General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, President of the Chinese Central CommitteeDuring the inspection of Guangxi, Chairman Xi Jinping emphasized that Guangxi must continue to expand internal and external openness, enhance internal and external linkages, and build a more vibrant open economic system, and build Guangxi into an important strategic hinterland in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping ended on Wednesday (December 13) after the state visit to Vietnam returned to China, Thursday to Friday (December 14th to 15th), he went to Nanning, guests and other places in Guangxi, guests and other places.In -depth opening of projects, communities, rural areas, enterprises, etc. to conduct research.

This is the third time that Xi Jinping has visited Guangxi since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the first two inspections were in 2017 and 2021, respectively.This is also the first domestic survey of Xi Jinping after the Central Economic Work Conference.

Xi Jinping inspected China-ASEAN Information Port Co., Ltd. in Nanning on the morning of the 14th.Xi Jinping has learned in detail the construction and operation of China-ASEAN Information Port and China-ASEAN economic and trade cooperation. It combines the report of the construction of the backbone project of the Western Luhai New Channel of the Western Land and Sea.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the construction of China-ASEAN Information Port is an important measure to promote the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and strengthen the connection between China and ASEAN countries.Guangxi should take the initiative to play a fulcrum, strengthen the construction and application of informatization, and continue to inject new impetus in order to promote high levels of opening up and promote cooperation with ASEAN.

After that, Xi Jinping went to the Lianglong Community Service Center of Liangqing District, Nanning City to listen to the introduction of the staff on the on -site staff on the development of theme education, promoting the public -benefit enterprises, and hosting national activities.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the community is the basic unit of grassroots autonomy and the grass -roots foundation of the national governance system.Through the platform of the community, it is a significant advantage of the grassroots governance of the masses and public affairs such as "one old and one child" and actively responding to the concerns of the masses. It is necessary to play this advantage.

Xi Jinping visited the investigation and investigation on the afternoon of the 14th. In the National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, Huang'an high -quality "double high" sugar cane base, inspect the harvesting scene of 10,000 acres of sugarcane forests and mechanized operations, listen to the situation of the base situationEssence

Xi Jinping pointed out that Guangxi is the main product of China's sucrose. It is necessary to strengthen this characteristic and advantageous industry and play a greater role in ensuring the safety of the national sugar industry and the promotion of the increasing increasing income of sugarcane farmers.It is necessary to actively cultivate and promote good varieties, improve the level of mechanized operations, and build a modern agricultural industrial park.It is necessary to explore the establishment of a more stable interest connection mechanism, so that the majority of farmers will share the results of rural reform and development.

Subsequently, Xi Jinping arrived at Bin Dongtong Phoenix Co., Ltd. for inspection.He entered the production workshop to see the sugar process and operation process, and learned about the types and market share and development trend of sugar industry products in the company's exhibition hall.Xi Jinping emphasized that China's sugar industry is facing fierce international competition. In accordance with the requirements of high -end, intelligent, and green, it should increase scientific and technological innovation, extend the industrial chain, increase added value, continuously improve quality, reduce costs, and increase efficiency, promote high high efficiency, promote high high efficiency, promote high high efficiency, promote high high efficiency, promote high high efficiency, promote high high efficiency, promote high high efficiency, and promote high high efficiency, promote high high efficiency, and promote high high efficiency.Quality development.

Xi Jinping heard a report on the work of the party committee and government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on the morning of the 15th, and affirmed the achievements of various work in Guangxi.

Xi Jinping pointed out that promoting the high -quality development of Guangxi must do a good job of strong industries and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.Based on the resource endowment and industrial foundation, focus on the advantageous industries, focus on advantageous resources, and create a number of pillar industries that reflect the characteristics and advantages of Guangxi's characteristics and advantages, with a large scale and strong driving force.

He emphasized that it is necessary to put scientific and technological innovation in a more prominent position, deepen the comprehensive reform of educational science and technology talents, strengthen the integration of science and education innovation and industrial innovation, strengthen key core technology research, increase technological transformation and product upgrade effortsEssenceMake full use of the advantages of the coastal along the river to vigorously develop the marine economy and the Hong Kong industry.Accelerate the optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure, promote the green transformation of the industrial system, and develop and strengthen the forestry industry, cultural tourism industry, pension industry, and large health industries, and continue to transform ecological advantages into development advantages.

Xi Jinping also emphasized that Guangxi will continue to expand and open to the outside world.It is necessary to enhance internal and external linkages and build a more dynamic open economic system.Actively serve the country's major strategy, connect the new industrial layout of the developed areas of the coast, and orderly undertake the transfer of industrial gradients, accelerate the development and opening up of the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and the Pearl River-Xijiang Economic Belt, and build Guangxi into an important strategic hinterland in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

He said that it is necessary to build a new way in the western land and sea, implement a number of major transportation infrastructure projects, build the Pinglu Canal with high standards and high -quality construction, build Beibu Bay International Port, and improve the multi -type transportation of the river and iron.Ability and automation level.Actively serve the construction of a community of destiny in China-ASEAN, deepen the expansion of cooperation with ASEAN countries in the fields of business, labor, industry, science and technology, education and other fields, build a convenient place for domestic and international markets, and deeply integrate into the "Belt and Road".