Hong Kong Special Administrative Region officials emphasized that even if civil servants stated that they made remarks in private, they did not hold a "absolute license", and they could say anything.

Yang He Beiyin, director of the Hong Kong Civil Service Bureau, said on Thursday (November 14) on a radio program in Hong Kong that the speech that the civil servants want to make involve the principle of impacting the codes of civil servants.It will strongly recommend that relevant colleagues should not say, because this will have serious consequences, and emphasize that the higher the level of job level, the more vigilance.

According to the Hong Kong Ming Daily, the Hong Kong Government announced on Wednesday (13th) that the Civil Servant Code Consultation Draft was updated to retain the words "political neutrality", but the addition of "the premise of loyalty to the country and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" was added to a new additional increase.The content mentioned that in the past, some people had interpreted the meaning of "political neutrality", and civil servants had to identify and vigilant this.

He Beiyin also said on Wednesday that in 2019, a civil servant believed that "political neutrality" is equivalent to the meaning of "political neutrality" without supporting the government.