Hong Kong Economic Daily cited sources on Thursday (December 14) that the Chief Executive CEO of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was announced as soon as this week.

According to reports, the board of directors of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange has proposed to the Champions League to renew the contract plan, proposing a one -year contract to the beginning of 2025.If he does not agree with the relevant arrangements, he will consider internal promotion methods and take over the senior management of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The two co -operating directors of the group Chen Yiting and Yao Jiaren are regarded as a popular candidate.

The outside world is paying attention to whether the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will leave the same year.Sources said that even though the board of directors hoped to make a decision earlier this week to prevent the potential challenges caused by the uncertainty in the future, the final arrangement and announcement date may still be corrected due to the latest negotiation.

A spokesman for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange refused to respond to market speculation when they were questioned.

Bloomberg reported on Monday (11th) that sources reported that the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was considering extending the contract promoted by the Chief Executive's Champions League to May 2025 to avoid changing chairman and Chief Executive CEO in the same year.

According to reports, the contract period of the executive president of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is usually three years.moon.

However, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange still needs to seek the approval of the Hong Kong government and the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission on the appointment of the president of the administrative president, and finally decide to have variables.The Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Government, and the Securities Regulatory Commission will not comment when they are questioned.

After the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's anniversary of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the chairman Shi Melun's six -year term will be out of office.If the Champions League of the Chief Executive is not renewed, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will be listed for the first time for more than 20 years. The two key figures of the chairman and the Chief Executive Officer will be replaced at the same time.

If the Champions League is not renewed, before completing the global recruitment procedure to find the president of the administrative president, the Hong Kong Fair may be the position of the existing high -level agent president.

The 55 -year -old Champions League was promoted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange from JP Morgan Datong's private bank in May 2021, becoming the first non -Chinese chief executive officer of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.The Champions League was promoted to take over the Chief Executive, at the time of the performance of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The Champions League is promoted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and in the face of the long -term maintenance of the related restrictions on the epidemic of mainland China and the Hong Kong epidemic situation, the global interest environment reversal, the performance of Hong Kong's traditional strong stock fundraising has dropped sharply.The situation where the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's stock price fell 45%during the period, all caused Hong Kong's financial community to question whether he could be renewed.