didn't think about it."

This public opinion survey was conducted from September 28th to November 9th, and visited 708 Hong Kong citizens over the age of 708 through home fixed network telephones and mobile phones.